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The CWO Williamson " classic one-liners" thread !!

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Seeings that this site is becoming an electronic reunion of 2 CER members and the way the " engineer for CDS" thread took a good old willy flavour, i though he should be the subject of his own thread.

Anybody remember the day he stopped some guy from the CAR who rode his bike on the lawn of Z-101 during regimental roll call ?

"SSM 28...STOP THAT MAN........airborne or not i don't give a f**k"
We would know when Willy was on the rampage in MWD when who ever was in the office rushed out with both eyes covered by their hands. Apparently this was to prevent both eyes from being blackened by his bizarre "double" elbows.
Another gooder was anyone who didn't know him (usually a Jr Offr) called him "MWO" (which he was, being a Cell Supr, but you couldn't tell him that) instead of Sgt Maj. I am no f****** MWO! I am f****** Sgt Maj!
I remember in Gagetown one year when Willy had the Regt all at attention threatening to have the MPs fingerprint the soggy wallets recovered from the washing machines.... only to remind us that, "If you don't like it... get the f**k out!" << insert strange double-elbow action here>>.
Or how about the famous pre-deployment speech in front of the Regt.... "You go home and tell your cat your fish your dog your snake you are going on exercise!!!!"
sapper332 said:
I remember in Gagetown one year when Willy had the Regt all at attention threatening to have the MPs fingerprint the soggy wallets recovered from the washing machines.... only to remind us that, "If you don't like it... get the f**k out!" << insert strange double-elbow action here>>.

Thats was in gagetown in 94....he said in the same yelling session " there's 3 things i hate in the world...bitchers, whiners, crybabys and f*****g tefts"..................

I still count 4 things......
Willy was GMT WO when I did my TQ3 crse, During one of his periodic inspections he asked me what the role of the Engineers was, when I rhymed off the "Assist Friendly troops... and assist in denying the same to the enemy" he blew a gasket and accused me of helping the enemy, I thought I was going to be charged with treason. :-X
I have one:

I was playing ball hockey in the shacks one  day.........of course I busted a window..........I reported to the Duty NCO in P109 dreading the fact that he would tell Willy!!!!!!! Monday I was in Z101, have a leak and who walks in?? WILLY!!!!!!!!! "So COTT (and that is what he said) you like to play the hockey in the shack yeah?? Do not worry,  you  have the ball to tell, I fix it with CE RSM.

So if you were honest, he treated you awesome!!!
The best darn Tp WO I ever had! and the best dressed no matter how long he's been in the field on exercise without a laundry or shower run....LOL
Rodev said:
..... and the best dressed no matter how long he's been in the field on exercise without a laundry or shower run....LOL

That is so incredibly true........I swear he had a massive supply of ironed combats and spit-shined combat boots hidden in the back of his 5/4 going on ex.....
I really appreciated his talents on a Friday afternoon cleaning up from Riske Beaver. It gets towards the end of the day and you still got sh*t spread out, cleaning it because it rained the whole week. And then Training Stores starts giving you grief about turn in times. Cue Willy. I swear he loved getting tasked with those missions. "Uhh...Sgt Maj, them people at Trg Stores are really becoming a problem. They say it's 1600 and a Friday and..."  LEAVE THEM TO ME! THEM F*CKING CEEVEE SUPPORT ME, NOT THEM..." all the way across the parking lot and over to Trg Stores. Problem solved.
SprCForr said:
I really appreciated his talents on a Friday afternoon cleaning up from Riske Beaver. It gets towards the end of the day and you still got sh*t spread out, cleaning it because it rained the whole week. And then Training Stores starts giving you grief about turn in times. Cue Willy. I swear he loved getting tasked with those missions. "Uhh...Sgt Maj, them people at Trg Stores are really becoming a problem. They say it's 1600 and a Friday and..."   LEAVE THEM TO ME! THEM F*CKING CEEVEE SUPPORT ME, NOT THEM..." all the way across the parking lot and over to Trg Stores. Problem solved.

He was like that as the RSM 2 CER.........
More from Gagetown (the wallet teft incident) "I give you the flowers, but watch out for the pot" and "Who told you to stand easy!!!" This was issued mid tyrade after he had told the Regt to stand easy. Also his "Your a soldier first and a tradesman second" to the suppot arms soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Regt on parade inspections was a favorite also.
E45 , good one. I forgot about the flowers and pot routine. Even with all his craziness some times at-least he took care of us. Remember R&R in Bahrain (i think thats how you spell it). When we got to the airport he took all our passports walked up to the Kuwait cop at customs and announce " I'm Seargent-Major Williamson, these are my men and your not checking our bags", the poor Kuwaiti cop almost Sh** himself he was so scared. :gunner:

That was truly classic, a true SSM, he sure looked after us on that one. Remember him cursing down the Ping-Pong and Foosball tables, thet almost turned into contact sports.


PS Your wife and kids are still home and the house is still standing. ;D
  RSM Williamson, as most recall, used to randomly pick one soldier from each sub-unit once a week to go on a run with him down to 427 Sqn to "gauge" the fitness of the Regt at any one time....
  It didn't seem to matter what sub-unit I was in, or how hard I hid in behind the front ranks - there was ALWAYS one name he seemed to scream out whenever he looked at my sub-unit....... god how I hated those runs every week  :-[
Those were hilarious ;D
Was in 2CER during those years as well, actually think I may have been playing hockey in the shacks that day w/ Cotts...

How 'bout this one, usually came at AM roll:   "If you don't want to be 100% soldier then get the f&*k out!!"(always accompanied by his forehead vein-bursting enthusiasm)

Yeah, that reaming he gave us in Gagetown that time... Wasn't 'Barney Bitch Tits' heavily involved in all of that? lol

Willy was a good RSM. christ, he even had creases in his civie jeans!

cheers boys :salute:

Keeping w/ the spirit of 'classic RSM one-liners' how about RSM Manning, usually after pulling his track pants up to his chest-- " NO BEER BAWTLES IN THE SHACKS BOYZ" lol   ;D
Sapper Bloggins said:
Those were hilarious ;D
Yeah, that reaming he gave us in Gagetown that time... Wasn't 'Barney ***** Tits' heavily involved in all of that? lol

He rolled into the compound late as we were getting another a** chewing, in civvies less wallet and ID card, after we had been confined to base but gone over the wire to Sweetwaters. :o

On that same Ex when we as a Regt ran around the base for PT to let Gagetown know the Regt was in town. We stopped opposite the church to do some dips on the guard rail on the side of the road. After that we partnered up to do elevated foot pushups, and I was the one closest to the RSM. He assumed the push-up position and I bent down to grab his feet right when he flipped his feet up and caught me under the chin with his heel. The next thing I remember was spitting blood and talking funny because I now had a forked tongue. He finished his push-ups saw me spitting blood and said "You go see the Doc, sorry". Eating for the next few weeks was painful to say the least. ;D



"Its been like that for the last 20 ***** years, if you don't like it, get the **** out "


"one man, one kit, one f****** box lunch"..........as we were getting on the bus !
my favorite of all Willy's quotes was when he got really flustered and go confused in mistranslated his french to english  and it goes like the "you think i know nothing i know f--k all"