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The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter FreshPez
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Hi everyone,

Military has been around my whole life. I came from a military family back in my original country; and I was also part of the military down there, but the best part I never had any issue with depression or being a threat to anyone. 

I was diagnosed with a Mild Depression almost a year ago (related to my current job) and is now affecting my application to join the CF (my dream since a came to Canada, and cost me a lot to convince my wife to allow me to join the forces), and thanks to my current job (discrimination and racism issues due to my background - being the only one in my department with a Masters Degree, and being denied to go further into a better role, created a mild depression on me).

I was in Effexor for like 6 months, and out of anti-depressant since them.  Was a high dose 250 mg, but I do not have any other depression anymore.  My doctor gave me the clearance letter saying that was mild depression and my prognosis is good, and there is a low probability to re-incur into depression, then my question is:

I be able to join the CF as Navy Reserve as Logistic Officer? Hope yes, it is my life.

Answers are more than welcome guys.
but the best part I never had any issue with depression or being a threat to anyone. 

Your home country had its medical standards, we have ours. What your home country considered acceptable if of no consequence to the CF.

I being the only one in my department with a Masters Degree, and being denied to go further into a better role, created a mild depression on me).

You wont have any problems come PER season, i can see it now  ::)
I was diagnosed with a Mild Depression almost a year ago (related to my current job) and is now affecting my application to join the CF (my dream since a came to Canada, and cost me a lot to convince my wife to allow me to join the forces), and thanks to my current job (discrimination and racism issues due to my background - being the only one in my department with a Masters Degree, and being denied to go further into a better role, created a mild depression on me). 

This is an interesting statement - you should take a closer look at your situation and define what exactly is causing your depression.  Is it actually your environment that is causing it, or is it your own personal perception?

If you truly believe that discrimination and racism are being directed at you, you should be able to define specific incidents that demonstrate this.  This includes how people speak to you, what they say, what you say, and what written comments are made (either formally such as on evaluations or in daily relations with co-workers/managers).  This in turn can be used as evidence to prove that it is occurring.  If you cannot pinpoint such things, then you are dealing with only a perception that it is occurring.   

Regarding education, how does your Masters cause discrimination and racism?  Is your background, experience and/or ethnicity a barrier, or is it your attitude that prevents being allowed to advance? Is the resulting depression caused by the toxic work environment, or is it caused by your expectations of a higher education giving you a red carpet to upper levels of employment?

There are lots of experienced members here who can advise on how to deal such a situation, but you need to define proof of it occurring first so that it can be dealt with...

Edit - Looking back at what was said throughout the thread, I will also emphasize that my post is not equal to professional medical or legal advise, but these are the type of questions you would be asked on the human resource management side.  Consultation with medical and legal professionals can provide better advice and assistance, while my opinion is only based on HR experience and everyday common sense... 
Greymatters said:
This is an interesting statement - you should take a closer look at your situation and define what exactly is causing your depression.  Is it actually your environment that is causing it, or is it your own personal perception?

If you truly believe that discrimination and racism are being directed at you, you should be able to define specific incidents that demonstrate this.  This includes how people speak to you, what they say, what you say, and what written comments are made (either formally such as on evaluations or in daily relations with co-workers/managers).  This in turn can be used as evidence to prove that it is occurring.  If you cannot pinpoint such things, then you are dealing with only a perception that it is occurring.  

Regarding education, how does your Masters cause discrimination and racism?  Is your background, experience and/or ethnicity a barrier, or is it your attitude that prevents being allowed to advance? Is the resulting depression caused by the toxic work environment, or is it caused by your expectations of a higher education giving you a red carpet to upper levels of employment?


Thx for your feedback, and you're right with some of your statements, it is a toxic environment (almost 50% of the people is out of that place due to depression, stress, and anxiety), but there is also problems with "politics" and people who is not prepare to take decisions, are been given opportunities to go up within the organization (there is people with the same background - from the same country - who are helping each other to move up - Director, and former employees shared the same ethnicity).

