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The Great Gun Control Debate

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(P.S.  I will note that there ARE RPG-7 training rounds out there that actually fire a 7.62x39mm round.  See here:  http://youtu.be/DjT-HawlF_g    and here:  http://thedonovan.com/archives/2009/06/instead_of_a_wh.html  )

So....technically, you CAN fire an RPG at a rifle range....but not a live HE rocket.



(And...as a followup...you see that the Firearms Act, as a blanket of legislation to deal with the Control of firearms is not an all encompassing solution.  To a point, that's because it's about the control, not about the firearms.)
Well here is a small victory for the pro gun side. 


Good to see some common sense.
Crantor said:
Well here is a small victory for the pro gun side. 


Good to see some common sense.
Not a Victory its a delay of 5 years till the gun Nazis knock on my door. the only way we will win is if the ability of the RCMP to make laws at a whim it stoped permanently.
my72jeep said:
Not a Victory its a delay of 5 years till the gun Nazis knock on my door. the only way we will win is if the ability of the RCMP to make laws at a whim it st oped permanently.

Where did it say 5 years?  Is that what the amnesty means?
"The RCMP did not make an announcement about the ban and has not answered calls or emails from CBC News."

Now that's accountability right there. :facepalm:
ballz said:
"The RCMP did not make an announcement about the ban and has not answered calls or emails from CBC News."

Now that's accountability right there. :facepalm:

The Mounties need to be reminded that they serve the people of Canada and not the other way round. Senior Mounties might need a good public reminder that they do not make laws and parliament will determine what they will and will not seize.
Crantor said:
Where did it say 5 years?  Is that what the amnesty means?

I couldn't play the video but the article seems to indicate that it is a temporary amnesty but that it would buy time to correct or fix the problem.  I can see how you wouldn't hold your breath. 
I had a talk with a local Lady Thursday, she can't understand why I'm upset. Her words " If it was illegal why did you buy it" To this I said "when I bought it 9 years ago it was Legal hell it was Legal last night when I went to bed"." Well then if its illegal you should not have it." :facepalm:
my72jeep said:
I had a talk with a local Lady Thursday, she can't understand why I'm upset. Her words " If it was illegal why did you buy it" To this I said "when I bought it 9 years ago it was Legal hell it was Legal last night when I went to bed"." Well then if its illegal you should not have it." :facepalm:

And that is the extent to which the average non gunner understands the issue.  Trudeau firmly and politely removed property rights from the mindset of the Yuppie generation.  We got rights to to switch out our genitalia though!  RCMP have played a masterful political game! As long as they make no official press releases that will bring media scrutiny on them,  they will win because the media is spinning the bad CPC thumbing their gun loving noses at the guardians of public safety.

You got to be impressed with their ability to effect a near bloodless coup without a peep from the Canadian Body Politic.  Gun owners are the head tax of the 21st century, like the Japanese Canadians and residential school students, a PM will one day stand before the house and make a token apology with an effort of $5K to our descendents. 
I heard a lot of people are bombarding the RCMP facebook anti-bullying page with comments about them bullying gun owners. Also pointing point the RCMP chief guy admitted to intimidating his daughters BF with a handgun that he left out to clean (or something to that effect).

It must suck for regular RCMP "grunts" who think this action and behavior by their chain of command is RTFO but can't publicly say anything about it.

If I were an RCMP constable, I'd be downright disgusted with this action by my organization.  The policeman is your friend, kids...
Kat Stevens said:
If I were an RCMP constable, I'd be downright disgusted with this action by my organization.  The policeman is your friend, kids...
My dad is a Retired SSgt he gets very upset at the mere mention of any thing RCMP these days.
devil39 said:
After watching this spiral into name calling, and against my better judgement, I am going to wade into this debate. 

Just once.  Call me names.

Firearms owners should be licensed in my opinion, because in the hands of the wrong person, firearms can be very devastating and dangerous. 

I believe that there are those among us who should not be allowed to own firearms.  Starting with convicted criminals.  This is the State's responsibility.

Many other things can be devastating in the wrong hands, but very few are as dangerous, repeatedly, and over distances, as firearms.  Yes knives kill and quite frankly scare me more at close range than do guns.  Fists and fingers and feet kill for those among us who are trained in their expert application.  So can ball point pens, comfy pillows and some of our pets. 

For the record, I am a gun owner and have been all of my adult life.  I have been shooting firearms since I was 6. 

Getting back to why this thread started, yes arbitrary re-classification annoys me greatly, much like many of you. 

Can we get this discourse back to a civil conversation, and stop the name calling, from some of you who, given your positions on this website, should be above that.

I generally stay out of this kind of thread - too many people on both sides of the "conversation" are fundamentalists / true believers......much like the political discussion threads on this site.

I concur with your assessment, including the fact that the name-calling is more than just a tad troubling.

Milpoints inbound
Sgt. Sheryl Armstrong of the Nanaimo RCMP gives us a great example of why it's not a good thing to talk  run your mouth outside of your 'lanes'.


This is an article about a bust with  $15'000 worth of bicycles, 2 semi-automatic rifles, some other stuff and an amount of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana. You would think the drugs would be the center piece of this story right?

Apparently that honour goes to Soviet Assault weapons ($169 at Canadian tire with a non-restricted licence).  She goes on to talk about the the scary AK47 massacres we've had in Canada (which is zero).  Forget about the drugs, the assault weapons are a piticular concern. "They fire one bullet after another." 

My favorite. "If some young child finds them and thinks they're a toy, and there's ammunition, look out".  ::)

A cache containing two assault weapons, drugs and $18,000 in reportedly stolen goods was uncovered by police in a shed during a routine investigation.

Nanaimo RCMP officers made the discovery in the 200-block of Pine Street earlier this week.

Two Soviet-era SKS Tula semi-automatic assault rifles, a scooter valued at $3,000, and an estimated $15,000 worth of bicycles were hidden in the shed, along with a quantity of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana.

Police would not say what led to the find.

But the discovery of two Russian assault weapons is of particular concern, given the potential danger they pose to public safety.

The weapons are capable of rapidly firing up to 10 bullets without reloading.

"If they fall into the wrong hands, now they've got a semi-automatic weapon," said Sgt. Sheryl Armstrong of the Nanaimo RCMP.

"Or if some young child finds them and thinks they're a toy, and there's ammunition, look out."

Guns capable of firing one bullet after another are often used in mass shootings.

"Any time you have something capable of firing more than one bullet (in rapid succession), it's concerning," Armstrong said.

"You think about the massacres we've had with AK-47s. "If you can fire off (multiple) shots just like that, it has the capability of harming more individuals than a single shot."

Christopher Durkin, 43, appeared in provincial court Thursday facing weapons, property crime and drug charges.

His next court date is set for April 1.


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" and there's ammunition".  You forgot, "and they know how to load, aim,.etc...

Whereas if the drugs falls into a kids hands it's all right.....I mean they'd have to know how to swallow. :facepalm:
Well they better check to see if the scooter was registered and liscenced.  THAT could be dangerous...
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