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Strange body shape or am I overweight? Need some help

now I am worried, I am 5'7" and only weight 140 pounds, am I going to have a hard time with the ruck marches
I am 16, going to BMQ this summer

I wouldn't worry all that much. Fitness and  size (to a lesser extent), will play a roll in your performance. A lot of the equation is attitude and mental toughness, though.

There's a lot of information on how to get ready for ruck-marching on this site. If you are worried look it up and try some of the training.

having an endomorphic body type is definitly not a bad thing going into basic. I was impressed at how much weight you gained in muscle mind you. treasure your pounds. when your a tall skinny guy (6'4 190), wieght is extremely hard to put on and extremely easy to lose.
I think there is way too much emphasis placed on "weight" these days and not on performance or health.
What you can do and how healthy you are is more important than how much you weigh.  I'm a chick and I rarely weigh myself.  If I am happy with my performance in the gym, on the road or on the river, then I am happy with myself.
You seem to be doing the right thing, keep it up!
Funny Story:  The bathroom scale in my house stopped working because after my brother moved in with me he used the scale so much the battery died!!
Maybe someone can make some sense of this for me.  Although it's not used against people, the CF still looks at healthy weight guidlines based on the Body Mass Index (BMI).  From my experience, this scale doesn't provide for a very accurate representation when it comes to people who lift weights and are fit.  For example, I am 5'11 and weigh 210lbs.  Based on the BMI I would be grossly obese!  All this and I still score excempt on my express every year (although this small feat is not something to brag about because even the excempt standard is ridiculously low IMHO).

So what's the deal with the BMI?
You are absolutely correct where BMI (Body Mass Index) is not as accurate as something like BIA:

BIA stands for Bio-Electric Impedance Analysis. It is a simple and inevasive way to get your body composition analyzed. Body composition is the ratio of fat mass to fat free mass in your body. This is a much better indicator of your health than scale weight. 2 electrodes are stuck on your hand, and 2 on your feet, and a very small electrical current is passed through your body. The more fat one has, the slower the current. Fat acts as an insulator in the body.

Based on BMI standards at 5'5", 190 lbs, my body fat would be 31.6% which places me in the OBESE category. But, when I take the BIA body assessment, my body fat index is measured at 19.4%, which obviously accounts for my greater than average muscle mass. 12%-18% is the goal I am trying to reach to be in the 'fit' category, but at least I now know I am considered to be at a 'normal' weight for my body composition instead of 'OBESE'. If you want the most accurate assesment, I know the method where they submerse your body is the most accurate but it is hard to find places that do it. The next best thing is the eletro resistance method which is much cheaper as well.

Here is the site for Ryerson University for those in Toronto that are interested in the procedure:

