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Tattoo Photo Thread

Having spent many hours in a tattoo shop watching my father work and having him work on me.... I can't believe the ideas people come in with. Sometimes it's funny watching them get told to go somewhere else. Most of the time the ideas are piss poor the location is horrible and it's usaully too small.
Tattoos are for you as a individual don't ask your buddies what they think, don't ask strangers on army.ca what they think.

If you want to know what to get on your skin for life from army.ca I'll tell you..... please get a big pink bunny with a heart outline on your butt. Then show everyone how cool you are. Don't worry Samsquanch from army.ca told you it'd be killer so it must be true.
Cheers bunnies for life


BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — Kelly Brannigan was suffering from a case of tattoo remorse.

Just a year ago, Ms. Brannigan, 24, who holds up Case No. 24 as one of the models on the NBC game show “Deal or No Deal,”
had been full of hope when she and her fiancé had each other’s names tattooed across their inner wrists. But now, when she
looks at the letters — P-A-T-R-I-C-K — she is reminded of the failed relationship. For help, she turned to Dr. Tattoff, a chain
of tattoo removal stores where nurses use lasers in a series of treatments to break down tattoo pigments. Dr. Tattoff is part
of a growing industry catering to people who may not have thought about the implications of “forever” the first time around.

Removing tattoos is costly, uncomfortable and time-consuming, but the affinity for body art is so strong that some people
say they do it to clear space to tattoo all over again. Many dermatologists specialize in laser tattoo removal, and some
laser hair-removal centers are adding services. In California, there are removal centers like Dr. Tattoff, Tat2BeGone
and Tattoo MD.

Most of Dr. Tattoff’s clients are women ages 25 to 35, said James Morel, the chief executive of the company, which
has given more than 13,000 tattoo laser treatments since opening here in 2004. “Maybe women are getting more
tattoos than they used to,” Mr. Morel said, “or maybe they just have a higher level of tattoo regret than men.”

On the horizon is a development that could change the very nature of tattooing: a type of ink encapsulated in beads
and designed to break up after one treatment with a special laser. The technology for the ink, called Freedom-2,
was developed by scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital, and Brown and Duke Universities. It is to go
on sale this fall. “We think the fence-sitters who always wanted a tattoo but have been afraid of the permanence
will jump in and get tattoos,” said Martin Schmieg, the chief executive of Freedom-2. “But as your life changes
from young to middle-aged to older, from single to married to divorced, you get tattoo regret, so we think the
tattoo removal market will increase as well.”

rest of article on link
Ms. Brannigan of “Deal or No Deal” said she was happy to see the name of her former fiancé fading from her wrist. She said she had learned an important lesson: “I’m not going to get a tattoo of another guy’s name until I get married.”

What an idiot.  ::)  Good thing her job isn't too hard.  Don't get anyone's name tattooed unless it's your child(ren).
PMedMoe said:
What an idiot. 

My thought when I read it... Unless she plan to kill her husband if he live her, thus it will
be "tableau de chasse " ;).
ink that can be removed with one treatment? that will save people some money. Also it is very true that a tattoo that reflects who you are, or what you felt when you were 18, might look pretty stupid on a 40 or 50 year old.

Tattoos should be something that is significant to you and which you put alot of thought into. Removal is crazy expensive, so make your choice count.  Words of wisdom we've seen in other threads, and will probably see alot more.
Seeing the proverbial grizzled old gent with the old tattos looks ok.  Not sure how most people will take to granny with umpteen tattos - at lest that's my perspective.

While this new ink will provide the youth of today an oportunity to say..... whoops, possibly went too far, I agree with you that they should have thought about this a lot more before having it done.

Have come across a number of stgreet kids who have started getting their faces tattoed ..... thereby making themselves harder to approach & most defenitively impossible to employ.  For these kids, the eraseable ink will be a godsend... IMHO
This is an article on snopes about how certain henna tattoo's can seriously effect your childrens health (I put it up for parents as I figured more children would want henna tattoo's than adults)

Like to add, it is ONLY the PPD-added Black Henna that you have to watch out for. The fully natural stuff is greenish. Black Henna is NOT traditional and has only been in use for a few years as the wearing of henna has grown in popularity in North America mainstream and our culture required more bang-for-their-buck.

