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That was fast?

The bigger the population near the Centre, the more applicants and the more time you will wait to be called.  I work in a very small one and as soon as the person drops off the application I check it over then book them for testing while they're standing there.  Shortest turnaround time for a reservist was less than 2 days (not counting however long it took for the reserve recruiter to drop off the paperwork)...he did all his testing on Wed. and was enrolled at the unit Thurs. night.
For me I got the call the next day, I wish I was there to take the call and get an earlier scheduled aptitude test but anyways - I've got that test at 8:30AM tomorrow (November 5th) so no complaints now. I was very surprised and after hearing so many stories of applications getting lost I was ready to be calling them once every few weeks and this process potentially taking a lot longer than a month. Well thank god that didn't happen here, the only problem after that was that there were too many people applying and their schedule was always packed.

By the way, please wish me luck because right at this moment I'm a whee bit anxious. Went over all of the IQ tests a while back and always scored above 105 so I guess I should pass - but regardless I'm questioning the validity of those tests now x.x
Reserve Infantry - okay maybe I shouldn't be as anxious as I am but yeah  :blotto:
Dude you'll do fine, everyone does.. just dont get to anxious :D you'll pass where you from?
I'm in Vancouver BC here, I actually live a few blocks from the Reg. Force CFRC so at least I won't lose too much sleep getting there =)

Alright, I think I've gotta get off now and I'll get back to you once my results are in. Here goes  :-X

I even have Reg. Force Infantry Officer available - now might be transferring into there instead of NCM once I graduate! Things should be moving along pretty fast from the sounds of it save some stuff I've gotta take care of because my relatives are in another country - my recruiter is doing her best to get things patched through as fast as possible though so damn I've never been happier. Time to make things work out =)

Hehe, I was pretty much jumping around this room for a few minutes giddy with joy xD
I got myself a job offer in a little under a month after i sent in the application eather I'm a stud or there desperate
Its going good, lots of drill i mean alot  :D learned how to put my rifle together with my eyes closed :D
Well done. That's a first for me - seeing a smley face after a mention of 'lots of drill'. You're certainly in the right job!
Too much to read and late to the party as usual.

Here's my situation with the recruiting process.

I had initially handed in my application with the reserve unit on 7 Jan 08 (or around there)

I was then told I needed to give them a high school transcript, I had given them my college transcript, but they still wanted HS.

All paper work was submitted by me after my 30th birthday, (2nd week of Feb 08)  that way I got that extra 30 seconds on the PT test, why not eh?

I call the unit too see my application process and they said the transcripts were sent to CFRC Toronto and I should be getting a call soon.  1 week goes by and nothing so I decide to drop into CFRC Toronto and ask them there.  They said if the unit still has it, I'll be getting a call in a couple of days, nothing.

So I drop back in CFRC Toronto the next week with everything they needed, namely my transcripts.  Done, photo copied by 1200h and the same day I received a phone call to get the ball rolling around 1400h. I was doing my CFAT and PT two days later and medical and interview were just completed this Monday.

Now my future rests upon a doctors opinion about my shoulder, skin and eye.

I thought the process was very fast once they got everything they needed.  It helped that I work with family and can come and go as I please.
Handed in all my stuff today and they asked me to do the CFAT tomorrow. I will be doing it Tuesday instead.
JJJ said:
Handed in all my stuff today and they asked me to do the CFAT tomorrow. I will be doing it Tuesday instead.

Because you asked for it (postponement ) ?

(thanks for the spell check :) )
Yrys said:
Because you asked for it (postponement ) ?

(thanks for the spell check :) )

Yes, I did ask to put it off for a bit. I could not make it in the next day. I was surprised how fast it went.