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summer 2005 bmq in meaford


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i was wondering if anyone here is going to be doing bmq and sq this coming summer in meaford?
also i was wondering what the average age of the people that do this course usually are.. mid teens?, late teens? ect..
The BMQ I am currently instructing on varies from 16 to 40.
The average candidate on the BMQ/SQ crses in Meaford (ARC) are 17/18 yrs old.
I really hope to go to Meaford BMQ this summer but now I am playnig the waiting game :D
im 18 and going this summer, damn excited to shoot some guns. what regiment are you in, im in the royal reg of canada
I did my training last summer in meafor I think the oldest on my course was 22 and youngest 16 you'll have a blast best experience of your life i garentee it just watch out for the bloody tank ruts man i hated those things
I'm going to Meaford on July 4th for bmq/sq...Anyone who is going can PM me for my msn...
Hey I'm going too...

add me to MSN candary2@cogeco.ca it will be nice knowing some people going in.
I'm going for the rest of my SQ course on July 4, then BIQ which starts in like mid-end of July and goes for 1 month. Our SQ course is only 11days long because we're doing "pre-SQ" now, basically being trained+certified on the C9 and C6 machine guns...


Anyone else on that little 11day SQ???
R031 Pte Joe said:
I'm going for the rest of my SQ course on July 4, then BIQ which starts in like mid-end of July and goes for 1 month. Our SQ course is only 11days long because we're doing "pre-SQ" now, basically being trained+certified on the C9 and C6 machine guns...


Anyone else on that little 11day SQ???

I'm teaching on it in Meaford, if I'm not in Gagetown for a carreer course.  It's longer than 11 days even with the pre cousre stuff.
Love793 said:
I'm teaching on it in Meaford, if I'm not in Gagetown for a carreer course.  It's longer than 11 days even with the pre cousre stuff.

Oh... Well isn't that interesting... Damn army! "On the bus, off the bus!", I suppose that part of it never stops eh? O-well, same as "Hurry up and wait!"...

That's fine with me, the more I'm out there this summer, the stronger and smarter I'll get and the more money I'll get too...


One quick question about SQ since I've read everything else about it... Apparently there's more c*ck on this course by far then on BMQ... Any truth to that? Or completely dependant upon instructors? I'm okay with it regardless because I always expect the worst in regards to that sort of thing so I'm not surprised... Just that the guys in my unit say SQ is a tough bit*h compare to BMQ...
I'll let you in on a little secret, C*ck is for the most part self induced.  Yes as instructors we do have to put a fair bit of stress on you, however the additiional stuff, is as I said self induced.  Plus I like to think of it remotivation. ;D
Love793 said:
I'll let you in on a little secret, C*ck is for the most part self induced.  Yes as instructors we do have to put a fair bit of stress on you, however the additiional stuff, is as I said self induced.  Plus I like to think of it remotivation. ;D

That's what I figured, we didn't do too bad on BMQ except for a few half-retards who later ended up quitting or just fixing themselves with some help from the rest of us. Not saying I'm a super-soldier or anything, I'm average so far. I learned A LOT in BMQ though, so I think on this course I'm already doing much better... The instructors we have so far are already very much expecting higher standards of us though, which has gotten us into a bitch of a situation at times... Some guys thought since it's the beginning of a new course they could screw around and all that, relax and not take things so seriously because we've had these instructors for, well, about 6 months... WRONG! Oh boy were they wrong... Anyway, thanks for the hints Love.

Hey Joe where are you doing the shortened SQ?

We're training right now at the John Foote armoury in Hamilton (home of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry {RHLI}) but I'm from the Niagara based Lincoln and Welland Regiment. In the summer we'll be at Meaford, that's really all I know for sure about the summer...  ???