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The air cadet thread

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CILady said:
Kyle, in our squadron, you have to apply for all promotions, including Corporal.  LAC is automatic.

Its like that at my squadron too. Unfortunately, they are changing the promotion process so that its no longer like that.

It has its pros and cons.
I think it's the best way to do it.  Everything is open and above board, and when a parent complains, we can say the decision was made based on performance, which is true.  The only drawback is that cadets who do very well on interviews and tests have an edge, but we also consider weekly performance, and if their weekly performance is bad based on known indicators, they will be mentored, and promoted the next time.

It works in a sense, but that is provided there is more to go on than just some application form.  Writing essays (which I have heard of being done) is neither practical nor a good judge.
The narrative is only part of the final score.  The interview has the greatest score.  As a former parent, I think it is a very fair process.  My son was passed over for promotion more than once, but I never had an issue with it because of the process.
Actually, interviews are totally doable in large squadrons.  How big is yours?  One south of here has more than 150 cadets and does interviews at all levels.

Your promotion criteria are interesting, and thanks for sharing them.  We don't consider anyone for promotion if they are missing any of the components either.
We currently have 185 cadets on paper.

We have a hard time finding time for practice interviews for senior camps. I just don't see it happening at my unit when they role out the revised promotion process in December.
That's too bad.  We often find out about how cadets handle difficult questions, and what their long term aspirations are, during the interview process.  We usually hold the interviews on our Admin night, not a regular training night, but cadets must be in uniform.
I was in cadets for 5 years. I left as a Level 5 Cpl. (I got demoted in lvl3 for lying about a questionable fire-pickett act) I served 4 years with the 15 Medicine Hat and then 1 year with the 34 Sabre (Regina) sqn. I wuz teaching lvl's 2-4 in Regina. All of my promotions were delayed due to moving issues.

My file has been opened for SALH Reserve Unit.
Last Friday I was fortunate enough attended a portion of the Air Cadet League Convention in Ottawa. There they showed us the picture of the new rank (Flight Corporal  ::) ). Seems like its happening for sure.
They also talked about the Cadet Program Update. They mentioned that there will be less drill classes in the new program. All the cadets who were there (including junior cadets) made it very clear to them that we do not want drill to be cut back. He also said that in the future the classes will be more hands on (IE: For a a subject that's supposed to last 4 classes, there would be 1 lecture class and 3 hands on classes).

The officer in charge of supply in cadets came up to us and asked us what part of the uniform could be improved. All the cadets there told them that the new boots sucked and to bring back the old style. He seemed to listen to us.

You can also expect to see move civilian organizations providing training (summer and regional) to air cadets.

From what i have seen, the new level 1 program also confirms those things.  I am interested in what the new rank would look like however.


Its funny because some cadets in my squadron think it is a lie when i talk about flight corporal. Newbies. ::)
The Cadet Program Update has been delayed to Fall 2008.

CPU documents, originally scheduled for release in Feb 07, will be now be sent to Corps and Squadrons in Fall 07 for implementation in Sep 08.
Corps/Squadrons will conduct updated 1st year training starting in Sep 08.

Operational demands on DND/CF directorates are preventing them from meeting the production requirements for the CPU training materials and documents. In essence, they can’t get produced within a reasonable time. As a result, there will be a delay of the CPU roll-out.


I don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing. Ah well I'll wait and see.
My last camp was ITIC. If you want a CHALLENGING CAMP. Go to ITIC. My flight won best flight AND we won Drill Comp.
Also, If your going to TACSTC, you get air conditioned trailers that you have classes in.


If your flight staff want you guys to do well they will yell at you.

A really great Course though, you basically learn how to teach.