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Taliban Jack

The Taliban know their targets: Jumpin' Flash Jack (that's intentional) and Citoyen Dion, and people who might support them--a post at The Torch:

How we die, and why


Well, THAT entry in wipi tell me he's not as left as he appear :

In 1984, he was fined for trespassing when he handed out leaflets at the Eaton Centre during a strike by Eaton's staff,
but the charge was later thrown out on freedom of speech grounds.

Shees, can't even respect a strike !  :P

Layton and Chow were also the subject of some dispute when a June 14, 1990 Toronto Star article by Tom Kerr accused them
of unfairly living in a housing cooperative subsidized by the federal government, despite their high income.[2] Layton and Chow had both
lived in the Hazelburn Co-op since 1985, and lived together in an $800 per month three-bedroom apartment after their marriage in 1988.
By 1990, their combined annual income was $120,000, and in March of that year they began voluntarily paying an additional $325 per month
to offset their share of the co-op's Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation subsidy, the only members of the co-op to do so. Average
Toronto market rent in 1989 was $782 per month, although the Vancouver Province newspaper claimed a comparable dwelling would have
been worth $1,500.
This Layton bloke is like a modern male version of Hanoi Jane.

How can he even sleep at night?

Truly put the NDP in the cesspool of politics with the meanstreamers of Canadian society.

A public embarrassment for us all. Shame on him.


ArtyNewbie said:
(I will however suggest my wife start this petition in our community)

I really think it needs to be done, best of luck with that, and as a pre-enrolee, let me know where to sign before I can't!

That aside, as nice as it would be for Mr. Layton to go and single-handedly do some of this negotiating, I think a bigger challenge (as a politician) would be to actually go to A'stan and meet the troops. Shake some hands, get some point's of view, and maybe be present at a ramp ceremony. I think a good week down there would change his ways a fair bit.

(I do worry our men and women on tour might have some "pretty" choice words for him.) But if they maintain professionalism and let him see a few things, he should have a change of heart.
beands said:
(I do worry our men and women on tour might have some "pretty" choice words for him.) But if they maintain professionalism and let him see a few things, he should have a change of heart.

Layton knows too well what is happening and why. He does not need to be educated. Layton will step on and walk all over anyone/anything that will assist him in getting votes. He wants a legacy with the NDP, much like "whatshisname" before him.....
How's this for another factor causing Messrs. Layton & Dion to jump so quickly?  Highlights are mine - shared with the usual disclaimers....

NDP leader is worth watching
Chantal Hébert, Toronto Star, 06 Jul 08
Article link

According to Decima's Bruce Anderson, more voters say that their opinion of NDP Leader Jack Layton is improving than fading, a distinction he shares only with Green Leader Elizabeth May these days.

That is particularly true in Quebec where Layton now ranks second to the Bloc Québécois' Gilles Duceppe.

This summer, Layton will attempt to parlay that personal appreciation into votes for the NDP by turning three soon-to-be-called Quebec by-elections into a mini-referendum on the Afghan mission.
Over the course of a news conference (scheduled before the latest casualties in Afghanistan came to light), Layton made his intentions crystal clear Wednesday. And he reiterated his call for bringing the troops home before Canada's current commitment to NATO ends in February 2009.

The NDP seized on the Afghan issue last summer in part to stake distinct ground from the surging Green party. To this day, its position also sets it apart from the bulk of Quebec's establishment.

Although the Bloc Québécois voted against the extension of the mission last year, it has not been pushing for its early termination. As one Bloc MP put it in a conversation this week, the party agrees that the government has a parliamentary mandate to pursue the deployment until 2009.

Beyond that, Duceppe is pretty much on the same page as Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion. Both oppose another extension of the deployment in Kandahar province but could support an alternative role for Canada in Afghanistan.

Duceppe has so far begged to differ with the vocal section of Quebec public opinion that sees Afghanistan as just an extension of the American-led Iraq war. In a major speech last January, he stressed that, like Canada, a sovereign Quebec would have signed on to the international coalition in Afghanistan.

