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Talk about Racist and Sexist!

Back in the day, when I was at McMaster Uni in Hamilton....
I remember some nut from the Afro-Carribean club got an article into the student paper calaiming that white culture was like white bread....dull and bad for you, while brown culture was like brown bread; zesty and full of life....
Set off a storm of protest including letters written by my roomie ( a sikh) and one of my best mates ( a mahogany coloured chap from Montserrat ); but all to no avail.... The student powers that be decreed that racism was perpetrated by whites alone!

Round about the same time; the student council were overjoyed that the had destroyed the last bastion of male supremacy on campus : the MacMasterbators Male water polo team......    Placed a great article about it in the Silhouette as I recall, at the same time as they announced the creation of the McMASTER Women's collective; female only you see, because sisters NEEDED time away from those evil males.....

Shortly thereafter all the male only residences were made COED, but the fem only were allowed to remain..

Must be something in the student council waterfountains me thinks......


I wonder about the "demographics" of this CUSA?  I really wonder if they have learned anything about the nuances in PR and how the ramifications of their decisions can play out in the Media?  Perhaps they are collectively saying "Opps!".........And then again; maybe not.
ARMY_101 said:
Hey, another Carleton person :)  Were you ever consulted on this matter?  I was under the impression CUSA represented us - the students - and not their own personal interests.

At Guelph, it seems this kind of stuff is passed by the CSA when students are busiest: exams start next week, for example. And, it's always the same few students with a specific agenda making a laughing stock of the rest.

The next edition of The Charlatan (comical name for a student paper) should contain some interesting letters ranging from the ridiculous to the profane. I wonder if they'll follow Ottawa U's example and ban CF advertising too! ::)

BTW, that's not to say the University of Guelph doesn't have it's share of foolishness.
It's not racist or sexist, because it's aimed at white males, the last legitimate target on earth.  I suggest a fundraiser to benefit research into mutating this disease, so that it effects all people,regardless of gender or race, creed, colour, or favourite soccer team.  THEN we'll be getting somewhere.  Fucking pathetic collection of pig ignorant academic fuckheads.
I don't know leroi - Guelph's Central Student Association has come up with some fairly over-the-top things in the past.  My favorite has to be this:

When I was in first year I was in residence until the last day of exams - which also happened to be the 20th of April, 2007 - or "4:20".  As I was walking from a lovely breakfast at Creelman back towards the Library where I was about to spend the day prepping for my last exam, I noticed a crew of students setting up what looked like a stage, and a massive quantity of speakers on Johnston Green.  Curious, and it being early in the day (I wasn't worried about not getting a spot in the library.. it was 8am-ish), I went over and asked them what was going on.  The response I got (and although this isn't verbatim it is close enough):

"Oh man!  We're setting up a bunch of speakers that the CSA rented for Four-Twenty today!!!!"
- "What?  The CSA paid for all of this?"
"Yeah dude!  We got such a good deal on this last minute rental - it only cost $2000.00!"
This is where I shook my head, and walked away.

Yes, you did read that right. The CSA spent $2000 on a sound system so the fraction of the university that smokes dope (albeit a fairly large number) could have some "tunes" while they got high during their 'smoke-in'.

My second favorite thing was when the CSA paid (I'm going to estimate at least $500) for a series of heavy-duty all-weather signs that were hung around campus last October during the Electoral Reform Referendum.  While I am 100% behind encouraging people to get out and vote, and to become informed - these signs weren't doing that.  All the signs said were:

"VOTE YES FOR CHANGE!!!! paid for by your CSA"

To be honest, I've toyed with the logistics of setting up an "official opposition" to the student government (to keep them accountable) but have no idea where to begin with something like that - and I don't have the time for it of course.

Last in my list of "favorite things" about Guelph's CSA is the very, very thinly veiled ultra-political views of those people who are members of the CSA, holding crucial positions.  Drew Garvie comes to mind - if I recall correctly, he was the local Communist Party candidate in the last election, as well as being the a-hole who has vandalized the school (or at least organized it) with all of those damnable stickers you'll see everywhere in MacKinnon (TROOPS OUT NOW!), etc. as leader of the local "Peace Alliance" chapter.  There are many more - but he is the most noteworthy.
I always used to feel somewhat inferior for dropping out of high school and never attending a post secondary institution.  I can now say, with all honesty, that I no longer feel that way.  Quite the reverse actually, after reading threads like this one.
ARMY_101 said:
Hey, another Carleton person :)  Were you ever consulted on this matter?  I was under the impression CUSA represented us - the students - and not their own personal interests.

CUSA can pound sand. I make it a policy of having nothing to do with student politics, so I'd not have had any comment for them had they tried to.

CUSA represents the relatively small handful of students who are deluded enough to think that CUSA can have a concrete impact on their life or university experience. I don't rely on Carleton for my extracurricular pursuits; the regiment and my friends kept me busy enough. CUSA takes a small chunk of my student fees each year, but I really have no ability to do anything about that.

