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"Taliban Jack" T-Shirt Designs?

captainj said:

The bottom line is yes it is really funny but for those of us in the profession (off duty or not) of arms well.......................... please it isn't on.

Sorry, but I don't buy that.

We are already restricted from joining political parties, speaking to the press, and now are not even permitted to wear a t-shirt ridiculing (and rightly so) an anti-military politician who has insinuated that Canadian soldiers are terrorists and participants in an illegal war?

Why not remove our right to vote too, as a method of ensuring total neutrality?

What you do on your own time, off base, is your business unless it arouses the ire of the local police.
GO!!! said:
What you do on your own time, off base, is your business unless it arouses the ire of the local police.


Unless someone can show me a reg that says this is not allowed, show me a final design and give me an address to send some money. 
Perhaps while we are chasing incipient disloyalty we should ask why all of the official command photos of our leaders have them posing in front of the Canadian Flag EXCEPT the Governor General's photo.  No flag is present in her photo.

Just to play devil's advocate, would we feel the same way if a soldier, not in uniform, wore a t-shirt with a Canadian flag and a no symbol over it? >:D
rmacqueen said:
Just to play devil's advocate, would we feel the same way if a soldier, not in uniform, wore a t-shirt with a Canadian flag and a no symbol over it? >:D

No more than I would be pissed that any Canadian would wear it...........
TCBF said:
Perhaps while we are chasing incipient disloyalty we should ask why all of the official command photos of our leaders have them posing in front of the Canadian Flag EXCEPT the Governor General's photo.  No flag is present in her photo.

Slight tangent alert:  Maybe this is why the G-G hasn't been allowed to visit the troops?  After all, it's been safe enough for senators, comedians, singers, an Ottawa anchorman and others to go, no?  ;)
milnewstbay said:
Slight tangent alert:  Maybe this is why the G-G hasn't been allowed to visit the troops?  After all, it's been safe enough for senators, comedians, singers, an Ottawa anchorman and others to go, no?  ;)

That's because she's too busy touring Africa and the Caribbean, proclaiming her "one-ness" with people there, and selling herself as some sort of self - made diplomat/national representative. 

I have a sneaking feeling she'd make a speech about how wrong the GWOT is anyway - that'd be great for morale!

Bruce Monkhouse said:
No more than I would be pissed that any Canadian would wear it...........

someday_031 said:
isn't the reason the CF exist in the first place is so everybody can enjoy the freedom of speech?

I think i am going to iron-on the jack-and-crossbones on a black T.  ;D

GO!!! said:
Why not remove our right to vote too, as a method of ensuring total neutrality?

What you do on your own time, off base, is your business unless it arouses the ire of the local police.
Can we pick and choose our political protests, even in our off time, or does it apply to all, even Jack?  I would suggest to those that support the idea of wearing a t-shirt like this you must also be ready to defend the right of the opposing view to express their feelings as well.
Didn't say they couldn't.........just that I wouldn't like it, which is my 'right'.
rmacqueen said:
Can we pick and choose our political protests, even in our off time, or does it apply to all, even Jack?  I would suggest to those that support the idea of wearing a t-shirt like this you must also be ready to defend the right of the opposing view to express their feelings as well.

Everyone has the right to wear what they want.  But everyone else has the right to judge them for it as well.  I would be happy to take whatever character judgement was directed at me for wearing a Taliban Jack shirt.  The people who would think me a curr, I would likely not be too concerned with their opinion.  And for those who would see it and say "that is great, where can I get one", the that tells me that the shirt is doing what I hoped it would. 
If some troop wants to wear a Canada flag with a big black "X" through it (or some of the Francophone candidates on Armoured RESO 1/2, 1995 who were wearing the VOTE: OUI t-shirts) they can do that, but the people who see will sum them up in their minds and adjust that persons career path accordingly.  Like it or not, the book usually does get judged by it's cover. 
Sometimes unbridled civil liberties can be fun, when they act to highlight who the idiots are among us. 
I guess the soldiers from the "Rock" should not wear " Republic of Newfoundland " t-shirts. If a t-shirt is used to make a statement about a subject that the wearer has an issue with, where is the harm. We put on the uniform for that very reason. To protect the rights of your countrymen.

If what is on the t-shirt is against the law, then there is a problem. As long as a soldier does not use the military to support his cause/opinion, let them wear what they want.( using good taste, of course)

I am waiting for someone to start " CDS for Prime Minister " t-shirts ;)
Can you imagine the bloody furor the NDP would raise over it should a troop be caught wearing a t-shirt?

I'll take one, olive drab.  Can I get the slogan changed to "Ignorance isn't peace" though?

rmacqueen said:
Can we pick and choose our political protests, even in our off time, or does it apply to all, even Jack?  I would suggest to those that support the idea of wearing a t-shirt like this you must also be ready to defend the right of the opposing view to express their feelings as well.

We exist to defend the weak and ignorant's right to speak their minds.

That does not mean that I agree with him, only that I acknowledge his right to be wrong.
how about:

"I defend certain individuals rights to be idiots?"
"I defended this idiot's right to be an idiot and all I got was this lousy t-shirt I can't even wear."
The argument does remind me of a couple of stories though.  I once had a CO who went to an anti-gay protest in uniform.  The next day his picture was on the front page of the paper and a couple weeks later he was suddenly posted to Kingston.  I also knew a guy who was a member of the Canadian Guards posted to Petawawa and he used to talk about how, when ever they were off duty, they had to dress in jacket and dress shirt just to be able to leave the base.