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Strangest request since I've been home.

Mate, I'd give my left kidney to see the Saskatchewan Roughriders have a go at the Argos in Taylor field in Regina!!

In another life, at times which seems a 1000 yrs ago, my Dad had two season tickets, and I remember many Riders games we'd go to. I miss those CFL games.

Enjoy the game.



EDIT: How about posting some pics with those cheerleaders!!!!!!
Gaspasser said:
even if it involves getting hugs and pictures with the Argo Girls.   ;D

It'll be tough, but I guess a soldier's gotta do what a soldier's gotta do.

I'll take one for the team.  :salute:
RHFC_piper said:
It'll be tough, but I guess a soldier's gotta do what a soldier's gotta do.

I'll take one for the team.  :salute:

Truely a great soldier. Don't forget to tie a rope to your butt just in case we need to pull you out. ;D


I was just informed today of the details of my little adventure.

The military (LFCA PAFFO) is putting me up in the Renaissance Hotel, Located in the Rogers Centre (AKA. Skydome).

My Home unit is fixing me up with a car rental, which I think isn't nessesary, but what ever.

The deal for the big show has changed though;  I'm no longer going to be doing the coin toss... Instead, they want me tosit back and enjoy the game, and at the end of the game they want me to walk out onto the field where I am to be presented with something from the team... They haven't said what, but they're hinting at a signed football... either way, I'm sure it'll find its way to the Coriano Club in Petawawa.

Apparently, all the fans are invited out onto the field after the game for autographs and pictures (no.. not from me.. from the team... jeez) so they want me to stick around for that.

I asked for a photo of the team holding the Regimental flags of the RCR and PPCLI and they're going to put in a request for me. "They" being the LFCA PAFFO)

Thats all I have for now... I'll keep everyone informed.


RHFC_piper said:
As for the pick up lines; thanks for the tips, guys... but even if it worked on the Argo girls, my fiance would probably tear me a new one.

Oh well.. she can't stop me from looking... heh.

Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.  ;)
enjoy yourself troop. If anything else comes of it for either Regt, fine, but this is your moment. Enjoy it to the fullest.

Even if Paracowboy isn't smart enough to love the Argo's....oh man,...was that the 'modify' ;) button?
UPDATE: yet again...

Now I'm going to be center field at half time to be presented a signed football by Keith Pelley, President and CEO, Toronto Argonauts and Chad Folk, Center, Toronto Argonauts.  In return, I hope to present them with an RCR sweater and ball cap generously provided by Michael O'Leary.

Also, some of the Toronto Argonaut Cheerleaders will pose with the RCR and PPCLI flags for photographs to be sent back to Afghanistan.  :o ;D That should make the boys happy.  :cdn: :salute:

I'll be posting pics when I return.

As a Citizen of Toronto, and your Public relations manager (yep I voted myself) do you need me to do any P.R?  Especially that photo op with the flags....we may need someone to direct the proper poses...


the 48th regulator said:
As a Citizen of Toronto, and your Public relations manager (yep I voted myself) do you need me to do any P.R?  Especially that photo op with the flags....we may need someone to direct the proper poses...



Thanks for the offer, but I have it all covered.. I plan to personally place them.. Each appendage individually... to create the perfect effect... heh.. yeah right.
Hey whoo there as senior member of the Higland Mafia on these boards (self appointed) I need to be there to ahem supervise, ya that's it supervise. Actually where Tess and cheerleaders are involved supervision will probably be required.
Hey Pagnacco I'll be watching you, Good luck! Hopefully i'll see you Christmas break back at Cambridge
Mission: Argos, Sitrep:

So, I won't go into too many details about the Hotel, I'll just say it was fantastic.  ;D

My Thanks goes to the staff of the Toronto Renaissance Hotel.

Now on to the show;

I was greeted, upon arrival at the hotel, by Lt.(N) Frey (PAFFO LFCA) and Picked up our tickets and passes for the game.  My Fiance and I made our way to our seats at about 1445h and settled in for the game. 

