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Stuck in a terrible situation

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Hey there,

So on February 4th 2010 I got a job offer in the Canadian Armed Forces for a Signal Operator and I was supposed to be sworn in this Thursday and then off to BMQ for the 8th of March. So my last day of work was completed the other day and my landlord is now expecting me out of his apartments on the 28th (end of the month). Then I would stay at my girlfriends house (with her parents) for the first 6 days in march until I had to leave on the 6th for BMQ in Saint Jean. I am currently living in Quebec (about 3 hours from saint jean) as I moved here from British Columbia in August.

So here is the spectacular part of this whole story. This morning I get a call from the (recruiting office in sherbrooke, and now they are saying that I will not be getting sworn in this thursday as my medical file is being sent back from Ottawa because someone down there needs to know something else about my medical, or needs something else. I am not exactly sure as to what is wrong with it as the person who called me from Sherbrooke didnt really know themselves and said they wouldnt know until they got my file back this thursday or friday.

So since I am not getting sworn in anymore this thursday, my BMQ date will be backed up (who knows, I might not even get in anymore).. and here I am with really no place to go, no job and really no money. I am not sure really what to do, and am just curious if this has happened before to anyone?
tsokman said:
Oh that sucks maybe you should have waited till you signed your contract and were sworn in.

Absolute UFI. No help whatsoever.

If all you want to do is spout off, go do it in a closet.

Milnet.ca Staff
tsokman said:
Oh that sucks maybe you should have waited till you signed your contract and were sworn in.

You are Captain Insightful....

How is it in your world to have hindsight 20/20?

How about advice, preferably not from you, that can be helpful or comforting?

You are in a bad situation, all you can do is talk to your recruiter and get a timeline. Maybe things can be expedited.
Quitting my job and giving my landlord notice that I amoving out at the end of the month would not of been very reasonable AFTER signing my contract. Although thats the safest way to do things, I cant exactly quit my job on good terms, and tell my landlord I am moving out at the end of the month with a 3 days notice haha.. since my lease agreement says I must give 1 months notice prior to leaving.

I tried to get in touch with them again to get some more answers but wasnt able to get through.. I will try again soon. My main questions are once they find out what is wrong with my medical (it could be something minor or could be something abit more serious) how long will it take for my file to get sent back and looked at again? Will I get my job offer back right away, or will I have to wait in line (so to speak) again. I am also wondering if ill be able to make BMQ on the 15th now seeing as the 8th seems abit unlikely. So yes, I need to call and get a timeline, and figure all that stuff out. Until then I am just left to wonder why this has happened, I have never heard of them giving out a job offer then revoking it  :eek:
So I just got through.. I got some answers cleared up. Basically they said once they get my file back to the office in Sherbrooke and get everything on my file cleared up then it will take a week to get sent back then probably about a couple days to get reviewed again (they will put it in priority order.. so it will go back to the top).. then once they say I am good to go (hopefully..) my file will get sent back which is another week. However, my recruiting officer said he can request an email so they can tell him if my file is cleared, this way they wont need to wait an additional week till the file is in their hands. I also asked if I will get my job offer back right away.. he said he was not sure how that would work.

The one thing I forgot to ask which I was hoping someone here could help me out with was.. dont they review your medical before they give you a job offer? Shouldnt my file already have been cleared?

Anyhow thanks for listening yall  :)

PS - The timeline until I know I am cleared or not is about 3 weeks to 1 month my recruiting officer said. Very unfortuante as I wont be making the March 15th BMQ then. I was also wondering when future course dates for BMQ will be announced?
I heard today that there's an April BMQ we're trying to fill, but I was dealing with an application for a Naval Reservist ... so I'm not sure if it's a NAVRES specific BMQ or if it's for any Reserves or for anyone at all.

My advice is don't dwell on it either way, you'll just drive yourself crazy ... stay in touch with Sherbrooke and wait for the new info.

My sympathies for all the trouble you've had ...
Otis is correct the BMQ is to start on 12 April and its RegF.

If you have to tell your landlord that you are no longer leaving keep this in mind. We know that you need to give notice to move out or break a lease. When you are enrolled you bring in a copy of your lease with the requirement stating how much time you need to give and we will pay that for you. So don't worry about the lease. As for your job. You should have already told your boss what was going on and tell him to expect to get only a week or two notice. You'll find that most are willing to cut you some slack. If not he doesn't have much choice. Your leaving for bigger and better things.
So I thought I would give a bit of an update as to where I am right now, things have gotten better.

So here is what happened;

During my medical, the doc took my blood pressure, and it was high. He then forgot to re take my blood pressure at the end of the medical. So while I got a job offer two days later it had to be revoked because when it was reviewed in Ottawa they wanted a follow up on it.

Anyhow I went in today (nervous as hell!) to get my blood pressure re evaluated, my blood pressure has turned out to be fine and everything got re sent back to Ottawa and the doc said my file should be reviewed right away as it has already been reviewed and this is just a little update to my file.

So I was all happy that my blood pressure is normal or else I would have had to fly back to BC to get it taken 3 times on 3 different days by a doctor seeing as I do not have a Quebec health card (plus my wait time till April BMQ). As I was leaving I was informed that before I leave the captain at the recruiting centre wanted to chat with me. Turns out their are now some spots open for infantry, and seeing as that was my first choice he wanted to know if I would rather have infantry over Sig Op. I accepted and we re did the last part of my previous interview with new questions related to be in Infantry. He said their are no guarntees that I will get infantry now, but if its not that then it will be as planned with Sig Op.

I asked about future BMQ courses and he said it doesnt look like I will make BMQ for the 15th or orignal date of the 8th of March. However, he said I should be shipped onto a April BMQ for infantry if I get a job offer for it or Sig Op (I also still have a chance to make BMQ for the 15th if I get offered Sig Op). So if I cant make the 15th then I will be flying back to BC anyways for about a month until April rolls around. All has turned out great, and I am back on the Merit list as of now.. and should be getting a job offer (again) shortly.

Thanks for the advice and everything else, its much appreciated.

Glad things worked out for you after all. Good luck in your career.

Milnet.ca Staff
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