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Supply Techs and Naval Storesmen

Ahem. Liar. It was my evil twin who was served in the Army with you, lest there be any misunderstanding.

LOL!!  No misunderstanding here.  When you have walked 84 thousand kilometers beside someone, you can darn well tell the difference between the evil Vern >:D and the good Vern ;D.  Both of them would carry your ruck for you (and could I might add) but only one of them would punch you in the mouth for making her do so...nasty girl!!

BinRat55 said:
LOL!!  No misunderstanding here.  When you have walked 84 thousand kilometers beside someone, you can darn well tell the difference between the evil Vern >:D and the good Vern ;D.  Both of them would carry your ruck for you (and could I might add) but only one of them would punch you in the mouth for making her do so...nasty girl!!


OK, I said in my mod introduction thread that those who were in my trade would know my history ... so I didn't need it discussed here!! (At least I she waited until after the march to punch him ...)

Bring up anything about yellow fruits and road moves, Ptes jacking up MCpls, beer exchanges, or people stuck in trenchs ...(not me BTW!!) -- and I my evil twin will be making her way to your current location ...  >:(


Hey guys!

Just a Hello from this Naval Storesman out here on the mighty Toronto. Ive now chased pirates, crossed the line, went around the horn, watched a volcano explode, saved a Yemani Pte. from the briney deep and transited the ditch.

This deployment is shaping up to be one for the ages!

Cant wait to come home!

Fair winds and following seas my fellow 00168'ers
I might be a future supply tech. (didn't sign yet)

I got 3 questions?

1. Do you travel a lot?

2. The recruitment guy was not very clear on this, can a storesmen spent his entire career at sea or at least most of it?

3. As part of a combat support unit, do you fight, I mean do you go on patrol and all?

Johnf1981 said:
I might be a future supply tech. (didn't sign yet)

I got 3 questions?

1. Do you travel a lot?

2. The recruitment guy was not very clear on this, can a storesmen spent his entire career at sea or at least most of it?

3. As part of a combat support unit, do you fight, I mean do you go on patrol and all?


The recruiter could not answer this specifically because it really is ENTIRELY dependant upon what Unit you are serving with, what ops (if any) that Unit has been tasked with, what environment you happen to be posted into.

1) The opportunity to "travel" is certainly there. I hope that you mean "duty" travel ... on ships, on op tours ... etc etc

2) A "Storesman" IS a SUPPLY Tech and they are PURPLE; they can wear any environmental uniform but they CAN serve in any environment and WILL be posted to whichever Unit, in whichever position, they are MOST required.

3) We are ALL soldiers first. Including ALL purple trades ... if your butt is needed "outside the wire" ... it will be outside the wire in whatever capacity it is ultimately required for. Sup Techs do DPs, convoys etc. So do truckers etc.

Think of it this way:

You will be a Sup Tech, a purple support trade. You can be posted anywhere, at any time, to any Unit (ship, shore, overseas on Int Ops, Un tours) where a provision of support to CF personnel is required in whatever capacity required. This includes service with the Air, Navy or Army. This service is not limited in scope by the colour of your uniform (it's why they call it purple), nor the colour of the base or Unit that you are posted to.
I'm a supply tech with the BC Regiment [Duke of Connaught's Own] [a reserve unit in Vancouver]
Pte Wong ETS [Eugene TS]
I don't have my first hook yet, so don't be surprised that I haven't been anywhere. :) I'm just getting more responsibilities right now.

  I've just applied to be Naval Log Officer, I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on the position...If they enjoy their position, how long do they usually get deployed for, how much time do they see themselves at base?

- I guess, after the training will I get to pick which coast I want to be on to do my ship environment training?
- I know the main route is supply officer, but can anyone explain any of the other type of positions that go with the Logistics officers
(in Food services, contamination officer) and in human resources you can get into recruiting, and career services

But I was wondering what type of secondary officer positions were in fleet, Supply Chain Management, Transportation, Human Resource Management, Finance, and Food Services

-another thing would you be able to be apart of the boarding party and ship's dive team...
- could anyone explain to me Officer of the Day Duties...didn't really understand that...

thanks if anyone could give any help
Officer of the Day is essentially the person who is in charge of all things going on onboard ship when it's alongside.  Some big things for the OOD are fire-fighting/damage control, seamanship (ie. boats), ceremonial, and coordination with other units (ie. if a barge has to come alongside you for whatever reason). 
Dan Chapeski
Combat Supply, 1 SVC BN, CFB Edmonton
Qualified Supply Tech, oh, about a week now.

OJT Clothing Stores (MLS Supply) CFB Borden, Student CFSAL CFB Borden, 1 SVC BN CFB Edmonton