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T Cat and TD


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What are some disadvantages to being on a T Cat? Can you still go on courses and be sent on TD's?
Depends on what the TCat is for ... and what the course is.

For example -

If one were on a TCat due to pregnancy, then one could still proceed on a Sup Tech QL5 course. But, you sure as heck wouldn't be allowed to proceed on a PLQ Course.

If one were on a TCat due to recovery from a broken ankle ... one wouldn't be proceeding on an SQ or PLQ Course, Advanced Recce etc.

The restrictions and med limitations of your TCat must be such that they will allow you to fully complete each training requirement for the specific course. If that course involves a standard where your course mates are humping rucks for PT each morning, then you must also be able to do so. If you can't because the TCat limits you from doing so -- no course loading for you.
You also cannot be promoted while on a T-cat. I have my promotion message in, and it has been in since APS '07. However, since I am on my second t-cat, and it looks like I will soon be on a p-cat, my promotion chances look slim. However, i was told by the Career manager, that as soon as I come off category, the promotion is mine.

That's a bone of mine, although I have not been in this situation myself, as while on TCat it has not been irrefutably established that you do not meet Universality of Service and as such should remain 100% promotable. If awarded a PCat then you do not meet the intent of DAOD 5023-1 and as such should not be promotable.

Folks are awarded TCat's for various injuries ranging from minor to very major reasons, but until it is established that a person does not meet Universality Of Service they then should remain available for promotion. A TCat is a transient condition and as such not permanent, thus pers should remain eligible until the latter is established. Besides, if there is a reference I have yet to see in clear writing where a TCat precludes a promotion (be that CFAO's 49-3,4,5, DAOD 5023 or CANFORGEN 087/06). The only allusion to such thing is in the CANFORGEN where it states a member must be "deployable" which obviosuly not be the case if on a TCat.

There, rant over.
PO2FinClk said:
That's a bone of mine, although I have not been in this situation myself, as while on TCat it has not been irrefutably established that you do not meet Universality of Service and as such should remain 100% promotable. If awarded a PCat then you do not meet the intent of DAOD 5023-1 and as such should not be promotable.

If you're on a TCat because you've just had major surgery, have a major illness and/or are having issues that preclude you from doing your job at the basic level expected of your trade/trade level or even of a service member on a physical or mental level, then you really don't meet the Universality of Service rule at that point in time and space.  A TCat is issued if there is a reasonable expectation that you might recover or to give you a reasonable chance to recover - some people can go straight to a PCat for some things where there is no reasonable expectation of recovery.  If your category gets reversed and the paperwork has been in and waiting, I guess you get a nice retroactive bonus then.  Playing the devil's advocate here, how would you feel if you saw a person get a promotion in a job that required physical leadership and they couldn't get out of their chair, much less walk or run from here to the door - kinda hard to take them seriously eh?  That's why some of these things get hung up.

This is an interesting topic for me as of late, and I wish to add my 2 cents here.  Now, i'm sure some of my info may be slightly incorrect and I am also sure that i'll be corrected if I am incorrect, so bear with me. 

Last year I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.  Doc said "Diet controlled, no drugs necessary at this time.  T-Cat."  Later on I was told, "You were diagnosed with Diabetes - this is for life - you will undoubtedly end up on P-Cat" (T-Cat's will only take you so far...).  So after a bit of research, I will be placed on P-Cat, but I still fall within my trade specs and the universality of service.  So that means that unless something changes that would push me below my trade specs, I am postable, promotable and overseas-able.  All while on P-Cat. Does that make sense?  It does to me.  I just have diabetes and it is recognised in my file.  I'm still a good soldier...
So what happens if someone goofs and accidently puts you on Tcat?  Can they (the people in the clinic) fix it right away, or what?
For BinRat, that sounds about right.  For Hatchet, the amount of paperwork that is generated by a TCat would make it easy to ungoof it if necessary I'd have to say.


BinRat55 said:
... So after a bit of research, I will be placed on P-Cat, but I still fall within my trade specs and the universality of service.  So that means that unless something changes that would push me below my trade specs, I am postable, promotable and overseas-able.  All while on P-Cat. Does that make sense?  It does to me.  I just have diabetes and it is recognised in my file.  I'm still a good soldier...

Jim, you have it correct. I've been on PCat since 1999. I've been posted, promoted, deployed, and employed fully ever since. While I require life-long follow-up and annual MRIs & CTs scans ... My MELs do not place me below trade specs and I am fully deployable and employable.