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The air cadet thread

Hmm....  Hearing that makes me... want to...

Go to the airport and beat the slack bags with a drill cane.
PPCLI MCpl said:
So in short, congrats to all those in blue who continue to properly represent your organization in public.   :salute:

hehe what else would you expect  ;D
Hey air cadets.. YAAA ;D

I just retired in may from 567 squadron here in newfoundland. I'm staying in blues though. BMQ starts 3rd october. :threat: But I must say, Air Cadets rock and if i was ruler of the world i would make sure that everyone 12-18 years of age was in the program. Sad to leave but in some sort of way i will always be involved in a squadron.

WO1 Blundon :salute: 8)
LOL...........actually not that bad....................nice.................ah hilarity..........
Well I guess I should announce my return to the boards after glider. The course was tons of fun everyone got along pretty good. I only hate the weather for forcing us to extend and even forcing most of us to not get our wings. Oh well still a fun experience and I'll be finishing my wings at the gliding centres. I highly recommend the course to everyone who's cool enough to be in air cadets. And hey condor... what's a spin like in a powered plane? I can't imagine anything being cooler than doing it in a 2-33A, especially when they gave me a birthday flight with a 4 rotation spin :D
F/Sgt Kessler said:
I only hate the weather for forcing us to extend

Better get used to it if you want to be a nav.  The flying weather in Winnipeg is at time......frustrating.

And its not just there....i'm in my 7th month of a 5 month course  ;D
WO2_mandal said:
567 eh?...What a random sounding squadron... ;D

Ha..... ha... ha :-\.. no really that was good ;D

Actually we were power flying in st.johns last year, we were wearing our squadron hoodies and on the back in enormous letters it said "567 RANDOM AIR CADETS". An old lady comes up to a group of us and asks if we are just 567 randomly selected cadets.. it took her a while to understand it was our # and name. ;D

Retired WO1 Blundon, (but going back for a couple weeks before i go to BMQ :threat:)
F/Sgt Kessler said:
And hey condor... what's a spin like in a powered plane? I can't imagine anything being cooler than doing it in a 2-33A, especially when they gave me a birthday flight with a 4 rotation spin :D

Wait till you do spins in a Cessena, bit hard to get into, but way more fun.......trust me on that....... ;D........stalls are better in a glider, spirals too, unless you screw up the recovery and accidentally add throttle instead of taking it off..........what? It was the first time I tried to recover from a spiral in a cessena...... :-[  Yeah, don't do that. Fun, but, don't do that.
So thats why the smell of air cadet and bush is back.
I was involved with 508 Caribou Sqn (St. John's, NL) in the 90's. Any Greenwood staff cadets out there from '96 or '97 drop me a line. Cadets was a great stepping stone for me to into the reserves and now into the reg force. I have a lot of contacts in the miltiary because of cadets (people that went to RMC or in as NCM's) and a lot of friends I still visit. I finished up as a Sgt in the Reserves (the reserves is by far the best way you could ever put yourself through university) this past week and now it's on to Officerland in the regs.

condor888000 said:
100LL what else? ;)

If you don't know what that is, take ground school....

How I love the smell of 100LL.... maybe that's why I got 76% on my TC Glide exam...
I was in 756 Sqn in Georgetown for 7 yrs.  I'm now a reg force Griffon pilot.

PS - you think spins in a 172 is fun, try a Harvard II!
yoman said:
I'm curious, what do air cadets smell like?  :D
Its like..oil, sour milk, and seagull poop.