For his part, Premier Jean Charest just attended the send-off ceremonies for the Valcartier-based contingent that will be off to Afghanistan next month. When a group of battle-bound soldiers visited the National Assembly, Health Minister Philippe Couillard, whose son is an officer-in-training, berated the handful of PQ members who declined to applaud. He is not the only supporter of the mission within the Quebec government.

Culture Minister Christine St-Pierre, who served as a reporter on Parliament Hill until she ran in the provincial election, wrote a letter to the editor of La Presse in support of the deployment last fall. (She was briefly suspended from her Radio-Canada duties for this breach of journalistic neutrality.)

This may be a case where Quebec's sovereignist and federalist tenors are out of synch with mainstream voters. Or it could be that the 70 per cent of Quebecers who tell pollsters they oppose the mission are answering a black-and-white question that leaves no room for nuances. The by-elections will provide part of the answer.

Against the sobering backdrop of probable Quebec casualties, Layton will be making the case that the lives of young soldiers are being squandered on a misguided mission. And while it is a prospect that makes every other party privately squirm, there is no question that the Afghan issue has not been well served by the rhetorical shortcuts that have been offered by both sides in the debate to date.

But there is at least one other reason why the distinctive NDP contribution to this debate should be welcome and it has to do with peace on the Canadian home front. But more on that in another column.

Here's an editorial cartoon from today's Winnipeg Free Press that sums up Jack nicely:

Just a caution for all.  Lets make sure we keep clear of the ad hominem. http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/51970.0.html
If nothing else, we can go to bed knowing that we've made a more honest argument.

Tow Tripod said:
Exactly WHO does Jack Layton want to Negotiate with?????
Well, based on the recommenced source of a recent group of left wing posters, I've checked with RAWA and they are dead against any negotiations with the TB.  So, I am stumped.  http://www.rawa.org/events/un_apr28-07_e.htm

Kiwi99 said:
How do I get to be an 'expert' so that I can go on TV and talk about things that I can claim to know a lot about? 
Get out & write a book that is critical of all the things we do right or wrong, then offer your on solution in the closing chapters.
Jack Layton is negotiating, with Canadians.

He’s negotiating, right now, with a few tens of thousands of traditionally leftist Liberal voters – mostly in Toronto but a few in greater Vancouver, Ottawa and even Montreal.  He wants, he needs them to vote NDP in the next election.  If a few thousand in each of a dozen ridings shift their votes from the Liberals to the NDP then his party and his fortunes are saved.

He’s also negotiating with NDP voters.  He wants them to stay on-side, to not run to the Greens.

The war is his best issue.  He’s playing the war card.  Jack Layton knows little and cares less about the Canadian soldiers who are fighting and dying – they and their deaths are pawns in his game, props in his political theatre.  He also knows nothing and cares less about the poor, war ravaged, abused people of Afghanistan.  He doesn’t want to hurt them but their fate is inconsequential when measured against the Big issue: how can the NDP increase its seat count in the next election?

He’s negotiating all right; he’s doing a bloody good job of it, too, I think.  Liberal support is reported to appear stagnant, even soft, ditto Conservative support.  Layton’s anti-war rhetoric is good TV fodder because he’s a highly skilled communicator able to deliver the 10 second sound bites upon which TV news producers depend – they love him.
It's the NDP's ONLY issue. No one paid attention to them until the garbage they're spewing came out.
Take off the moustache, and anyone notice how much like a thinner Mussolini Jack looks, especially when his eyes get into their piercing, commited mode and his chin starts moving forward?

MarkOttawa said:
Take off the moustache, and anyone notice how much like a thinner Mussolini Jack looks, especially when his eyes get into their piercing, commited mode and his chin starts moving forward?


I can't imagine him as anything other than the video professor.  Every time I see him I expect him to tell me that he can teach me how to use Photoshop or something, Free!!! (plus shipping and handling).
Maybe somehow, this needs to be pointed out to Canadians, rather than just rebut the issues he spews about, but to break down what he is doing to the Canadian Public and why.....
E.R. Campbell said:
I can't imagine him as anything other than the video professor.  Every time I see him I expect him to tell me that he can teach me how to use Photoshop or something, Free!!! (plus shipping and handling).

