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Support your troops. Just make sure you know who they are....

It has been a while but, any of you guys with 3 RCR around the 87 to 92 time frame re member a guy named "Slick" (a nickname).
This guybkind of looks like him.
Something else to help date the photo is the poppy.  First, what year did they change from green to black centre and second, when did they move it from the beret to the collar?
He's wearing a Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal...that's a subtle hint. ;D

I can't for the life of me figure out why the SSM ribbon behind the Commando Badge...  Any ideas?
Regardless of the provinence of the picture, how is it that after five years of war and literally millions of pictures of American servicemembers in action being taken and displayed by the media, blogs and web sites, the DNC has no clue as to what an American soldier looks like?

Imagine if you pulled up the Liberal or NDP website and a (say) British Royal Marine or Israeli Paratrooper was depicted as one of us with his unit identifiers Photoshopped out? First of all, would you believe that a picuture which is clearly Photoshopped is there by accident? Would you be inclined to give any credibility to an orgqanization which does not take the time and effort to post one correct photograph of a very visible and well known subject matter?

It isn't even that difficult. The Pentagon is just down the road from DNC HQ, or they could send a photographer to Arlington. Lots of military installations are a short drive from Washington DC, so I can 't think of any reason whatsoever that the DNC could not have a valid photograph on thier web page.
LGF is all over this. Its sad really that our dem's do stupid stuff like this. Proof again that they cant be trusted.

I suspect, as someone else has said, that this is merely ignorance and a lack of proofreading on the part of the contractor who made up the website.  Google search for a free stock photo of a generic soldier et voila...

Before we get too sanctimonious, there was a recruiting ad here in Edmonton about a month ago in one of those community guide-type publications (I can't remember which).  It featured naval types on a bridge of a ship and seemed innocent enough until one realized that the photo was of Royal Navy sailors, rather than Canadians.  And this was in an official CFRC ad, Government of Canada logo and all.
I can understand the confusion.  Here is Reuters photo listed as being from the Toronto Remberance Day parade from 2004. 
zipperhead_cop said:
I can understand the confusion.  Here is Reuters photo listed as being from the Toronto Remberance Day parade from 2004. 

Someone just came to my room to figure out what I was laughing my ass off about...
Also being discussed here:


Fauxtography: DNC-caught-redhanded edition
Update: DNC innocent!
Well, the photographer speaks.
OK. I received word back from the photographer. Here is his explanation:

Some of you asked me about the photo in question. I am the one who took these pictures. So to clarify some things:

I am selling my photos at Istockphoto.com which is by the way a nice and affordable site for buying photographs.

So the Democratic Party should have bought the photo on this site. Yes, he is a canadian soldier. Now, Istockphoto doesn’t accept photographs wich contain certain copyrighted elements like brand names, insignia, etc. Therefore I myself got rid of the insignia on the soldiers cap when I put it on for sale.

Regarding the second photo, on which the same soldier is smiling , the insignia is there on the cap, but if you zoom on it, you will see that it is blurred out, so copyrighted elements are not visible. Again I did that myself because of the above mentioned reason.

I hope this clarifies some things,

Best regards,

tommy1 on October 8, 2006 at 1:14 PM

From http://hotair.com/archives/2006/10/07/fauxtography-dnc-caught-redhanded-edition/
As of 1454 EDT, the site has changed the photo to a flag:


Good digging PB&J
Interesting that the photographer does not mention getting the soldier to sign a release, without which it is illegal to sell his image.
Other than blogs, has this made the MSM yet?
It's probably a non issue here in Canada but, I can see the media pouncing on this in the states.
PB&J said:
Other than blogs, has this made the MSM yet?
It's probably a non issue here in Canada but, I can see the media pouncing on this in the states.
Except its the Democrats, during an election.  This will be buried while the MSM roots through Republican garbage.