You know, just a random angry thought (I've got a lot of those in my noggin right now): Why, if something has been in use for centuries, safely, do we have to f@@@ with it?

anyway, like adaminc says, watch for Black Henna, it's crap.


edit: just like the link adaminc posted lol read the whole post skippy.
From the hennapage site;

See Health Canada's Rulings on Henna!  Canada has sensible legistation! Canada has made PPD "black henna" illegal and kept natural, traditional, safe henna legal, and defined the difference between the two!  Don't you wish your country had such a law outlawing what hurts people while protecting the ancient safe tradition of henna? Contact your legistators and show them Canada's ruling!




But, I have seen Black Henna at certain types of retail outlets (didn't know it was illegal, thanks for that 48th, I'll be watching for it more often now) that have been in the news lately (re: black market toothpaste) and you can sometimes see it at county fairs and such. Watch for it and be informed.

note: all this info is from Mrs Wook who is a dermatological SME. The only henna's I've ever received came from hydraulic fluid  :P

My sister, PipersSister, and my wife, PipersWife, both do henna tattoos as a hobby. They both warn their clients about the dangers of black henna.
Here's a link to a page my sister made on the subject of black henna.

Here's a link to how henna works to stain skin (for those who are interested)

Black henna paste = BAD DATA.  You might as well brand the design on to your skin.

That's really scary stuff.  My oldest daughter LOVES getting henna designs at fairs etc.  I think we'll end that for now...... :-\ 
As does mine and 9er. It's very easy to spot. If the henna they are using is black, and I mean ink black, it's PPD. If it's green/brown (the boss lady says there are some orange-ish ones out there) it's probably good to go.

We've had them done in 5 different provinces (over probably a 5 -6 year period), from professional shops to craft fairs, never had to walk away, always been good stuff. Just something to watch for.


Wookilar said:
As does mine and 9er. It's very easy to spot. If the henna they are using is black, and I mean ink black, it's PPD. If it's green/brown (the boss lady says there are some orange-ish ones out there) it's probably good to go.

We've had them done in 5 different provinces (over probably a 5 -6 year period), from professional shops to craft fairs, never had to walk away, always been good stuff. Just something to watch for.


Thanks for the info.  It's something I will watch for.
I believe the attraction to Black Henna is that it makes darker and longer-lasting designs.

I got this done to commemorate my crossing of the equator. Done 2005 in Auckland, NZ.

I have a couple more, but they're unrelated to the military.
"I'm Neptune, God of the Sea! I sink ships and conjure up storms!"
"No, you're not. I am. And you know nothing of my work."

Haha, sorry I couldn't resist. Nice ink, man :)
Some good points made.  To sum up, from someone who's had over 12 hours and $1000 worth of tattoos...

- search for it / design it / create the concept yourself;  getting something you'll still love 30 years from now, and beyond, is born out of putting as much of 'you' in it as you can.

- once you've found that design, put it up on your mirror or something visable for a few months.  Look at it every day and consider whether it's right or needs changes.  (my recent one, posted below, was two years in the concept/design alone - love the final product!)

- do your research when choosing an artist.  Be sure of their cleanliness, ask about their procedure (asking 'vets' on what's the norm if it's your first), and even check with the health inspector if you're concerned. 

- on the topic of research, also have a look at the work of the artist who's going to tattoo you.  I had a trusted shop in my hometown, discovered my trusted artist had left, spent less than five minutes looking at the sub-standard work of the 'new guy' before walking out.  Don't just check the quality of lines, shading, colour fill, etc, but look for bumps.  My trusted artist said you can see bumps when someone has gone too deep, and fells a tattoo should look like it's drawn on with markers.  :)

If anyone is in the Ottawa area, I highly recommend 5 Cent Tattoos on Dalhousie.  http://www.fivecentstattoo.com/  I had Jimmy do the one below, and my friend who recommended them had Julian.  Both are amazing artists, on and off the skin.  I trusted Jimmy to draw this right on my leg from my ideas and sketches - was blown away by the final product as it was well beyond my expectations.  (apologies for the hairy legged, picture ... flash kind of belays how sharp the colour really is)