E.R. Campbell ... I was thinking the same thing a few days ago. Thank you so much for a good chuckle...again.  ;)
My goodness! Jack Layton IS the Video Professor! He gurantees we'll be satisfied with his CD's or he'll send us 10$!  I have to say though, in all seriousness, that I firmly believe this is a conspiracy...The learning CD's actually send out brainwashing NDP messages well you learn to use your computer...I mean let's face it...someone who can't learn how to use windows XP is probably the type the NDP are looking for as voters. Some may call me crazy, but don't say I didn't warn you about the dangers of jack "The Video Professor Layton".  :o
In the video professor ad one woman exclaims that her 3 1/2 year old uses a computer better than her before the video professor, I have to wonder if she only got up to a matching level with the 3 1/2 year old>......
I'm pretty sure she can use the computer better, seeing as when i was 3 and 1/2 my spelling and or counting skills were mediocre...also, if you watch someone young play sim city or a game with a lot of clicking, they are terrible at it! So, my point is: how idiotic is this woman?
So I wrote Mr Layton and this is the response I received.

Thank you for your comments following my recent press conference on Afghanistan. I welcome the opportunity to explain the timing of the press conference and the federal NDP's position on Canada's role in Afghanistan.

First, my July 4th press conference calling on Prime Minister Harper to work towards a de-escalation of the war was already underway when the sad news of the soldiers' deaths was breaking.

Five years after the invasion of Afghanistan, it is reasonable to examine the present situation. NDP Defence Critic Dawn Black has released our Party’s comprehensive report on the Conservative-Liberal mission in Afghanistan. It provides background on the conflict, analyzes the issues faced by Canadian troops and Afghan citizens, and offers concrete solutions to help stabilize the country.

In commenting on our report, journalist Barbara Yaffe said, "The party details a logical, realistic position in an 11-page dissenting opinion to a June 18 report on the deployment by the Commons committee. It followed several months of hearings. ... The NDP's blunt conclusion is one that is mighty hard to refute." (Vancouver Sun, July 10, 2007)

For more information, please visit: http://www.ndp.ca/page/5462

Some will say that if we do not support the mission, then we do not support our troops. That is not the case. The NDP supports our troops and their families and it is out of the deep respect for each and every one of them that we seek a de-escalation of this conflict. We believe in sending our brave men and women of the armed forces on missions that have clear goals and a specific plan on what our soldiers need to do to achieve victory. The truth is that the mission in Afghanistan has neither.

Since 2001, military efforts in Afghanistan have failed to bring peace, reduce poverty, stop heroin production, or help reconstruct Afghanistan. NATO was supposed to secure some areas of the country, where institutions could be strengthened and development projects executed, and therefore, help the Afghan government to deliver stability to its citizens. The sad truth is that both U.S. and NATO military efforts have failed to deliver peace and prosperity to the most vulnerable of Afghans: women and children. http://www.senliscouncil.net/modules/publications/014_publication

Malalai Joya, a female MP in the Afghan National Assembly, said, “The situation in Afghanistan and conditions of its ill-fated women will never change positively, as long as the warlords are not disarmed and both the pro-US and anti-US terrorists are removed from the political scene of Afghanistan.” (Quote from speech delivered to 2006 NDP National Convention)

The former Foreign Affairs Minister of Afghanistan, from the pre-Taliban regime, Najibullah Lafraie, stated, "If the international community wants to deny the Taliban and their allies an important recruiting tool, it must withdraw Western troops from Afghanistan as soon as possible." (Reported in Spiegel On-Line, September 6, 2006)

Looking forward, whether it's on climate change, child care, prescription drugs, corporate crime, the high cost of gas and ATM fees, or takeovers by foreign companies the federal NDP is working on the issues that everyday Canadians care about. You can find out more about our work at http://www.ndp.ca or by subscribing to our e-mail bulletin at subscribe@ndp.ca.

Again, I appreciate the time you have taken to register your views on this difficult issue.


Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth)
Leader, New Democratic Party of Canada

Say what you will I was surprised to receive a letter.

I'm surprised that you got a letter. I'm not surprised though, that it says nothing of substance. Then again, if you read the statement referred to on the NDP page, it doesn't say anything either. The "...logical, realistic position in an 11-page dissenting opinion..." is, to quote Shakespear, "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."