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The Great Gun Control Debate

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Exactly, excellent facts. Not to mention that a legally owned prohib was NEVER used in any murder in Canada. Does this not tell people something?

Listening to the radio on my way up from the shooting range last night, a bunch of callers called in and complained that we need a handgun ban etc... Boiled my blood! Prehaps I should call in!
and FWIW - the only legal Machine gun used for a murder in the US was used by a deranged policeman to murder his estranged wife...
seems the dept had taken away his work guns and he went home.  Circa 1979 - I can dig out the case if people really want.

Call it want you want, I still beleive peoples fear of legal firearms is social engineering - coming out of the Trudeau era...

I find it funny how the politicans never bring up getting rid of gangs instead of banning legal hand gun which are only legal if your a collector or belong to a shooting club I'm sure the gangs and criminals register their guns ::)
Theskoalbandit said:
I find it funny how the politicans never bring up getting rid of gangs instead of banning legal hand gun which are only legal if your a collector or belong to a shooting club I'm sure the gangs and criminals register their guns ::)

Well in Toronto that would require them to identify that most of the shootings and gangs involved come from a particular ethnic group, which might be inferred as racist, far better to go after a group of "angry white men"  ::)

Plus cracking down on gangs might cause a shortage and price increase in recreational drugs used mainly by Liberal supporter, which might cause another backlash against them, plus if the Liberals voters didn't get their drugs, reality might become far to clear..... :o
Here is a good story for gun possesion:

Police: Man, 93, shoots robber after being beaten unconscious   

EL DORADO, Ark. (AP) - An elderly man beaten unconscious by an assailant wielding a soda can awoke and shot the man during an attempted robbery, police said.

Willie Lee Hill, 93, told police he saw the robber while in his bedroom Wednesday night. Hill confronted the man and was struck at least 50 times, police said. He was knocked unconscious.

Covered in blood, Hill regained consciousness a short time later and pulled a .38-caliber handgun on his attacker. The suspect, Douglas B. Williams Jr., saw the gun and charged the man, who fired a bullet that struck Williams in the throat, police said.

When police arrived, officers said Williams told them, "I can't feel my legs and I got what I deserved."

Paramedics took Hill and Williams to the Medical Center of South Arkansas for treatment. Doctors sent Williams to the Louisiana State University Medical Center at Shreveport, where he was listed in critical condition Friday.

Police said Williams, 24, suffered at least temporary paralysis from the gunshot wound. Officers said Friday he would remain at the hospital indefinitely.

Hill, recovering Friday at the El Dorado hospital, said he would stay there through at least the early part of next week. After that, he said, he would spend some time in a nursing home to recuperate. Bruises covered his body, with four large gashes across his head.

"You can't imagine what an experience it is with somebody on top of you trying to kill you," Hill told The El Dorado News-Times. "I never had that happen to me."

Hill said he keeps his handgun "always loaded" near his bed. He carried the weapon outside to his porch as he waited for police, unsure if Williams would remain down.

Williams' first punch "hit me with all his might in the left side of my face," Hill said. "My teeth don't fit right now."

Officers reported finding a set of keys, two hearing aids, a CD player, an MP3 player, a Craftsman drill bit set and three pocket knives inside Williams' pockets. Police plan to charge him with residential burglary, second-degree battery, theft of property and theft by receiving.

While relaxing at the cottage I was watching TV and a MADD comercial came up -- 4 Cdn's are killed a day by drunk driving...

Now I wait breathless for the Moron Mayor of Toronto to be leading the charge to close down Bar's, LCBO's, Beer Stores and Auto Dealerships -- after all its for the children  ::)
the old guy was beaten with the robbers bare hands? well now how the heck do you ban or register fists? I'll go ask a liberal I"m sure they have commities researching it.  Here is all the proof you need to legalize guns


if this dosen't change pro gun control peoples minds, then I'll buy them all diner*

*diner consists of water from your tap.
You will likely have to buy them dinner, because logic means very little to the gun grabbers. On the other hand at least they won't get any fatter on tap water.


Information on another lieberal scam.


Gun ban group -- Grassroots organization or Liberal Party sock puppet?

Story Leader
No-Gun-No-Funeral is a group dedicated to having handguns banned outright in Canada. The group will apply pressure to the federal government.

It implies that it is a grassroots organization.

If so, why is it that the only information I can find out about this group points to the Liberal Party, both the federal and Ontario wings of the party. Very interesting is the fact that the phone number for the site goes to the riding association for Michael Bryant, Attorney General of Ontario, who has promised to lobby for a handgun ban.

No Gun No Funeral is a new group with a website-slash-petition with a mission to eliminate guns:

Further info on link
gman620 said:
if this dosen't change pro gun control peoples minds, then I'll buy them all diner*

You cant change peoples minds unless they are open to new ideas.  A lot of the anti-gun comuniy are convinced its a bad thing and there's no way to convince them it isnt.  
GreyMatter said:
You cant change peoples minds unless they are open to new ideas.  A lot of the anti-gun comuniy are convinced its a bad thing and there's no way to convince them it isnt.  

they were taught to be this way, they just need to be re-taught. a lot of gun owners are working hard to change how people see firearms. It takes hard work and everyone ho owns a firearm or wants to needs to do theirpart. Write letters, take people shooting, join a gun club and a organization like NFA or CSSA if you can, a million drops in the bucket add up to a lot of water.
Dayum, this thread that just won't die.

2003-2007 and still going.

I'm thinking this site needs an "Energizer Bunny" award for this type of shit  :deadhorse:
Colin P said:
they were taught to be this way, they just need to be re-taught. a lot of gun owners are working hard to change how people see firearms. It takes hard work and everyone ho owns a firearm or wants to needs to do theirpart. Write letters, take people shooting, join a gun club and a organization like NFA or CSSA if you can, a million drops in the bucket add up to a lot of water.

- There are so many gun owners who have their heads up their arse about this.  Fact is, it's time they got political or bought golf clubs and got a new hobby.  Any gun owner who does not belong and support at least one shhoting club and at least one shooting organization (CSSA, NFA, whatever) is not pulling his weight. Funny thing about rights - use'em or lose'em.
TCBF said:
- There are so many gun owners who have their heads up their arse about this.  Fact is, it's time they got political or bought golf clubs and got a new hobby.  Any gun owner who does not belong and support at least one shhoting club and at least one shooting organization (CSSA, NFA, whatever) is not pulling his weight. Funny thing about rights - use'em or lose'em.

rw4th -- we wont let it die.  I refuse to bow to the ingorance and fearful.
I wish the only gun control debate would be about the modified Weaver versus the one hand point and shoot stance.  :)
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