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The Canadian Rangers Merged Thread

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I am going to bring this one back to life.......

As i read through this thread it seems there is still a lot of "mystery" around what the Canadian Rangers do....

I am currently the Patrol Commander of the 100 Mile House Patrol ,our CoC is similar to a platoon sized unit in any other CAF army unit;

  Ranger (X 8)                                    Ranger(X 8)                                Ranger(X 8)
Sec 2i/c (acting Cpl)                      Sec 2i/c (acting Cpl)                  Sec 2i/c (acting Cpl)         
Sec Comdr.(acting MCpl)              Sec Comdr.(acting MCpl)          Sec Comdr.(acting MCpl)
                                                      Patrol 2I/C (acting Mcpl)
                                                      Patrol Commander (acting Sgt.)

You will notice that all Ranks (except Ranger) are acting.........what this means is they are paid at that rank while acting in that capacity but still remain at the original rank when dealing with other units in the CAF.

The Patrol Commander reports directly to a Ranger Instructor (RI) (Generally a Warrant Officer but sometimes a Sgt.) who is a full time member of our Company Hq.

So what do we do?  .......

In the past couple of Years I have been one of the instructors at the  Basic Wildernes Survival Course (BWST) for members of 3rd Div as wellas 39 Brigade put on at various locations by BC coy, recently I was at Camp Albert Head instructing members of 39 Brigade basics of Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR) for EX Cougar Ready2.

Several members of our Patrol are Canada Safety Council ATV/UTV and LOSV instructors who along with a qualified CAF instructor put on classes for other Rangers as well as various other units in BC.

So you can see that as wellas providing the traditional "Eyes and Ears" of the CAF in remote and sparsely populated areas of Canada the Rangers are starting to be used more ane more ........especially now that the focus of the CAF is shifting to a more DOMOP role.

If you have any Questions pleas postthem up and I'll answer what I can ....
Hi all, I have a few questions regarding the Canadian Rangers, but I want to give a tiny bit of backstory so you understand why I'm asking. First of all, I have successfully completed the application process of the army reserves in my area, however shortly after being sworn in, a medical issue regarding mild asthma has occurred and it is possible I will no longer be eligible to continue to serve. That being said, I still have a burning desire to serve in this country's military one way or another, and that's why I have looked to the Rangers. Based on what I've read, there aren't really any medical standards in the Rangers, so my asthma shouldn't be a problem, therefore it is the only possible option left to do what I've always wanted.

As for the question;

If one wanted to join the Rangers who wasn't currently living in an isolated area in Canada, what would have to happen? Would I have to attempt to move to one of these isolated areas? which community would be the easiest to move to from southern Ontario? What are my chances of getting accepted once I arrive? Is having a snowmobile an absolute necessity, or is it strongly preferred? I understand that Rangers must have lots of personal knowledge of the community they are apart of, as well as lots of outdoor skills (hunting, fishing, building shelter etc). But surly if someone had a good attitude, was willing to work extremely hard, and had a passion for it, there could be someway for it to happen. I just need a little bit of guidance on the situation, preferably from someone who is, or was a Ranger, or at least has experience with the program itself. Thanks!
Wondering if anyone had issues moving from Canadian rangers into reservist?  The recruitment Center has been a few months trying to determine the appropriate mechanism to process my application due to my service in the rangers.  I had thought it would make it easier not harder..
Chad.wiseman said:
Wondering if anyone had issues moving from Canadian rangers into reservist?  The recruitment Center has been a few months trying to determine the appropriate mechanism to process my application due to my service in the rangers.  I had thought it would make it easier not harder..

As a Ranger, you are already a Reservist; the Canadian Rangers are one of the sub-components of the Reserves.  As I assume that you are wishing to transfer to the Primary Reserve, then the following DAOD covers who is responsible for the administration of the transfer.

DAOD 5002-3, Component and Sub-Component Transfer

Since the responsible organization would be the gaining unit, that may explain why a recruiting centre is in the dark.  They would only be responsible if one was CTing to the Reg Force.
Okay guys, I need some schooling here. Here is the question what is or are the Canadian Rangers and how does it differ or does it differ from the regular reserves?

From what I understand, which could be completely messed up is that..
1) the Canadian Rangers are a part of the Canadian forces, but are not regular force nor reserve force.
2) the Canadian Rangers are not required to go through BMQ but are DP1? Qualified? (Sorry do not know the difference guys) they are only required to have a 10 day orientation and then attend 'x' amount of meetings per year and 'x' amount of training trips per year.
3) part of their function is 'artic sovereignty expeditions', SAR functions and natural disaster response too ie the willys pond forest fire blockades.
4) you are paid rent for any materials you use from your own house and daily pay is comparable to reserve force pay.
5) standard background checks etc are applicable, but are there physical fitness standards too if so what are they??
6) Canadian Rangers can only be tasked for domestic services and not able to be sent overseas?
7) is there any federal protection of rangers for time spent out of work in service to the crown? Or is it not protected and you have to sweet talk your boss yourself.
8) does the pension, medical or other benefits exist with the rangers and can they transfer to reg force as well?

I did Google it and only came up with a scant few pages on the government website.  Most of the conversation (read all) that I found here was regarding the new rifle purchase and decision... so if i missed it on here I am sorry, but I am truly curious about this. My job pays very good compared to the reg force, making me inclined to keep it and with no reserves as I understand them close to here this could be an option to fulfill my desire to serve my country.

As always thanks guys
All of the information youre looking for is here:


frequently asked questions is useful as well on that page.
EpicBeardedMan said:
All of the information youre looking for is here:


frequently asked questions is useful as well on that page.

My epically bearded friend, I am afraid it is not or I am especially handicapped in reading today. Reading the 4 pages this topic was merged into, updated me with Canadian Ranger history, some of which I was aware of due to my looking and it also clarified that the rangers are reservists but confused me further because they apparently do not need to do bmq but are still considered reservists.. as per my other queries I can not see the answers, not saying that they are not there but reading over those government pages 3 times and these 4 pages. I am still confused, but I am a simple guy too.. so maybe for a simple guy like myself if someone could spell it out I'd appreciate it.. sorry.

1- no bmq is needed but is a division of the reserves, that recruits back woods experienced or otherwise qualified individuals.
(Just seems really weird to me)

2- 10 day initiation course, 10 day leadership course and then excursions throughout the year to help train if needed. They want general orienteering and back woods knowledge preferably.

3- part of their function is 'artic sovereignty expeditions', SAR functions and natural disaster response too ie the willys pond forest fire blockades. = correct

4- you are paid rent for any materials you use from your own house and daily pay is comparable to reserve force pay.= correct enough for me. Starting pay is $100/day before any equipment rents ie gas, truck use, atv use etc

5- standard background checks etc are applicable, but are there physical fitness standards too if so what are they. None known aside from general healthiness.

6- Canadian Rangers can only be tasked for domestic services and not able to be sent overseas = correct from what I understand.

7- reserve force participation is protected by Canadian law but does have a few flaws https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/labour-standards/reports/reservist-leave.html

8- does the pension, medical or other benefits exist with the rangers and can they transfer to reg force as well. = mostly no, but if injured on an exercise they will cover you medically.

Just posting here just in case others care