I go to Carleton for the classes, and for the paper on the wall that will hopefully enable a 5'9" white guy to get in with a police force. Not for the 'experience'. I think I was disillusioned the day I was trying to enjoy a beer up at Mike's Place after my Monday night history class and Jack Layton walked in with the campus hippies in tow.

The one bad thing I'll say about tour is that I have the prospect of two more years at Carleton hanging over me when I get back...
The problem with Uni politics is it tends to attract the hardcore poli sci people that are only doing it to further their political career, so you end up spending your student fees on supporting the youth NDP, the youth conservatives, and the youth liberals.  Shouldn't they have their own coffers?  Student elections were such a joke.

Douché.  Douché.

Brihard said:
CUSA can pound sand. I make it a policy of having nothing to do with student politics, so I'd not have had any comment for them had they tried to.

CUSA represents the relatively small handful of students who are deluded enough to think that CUSA can have a concrete impact on their life or university experience. I don't rely on Carleton for my extracurricular pursuits; the regiment and my friends kept me busy enough. CUSA takes a small chunk of my student fees each year, but I really have no ability to do anything about that.

I go to Carleton for the classes, and for the paper on the wall that will hopefully enable a 5'9" white guy to get in with a police force. Not for the 'experience'. I think I was disillusioned the day I was trying to enjoy a beer up at Mike's Place after my Monday night history class and Jack Layton walked in with the campus hippies in tow.

The one bad thing I'll say about tour is that I have the prospect of two more years at Carleton hanging over me when I get back...

Hmm... Carleton and Camerons eh?  Even more in common :P

I don't have a problem with CUSA itself.  It's a student organization, kind of like a student union or the Federation of Students.  By all means, they should be working with the administration to ensure students are being treated fairly and receiving an excellent education.  But how do they get into being able to represent me - the student who holds them in power in the same way the electorate holds our politicians in power - without even asking me?  I saw nothing of a referendum on whether or not we should support Shinerama.  Nor did I hear anything about our chance to go in and see what was going on and give my opinion.

Would anyone be up for signing a petition?  I'll put one together if we feel it'd be worth while in stopping such an outrageous motion.
And now it's news.....

Article Link

'Racist' claim derails fundraiser
Ill-informed university students cancel Shinerama fundraiser for CF
The Ottawa Sun

OTTAWA -- The Carleton student union's decision to quit its Shinerama fundraiser because cystic fibrosis affects mainly white people is stupid and unfair, says CF sufferer Kelsey Lett.

Lett, 18, who has spent most of her life in hospital, says the disease doesn't discriminate.

"I know white girls who have it. I know black guys who have it," she said yesterday.

More on link
My editorial is in to Carleton's newspaper as well as the Ottawa Sun.  Next: emailing the CUSA president and VP of student issues.

Here's your chance to let the executive know how you feel ;):

Charlatan Editor (Carleton's newspaper): oped@charlatan.ca
President: pres@cusaonline.com
Vice President, Student Services: vpss@cusaonline.com
Vice President, Student Issues: vpsi@cusaonline.com
This is already getting Facebooked hard and fast.

CUSA has infringed on the sensibilities of the student activist crowd- never a smart move. I'll be very surprised if this isn't reversed in due course.
Excellent.  I think we could go all out and play some major politics and call for their resignation.  When our government passes a motion that doesn't represent the electorate, we call an election.  Why can't we do that here?

What's the Facebook group?
Isn't Carleton's namesake a white male ?
ARMY_101 said:
Excellent.  I think we could go all out and play some major politics and call for their resignation.  When our government passes a motion that doesn't represent the electorate, we call an election.  Why can't we do that here?

What's the Facebook group?

There are a half dozen or so... Search 'Carleton Shinerama' under the groups page.

I'm too indifferent towards campus politics to try to get politically active in this. It's simply something I can find some dark humour in while watching form the sidelines, kind of like the UVic recruiting ban.
A story like this makes me wish that I still lived in the Ottawa area, just so that I could listen to the howls of outrage on CFRA. I'm sure Lowell Green's going to burst a blood vessel on air tomorrow (if he hasn't retired).

It's amazing how completely detached from reality student politicians are.

Or perhaps we're misreading things here, and this is in fact a huge wind-up by the council in order to boost donations to Cystic Fibrosis charities. Or am I just cynical enough to think student politicians could be that Machiavellian?
My understanding is that the student council made this decision on their own.  They are following in Queen's steps with the politically correct.  I don't even want to discuss the thought police at Queens right now.  I think their original intentions were okay but they never thought this all the way through.  The Carlton group decided they might be offending minorities, yet forgot they may be offending the caucasian race.  While CF predominately affects caucasians, it is not limited there, nor is it limited to males.  They didn't think this through and look like dummies at the moment.

University students, at one point in time, were thought of as free thinkers, now they are looked at political conformists.  I find this a devastating blow to the spirit of higher education.

/ rant