Greetings everyone,
I couldn't find much info on the boards about the supply tech?
i tried to get on the navy reserve as a BOSN but the spots were already filled up (only 4) :facepalm:
Surprisingly i found the opening on craigslist with a bunch of other openings.
After countless unanswered emails and calls, i finally had a day off to visit a recruitment center.
By luck the navy recruiter was there (she was replacing the other recruiter who is away).
I had my heart set on BOSN (and still is). However the recruiter told me that the reserve BOSN
opening would open up probably sometime next year.

(however I've heard to keep checking in every month to see if there would be an opening).
She suggested taking something else that Isnt full like supply tech .
I did some research on it and it would be something secondary i would consider.
I'm not sure on how the Role of Supply Tech works with the Navy Reserve. From the info on the forces site, supply techs can or are able to work
for the navy army and airforce. The vid discritpion didn't really go into great details about it, and the recruiter pretty much said
it is like a BOSN because you still do BOSN like duties, you are part of the dive team and damage control, and you are in charge of
the ships stock and maintenance (ammunition, food supplies, uniforms, stock/clerk/warehouse type duties , etc).
If anyone has any info regarding the role of the supply tech for the navy reserve would be greatly appreciated!
Also, if the BOSN trade is similar to Supply Tech in terms of the ship duties?
Im a bit hesitant in applying because i was told by friends in the forces "don't take anything you don't want, and don't settle"
sure you can always re-muster but isn't that frowned upon? you waste the forces resources and the spot you took could've been given to someone else who wanted it".
Thanks a bunch