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The Gagetown Thread- Merged

If you're unimpressed with being posted to Gagetown, how are you going to feel when you're on a FOB in Central Asia for 2 of the next 5 years? It sounds like you've picked the wrong career.

Besides, the best Donair kebabs on the planet reside in Oromocto, and the bright lights of Paris pale in comparison to the dim glow from the bar at the Hilltop pub....  :P
Hey Tylersnap  You should be happy going to Gagetown.  Where else in the world can you go uphill and find a swamp? 
TylerSnap! said:
The reason I would like to stay in Ontario is for private reasons (yes a very important reason that I'm sure you all would agree with me on).

Does someone want to try to make an educated guess answer for that young fellow
, please ?
Does someone want to try to make an educated guess answer for that young fellow , please ?

Thank you!
TylerSnap! said:
Thank you!

Your welcome (beaming) !

It might not be 'ad hominem', but it seems a bit near to me ...

daftandbarmy said:
Thanks for using the term 'ad hominem'. One of the greatest faults of a debater: attacking the person vs. the position.

For those who'd like a reminder of what it means, here's a pretty good definition (and it's not like I've ever fallen into that trap you bunch of w*nkers!  ;D).

An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted, and the argumentum ad hominem works to change the subject.

I actually see a lot of that around here. ;)  Too bad it camoflauges all the expertise.
TylerSnap! said:
I actually see a lot of that around here.

I can't be trowing a rock on that one, I might be in a glass house, with some rainbow posts at newbie ...

Now back on track of the first post...
I don't know if you are on your 3's or not, but sometimes if you top your course your career manager might be more apt to send you where you want to go.  So aim high:) Good luck.
For I am a soldier
And unapt to weep
Or to exclaim upon fortune's fickleness

Henry VI
If you wind up in Gagetown it may be a couple of years or more before you get posted to Pet, as it would actually be a base to base posting and not a inter-unit posting.

Let the CoC know what you want to do and the reasons why and they may take it into consideration.

There may be a soldier that wants to stay in Gagetown that is posted to Pet and may not want to go and it could be an easy switch.

Hey Tylersnap  You should be happy going to Gagetown.  Where else in the world can you go uphill and find a swamp? 

Jerusalem Ridge, Gagetown! Oh what memories... ;D
Option for you as well is during Battle School (or whatever it is the CF calls it now days) when they asking posting preferences you make sure your first 2 are  the Bn's in Petawawa. Along with that you submit a memo to your course staff outlining the the reasons in which you require the posting to Petawawa.  If your reasons are valid they will make sure your reasons are explained to the RCR career manager who is the person in charge of your career and where you get posted.
BulletMagnet said:
.........  If your reasons are valid .......

These are the key words that must have a really honest truth to them.  "Puppy Love" is not a valid reason.  A child with "special needs" may be.
to add a Navy spin..with Coast selection after your QL-3

East or West Coast preference is usually decided by "Puppy Love" and a decision that is almost always regretted 6 months down the road!

I was lucky as I asked for East and got it! But it wouldn't really matter to me as I am an Army Brat and used to moving.

The only posting I will avoid is St Jean, I couldn't afford a 1200 pay cut (Sea Pay -PLD) plus a cranky anglo wife. I would go IR if I had to.

BulletMagnet- Option for you as well is during Battle School (or whatever it is the CF calls it now days) when they asking posting preferences you make sure your first 2 are  the Bn's in Petawawa. Along with that you submit a memo to your course staff outlining the the reasons in which you require the posting to Petawawa.  If your reasons are valid they will make sure your reasons are explained to the RCR career manager who is the person in charge of your career and where you get posted.

Now that's good news to hear.  I didn't know they asked which specific Battalion you preferred.