I have e-mails, specific phrases been told to me - with the dates, comments from managers, as well comments made towards my background (like thick accent, and comments like 'Ah you came from the Cocaine Kingdom' from customer as well other employees, plus other comments like 'due to your communications skills, it is difficult for you to reach other positions', all of this is with the Human Rights Commissions, and they are investigating.  But such issues are creating a toll on me, and I was diagnosed with Mild Depression.  Now my MD told that I am free of it, and I am also quitting my workplace.

My point is, Due to those facts and the issue that I had one case of Mild Depression (and I have all the proof of my statement), could my application to join the CF be rejected? I am not more into any anti-depressants.

My point is, Due to those facts and the issue that I had one case of Mild Depression (and I have all the proof of my statement), could my application to join the CF be rejected? I am not more into any anti-depressants.

As has been stated time and time again, in this thread and other medical problem ones, we can't even give you a good guess on what you're asking. We're not the CFRC, Doctors or anything else that can answer your question. Follow the advice and go to the CFRC and ask them. They are the ONLY ones that can answer your question. We won't even speculate here anymore.

Milnet.ca Staff
This is so BS!!.... i went for my medical today and everything was perfect but i was given antidepressents like 2 years ago because i was stupid and in high skool and thought i had depression then realised 6 months in maybe i dont have it....so now i have to send a form into my doctor...which my doctor is five hours away and probably wont sign it saying anything cuz he would want me to come in.....oh goodie!
Sorry my friends,

I did not want to speculate, or anyone to start speculating about nothing.  I was just trying to get an answer (as Charlie previously) on the only one medical problem that I have in my life.  My doctor wrote the note claiming was a Mild Depression, and I have low tendency of that to happens again, and that my prognosis is good.

I am trying to get into Logistics, as an Officer (DEO) for the Navy.  I got a BBA, ICB, MBA, and CSRC (and probably I will start a PhD soon).

Please, do not get me wrong, I was just looking to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

To everyone who provided answers, thanks for your feedback.
So you lost me.

What are you claiming is BS?

  • The fact that you did not find a Doctor in your new location, who could have transfered your files from your last Doctor
  • The fact that the CF, in doing their due diligence, has found you are unfit based on your latest and outdated medical file
  • Or that your whole whiney rant is a load of bilge because you are too lazy to do the right thing, and you were just pre warning us about it before we read the diatribe


well lets see first of all i live in petawawa...

the waiting list for a doctor out here is over 2000 and has not budged in over a year...so not too sure what doctor you think ill find out here

and i did fax the sheets to my doctor back home, but i know he will be too lazy to fill the forms out hiself and ill end up sitting in a clinic here for 5 hours then be sent to a phyciatrist to evaluate me for depression when i know i dont have it anymore!

thats my fucking problem, i have to wait because i was stupid 2 years ago!  im not crying in the corner cutting myself lol i have a nice life and everything i want just want a better job now.
krysta said:
well lets see first of all i live in petawawa...

You'll need to be a bit more pro-active.  Did you try to get ahold of the Doctor's office by phone and ask his staff politely to help out with getting this sorted out...?

krysta said:
thats my fucking problem,

Thats just to god damned bad.

I was stupid 17 years ago or so and didnt pay attention in school. Because of that i couldnt go to university and didnt get the job i wanted. We all pay for our actions sooner or later.

You are aware of the problem,

You are aware of what the CF requires you to do

Get on with it
krysta said:
well lets see first of all i live in petawawa...

the waiting list for a doctor out here is over 2000 and has not budged in over a year...so not too sure what doctor you think ill find out here

and i did fax the sheets to my doctor back home, but i know he will be too lazy to fill the forms out hiself and ill end up sitting in a clinic here for 5 hours then be sent to a phyciatrist to evaluate me for depression when i know i dont have it anymore!

thats my ******* problem, i have to wait because i was stupid 2 years ago!  im not crying in the corner cutting myself lol i have a nice life and everything i want just want a better job now.


So let me get this right, as I do not want to be wrong.

You, being in Petawawa, actively searched for a Doctor and have had challenges looking for one.

Your experience with your old doctor, is that he is lazy (Not because he may be overwhelmed with people who do things the right way), so therefore you are unhappy with the method that actions your needs.