By settle in for the game, I mean settle into a cup of Kieths... Heres to the boys :cheers:

The flag party marched out and Pte Newlands (QOR) sang O'Canada with a stirring cheer from the crowd of 36,000+....

Another Reservist doing our forces proud.  :salute: :cdn:

Halfway through the second quater, I was escorted down to the field, with Lt.(N) Frey, to be presented a signed football by Keith Pelley, President and CEO, Toronto Argonauts.  In return, I presented him with an RCR Sweater and Ball Cap, generously donated by Michael O'leary... Thanks again.

Click on the pic for a video of the presentation.

Mr.Pelley was very appreciative of the sweater and cap and expressed his support and appreciation for the CF and our troops over seas.
I must say, I was proud to stand on that field and represent the CF, our troops overseas and the wounded soldiers.  I couldn't believe the response from the fans, it was phonominal.  On my way back to my seat I was stopped several times by people expressing their support for the troops.

Side note: While I was waiting to take the field, I was able to watch the game from behind the Montreal bench (pretty damn close to the action) and was standing of to the side of the Montreal end zone when Toronto Argos wide receiver Arland Bruce ran in what should have been the most spectacular touch down of the game... but he "grazed" the left sideline as he ran in... 60 yards.  That was pretty cool.  Here are the Highlights.

The second Half didn't go so well for the Argos, and the game ended with a score of 24 - 20 for Montreal..  :(  At least it was close... those guys played pretty hard.

At the end of the game, we made our way down to the field (again) to try to get some photos with some Argos and / or thier cheerleaders: Blue Thunder.  It was 'Fan Appreciation Day' so we had to work our way through the crowds... but it was great.  I think people were taking picures of the soldiers on the field as much as the cheerleaders... but they definitely looked better in a dress.

Lt.(N) Frey and Myself with the signed football.

We even managed to find some other guy's in Kilts.  These lads were strait from Scotland, and like any good Jock (slang for Scot, FYI), they were looking for a good football match... maybe not exactly what they were after, but it seems like they had fun.

Oi, Laddies... Oi :cheers:

Good times had by all...

My thanks goes to the entire Argos organization, Mr. Keith Pelley, President and CEO, Toronto Argonauts, The Blue Thunder Cheerleaders, the staff of the Renaissance hotel and of course, Lt.(N) Joseph Frey, who organized the whole endevour (over a hair cut... inside joke, sorry).

So again, to everyone involved; Thank you.  :salute:

Next Sitrep will include all the pics you all want to see.  ;) ;)
I have to comment, that is the nicest cane I ever did see.
Is it "camouflaged" (matches the kilt)? Or is that just the wood?

Very good pictures Piper, thanks for sharing them.  :)

career_radio-checker said:
I have to comment, that is the nicest cane I ever did see.
Is it "camouflaged" (matches the kilt)? Or is that just the wood?

Very good pictures Piper, thanks for sharing them.  :)


Its actually just a patterned metal cane.  My sister bought it for me when I was just getting my legs back in sunnybrook hospital.  She had her choice between that one and a black one...  It Does match the kilt nicely though.

Unforunately it has fostered such comments as "My grandmother has a cane just like that," to which I usually reply, "I know... tell her I say hi"  or "I know, it was hanging on my bedpost last night"

The boys at the unit are trying to get one made for me with CADPAT paint and an RHFC collar dog mounted on it.  Hopefully I won't need to use a cane for much longer, but I'm sure I'll hang on to them for sentimental reasons (and for sympathy).
Mission: Argos, Sitrep: continued.

Here are the pictures you've been waiting for.


For our PPCLI Brothers:

For our RCR Brothers:

And for my fellow FUSILIERS:

(I had to jump in...  ;) ;D they're tiny... ;D)

My thanks again to the entire Argos organization, Mr. Keith Pelley, President and CEO, Toronto Argonauts, The Blue Thunder Cheerleaders, the staff of the Renaissance hotel, Lt.(N) Joseph Frey for setting it all up, and Michael O'leary for donating the RCR flag, sweater and hat.

Good times :cheers:

:salute: :cdn: :salute:
