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supply system?

Mover1........Gramps....dont me have to come back to g'wood and sort you guys out.

I didnt think it was possible, but while we are on the subject of the supply system, the hours at clothing in 14 wing aren't the worse ..........
aesop081... How about we settle this like men................a good old fashioned 1980's style break dance contest at the Top Hat. ;D
Gramps said:
aesop081... How about we settle this like men................a good old fashioned 1980's style break dance contest at the Top Hat. ;D

Consider yourself served ........... :threat:

You are aware that those reflective strips fold under so they're not seen don't you? The base Chief here in Shearwater has passed down that they shall all be folded under unless you're working on the flight line.
I do understand that they tuckup under. However we haven't been given that direction yet. In fact the rules of the day for us here in our section are to be wearing something reflective from dusk to dawn or in inclement weather.

Besides it looks way cool when the disco lights hit you, makes for far better break dancing.
Ahh I don't know where else to post this, seems like a good place.

I've been paying close attention to people walking around NDHQ (slouching around!?) and riding on the bus and I have noticed a few things..

1. the no-hook privates in clothing stores seem to all be wearing high speed door kicker boots

2. there are alot of green LOG types walking around in cadpat raingear, some of these people fall under category 1

I'm cool with people wearing kit they have been honestly issued, but some of this seems to be a bit fishy... could it be that the supply people are issuing themselves gucci kit that they are not entitled to?

Oh, and one other thing, why is that when I go to clothing stores at NDHQ, the ONLY people who I ever deal with are no-hook privates.....?
OMG,  cry me a river. 

Supply Techs are there to do a job just as you are.  And believe you me, every trade could use some clean up after looking in the mirror. 
I love to hear people complain about the Sup System.  It makes me think that the new battle cry for the individuals like yourself should be "ME, ME,ME" 
I am total disbelief of the claim that there are no boot laces.  Did you ask to talk to the I/C of clothing?  I believe that there are pieces missing from your claim. 

Tell the whole story.  If you are that concerned about it, they give you this little amount every month called CUA.  When is the last time you used that for any clothing items?  Spend the $4 0r $5 to get your laces.
Someone just recently corrected me on CUA; it no longer exists.

I have heard horror stories of the Clothing Stores in Ottawa.  I have experienced the frustration of never being able to get anyone to answer their phone there, or reply to their frigg'n Voice Mail.  I will have to go back to visit them in a few weeks to get some kit, an appointment I was able to make after getting an unlisted number of the person (Pte) who books the appointments.  I have actually been treated quite well in my few visits to their lair in the bowels of NDHQ. 

Ottawa is definitely a strange place when it comes to Orders of Dress though.  There have been a few threads on that lost cause.
exrigger66 said:
OMG,   cry me a river.  

Supply Techs are there to do a job just as you are.   And believe you me, every trade could use some clean up after looking in the mirror.  
I love to hear people complain about the Sup System.   It makes me think that the new battle cry for the individuals like yourself should be "ME, ME,ME"  
I am total disbelief of the claim that there are no boot laces.   Did you ask to talk to the I/C of clothing?   I believe that there are pieces missing from your claim.  

Tell the whole story.   If you are that concerned about it, they give you this little amount every month called CUA.   When is the last time you used that for any clothing items?   Spend the $4 0r $5 to get your laces.

OMG, STFU, cut the MSN Speak.

Boot laces are an entitlement, not something you should have to buy.

You'll get little sympathy from anyone at the pointy end for this type of crap. Why not just buy our own weapons and rations too? Would'nt want a supply tech to have to get off his extra large, padded swivel chair for anyone less than his commanding general.

CUA is for Uniform Upkeep, namely the DEUs, and was cancelled October first, in favour of a point system for said uniform.

So get your facts straight before spouting off about a toppic you obviously know so little about, making the "retired" part of your profile painfully obvious.

exrigger66, When I spoke to clothing about the boot laces it was the I/C I was talking to! A very helpful person but there were no laces to be had. It has since been sorted out. Whether you believe it or not really does not interest me, in fact, I probably could not care any less than I do right now if you believe it or not. I have in fact used mt CUA (when we had it) to buy clothing items from time to time. As for the ME ME ME comment maybe you have forgotten that those of us that wear the LOG badges are there to provide a service to those that fly the aircraft, carry the rifles, maintain the vehicles and live on the ships and so on. So, before you say there are pieces missing from anyones claims, maybe you should check things out yourself before spewing out insults to others. Oh, and the last time I spent money for clothing items was in September just in case you were curious, not that I or anyone here owes you an explanation for our actions.
exrigger if you had read everything that came before and including Gramps post you would understand , in this thread we were talking about the lack of kit in the supply system and how hard it is to get anything including laces , please keep your rude comments to yourself, I have known gramps for 14 years now 12 years of that military service and let me tell you he is the last one to bitch and moan. I AM THE ONE THE WHINS AND CRYS, that is why I started this thread thank you very much
GO!!! said:
OMG, STFU, cut the MSN Speak.
GO!!! said:
Boot laces are an entitlement, not something you should have to buy.
Absolutely they are entitlement and therefore a Supply Clothing Stores item, and if they can not for some ungodly reason, manage to have them available, then it is their responsibility to purchase appropriate laces for you downtown using the National budget as they are a stocked item. I don't have any problem getting them from depot Montreal here in Gagetown...I have a big coat hanger right inside the door of clothing next to the front counter that is draped with cbt boot laces and desert boot laces so the troops can come in and get them when they need them. But every first line unit QM should also have these available for the troops within their Unit shop...
GO!!! said:
You'll get little sympathy from anyone at the pointy end for this type of crap. Why not just buy our own weapons and rations too? Wouldn't want a supply tech to have to get off his extra large, padded swivel chair for anyone less than his commanding general.
Nor should any sympathy be expected by the Sup Tech at Clothing who has failed to do their job. I will back the pointy end up on this.
GO!!! said:
CUA is for Uniform Upkeep, namely the DEUs, and was cancelled October first, in favour of a point system for said uniform.
Correct again...and as an ex-rigger (read 911 Sup Tech here) this poster should be more than aware of that fact and the fact that CUA was NEVER intended for anything other than Permanently issued DEU kit items.
GO!!! said:
So get your facts straight before spouting off about a topic you obviously know so little about, making the "retired" part of your profile painfully obvious.
It still amazes me that as a rigger poster was also a Sup Tech...apparently a career rigger though with very little actual real world Supply experience.