The first note was released by Las Vegas police and has been very widely reported on. Most outlets haven’t published the full text of the notes, but some have. Generally not a lot of news media publish full manifestos or calls for political violence, but a LOT of stories referred to it obliquely yesterday.If the first note was real it'd be a headline on every MSM new article. They only refer to the contents of the 2nd note and now that email is getting its rounds after Shawn Ryan show posted it (great 1 hour listen).
The local Vegas Fox outlet did publish the contents: ‘TIME TO WAKE UP’: Las Vegas police share notes from Cybertruck explosion suspect
The focus from the media seems to be his mental health state. I don’t disagree with that- it’s the bigger factor in this whole thing IMO. I’m just saying that there seems to have been radicalization too, and his own writings support that. It’s not weird to see those two things overlap.