You are angry because the system, that being the CF, won't acknowledge your situation, so you feel they should throw the rule book out the door just because of that ity bitty time, as you state "i ws givenantidepressents like 2 years ago because i was stupid and in high skool".

Yep, yer right, I totally read you wrong.

Good luck in fighting the man that is keeping you down... ::)


i called the doctors office and the nurse answered which is the doctors wife i told her i was about to fax the forms and she was like oh no you need to come in for that...and i was like no i live 5 hours away i just need him to write when i went on and stopped the prescription, and she got all rude and said well ill put it on his desk and we will see if he fills it out lol
the 48th regulator said:

So let me get this right, as I do not want to be wrong.

You, being in Petawawa, actively searched for a Doctor and have had challenges looking for one.

Your experience with your old doctor, is that he is lazy (Not because he may be overwhelmed with people who do things the right way), so therefore you are unhappy with the method that actions your needs.

You are angry because the system, that being the CF, won't acknowledge your situation, so you feel they should through the rule book out the door just because of that ity bitty time, as you state "i ws givenantidepressents like 2 years ago because i was stupid and in high skool".

Yep, yer right, I totally read you wrong.

Good luck in fighting the man that is keeping you down... ::)



im not saying they should throw the rule book out the door because my situation, i understand its a rule, but to me 2 years ago was so long, im not even the same person, i can understand they need to be sure tho, it just sucks, having to wait more for a doctor that probably wont fill the sheet out that takes 2 mins
krysta said:
im not saying they should throw the rule book out the door because my situation, i understand its a rule, but to me 2 years ago was so long, im not even the same person, i can understand they need to be sure tho, it just sucks, having to wait more for a doctor that probably wont fill the sheet out that takes 2 mins


May I ask, what you were told when you went searching for a new doctor.

Being in Petawawa, there are numerous GP's there and in the surrounding areas that are closer than a 5 hour trek, I am interested in what you were told when you visited all of them.


Hey Krysta!

I know how you feel, I have 4 forms to get my doctor to fill in... and I don't know what Ottawa will think about my file...
The only thing I know is what I want and what I can do to make it happen.
Don't cry about what you cannot change just do the best you can.
It is part of the deal, it is part of life too... you better get used to it.

I know how you feel, but you should not let it get to you that much..  :salute:
there isnt many doctors here at all, everyone goes to the same office to sign up for a doctor anywhere in the area, and thats when i was told about the rediculous waiting list. so i put my name on it. I talked to a girl i work with now that has a doctor and she said it was a 6 month waiting list to get in with her doctor for an appointment for the doctors regular patients unless your old or a child.
krysta said:
there isnt many doctors here at all, everyone goes to the same office to sign up for a doctor anywhere in the area, and thats when i was told about the rediculous waiting list. so i put my name on it. I talked to a girl i work with now that has a doctor and she said it was a 6 month waiting list to get in with her doctor for an appointment for the doctors regular patients unless your old or a child.

So what you are saying, is that you did not actively go out and search for a GP, you went with what a girl from work told you.

Geez, I am sorry for questioning you.

Why did you not tell this to your Doctor, and the recruiter?  They surely would not have given you the run arround.....

Sorry about that, you get a group hug from me too  :salute:


wow im sorry you cannot read what i wrote...

there is only one place to go here to sign up for a doctor... the waitlist here is over 2000...so no doctors for anyone!

THE GIRL  i work with has a doctor because she has lived here her whole life, her doctor doesnt take any new patients as i found out for myself, and for a patient like herself it takes 6 months to get an appointment to see her own doctor

did i clarify that enough for you or shall i repeat it again
krysta said:
wow im sorry you cannot read what i wrote...

there is only one place to go here to sign up for a doctor... the waitlist here is over 2000...so no doctors for anyone!

THE GIRL  i work with has a doctor because she has lived here her whole life, her doctor doesnt take any new patients as i found out for myself, and for a patient like herself it takes 6 months to get an appointment to see her own doctor

did i clarify that enough for you or shall i repeat it again

Answer one question.

Did you go there, and ask for a doctor, or are you going from heresay?  And you are saying Pembroke and the surrounding area do no have one cliic with a Doctor that you VISITED to apply for a GP?

Is tha a clear enough of a question?

