Regime change in Syria that involves the replacement of the Baath Party would really transform that region and yank out the props under Hizbollah. It would also strengthen Lebanon. Right now Hizbollah is very close to usurping the leadership of Lebanon from the elected government. This would be a very dangerous pattern for future countries that host powerful terror groups.
Any regime change in ANY Arab government ANY where in the ME will produce (if democratic) an Islamist government. If a puppet regime is installed that does not abide to the people's and armed forces well, it will be toppled in few years. This had happened before during the colonial wars of 1920s and will happen in the future. Latest examples:
Algeria 1994 produced democratic Islamic party as majority
Turkey 2000, Islamic party...
Iran, Islamic party....
Iraq, Islamic party (Sheaa).....
Palestine, Islamic party.....
Jordan (Islamist are majority)......
Egypt (The Muslim Brotherhood on the rise again)......
Lebanon (mark my word, the next democratic government will be mostly Islamists).
Mauritania (keep an eye there as Islamist gain popularity)...
Saudi Arabia (local elections produced a sweeping win for conservative officials)
Kuwait ...... conservatives holding power in the parliament.
I don't know what change the U.S. is seeking, but any change happens after now will produce an Islamic majority. As I said it before, Israel and the US has the best chance to make peace now with the current Arab regimes.
that's not accurate, as the "elected" government was put in place by Syria.
Incorrect, the current Lebanese government is 100% democratic with no intervention at all from Syria. The pro-Syrian members in the parliament are smaller than the Saad Hariri coalition (the majority party).
The events occurring in Lebanon now would never have never happened should Syria had remained in Lebanon. It is an irony! Obviously, when the Syrians were in Lebanon, they'd interfere in all aspects of people lives, but for the very least people had a life!