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Steiner's Story, split from Re: General Questions regarding your application

Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday dear, me. Happy birthday to me.
Hey everyone.

As of Thursday Oct 10th One of my references told me that they have been called. Since she works during the week Its hard for her to receive calls during the day. She told me that she would call them back the next day (Friday.) I have yet to ask if she got a hold of them since I was up north where I find serenity and relaxation. I'll keep posting about how my references are going along.

As far as my weekend? Begun to shoot a bow for the first time and was destroying my fathers friend's accuracy. Some things just come naturally.
In regard to my above post:

My first reference was called on Thursday, which ended up being a voicemail. She called back the Friday, which ended up in a voicemail. She then received a call yesterday (Tuesday) and was able to talk to the reference checker - whether it be my file manager or a third party, I'm not sure. She gave rave reviews and was told that they liked what she said. Hopefully, that is some indication as to how my application is going.  :)
steiner0400 said:
Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday dear, me. Happy birthday to me.

Happy belated birthday !!!
My birthday was recently too, October 10th !!!
I guess we are both Libras  ;D
Finally! Today began with irony.

I wake up to a text from my mother asking about the progress with my application and if I still attend the gym. I answered in the affirmative for the gym part, but had to tell her I haven't heard much of my application since the CFAT.

About 2 hours later I receive a call. This call is my file manager calling to set a medical appointment. YES! finally, some more progress! only one more step after this medical and I'm in! can't contain my excitement now!

My medical is booked for 25Nov 2013 so hopefully I get an interview booked shortly after.

I'm so close but still so far! I really hope I can get a spring BMQ date.

Long story short, I'm almost there.
Greetings, everyone.

Yesterday was my medical. But that's not where I'm going to start my story...

So last week, starting sunday, I went hunting. Unfortunately, we wounded a deer but were unable to track it after the first day of tracking because of rain (it's rather hard to track blood after its washed away.) That was the only action we saw. Saturday after waking up at 0500 for a morning hunt and hunting until noon, I drove for 5 hours in the snow to get home. Of course where I live was receiving a snow squall... Woopdy doo right? Wrong, I plow snow on top of working a night shift job.

On saturday night I was called out to plow around 0000 and didn't get finished until noon. I went home and rested for about 3 hours before eating, showering, and getting ready to go out again. I went plowing again for another 9 hours. I would have been out longer but I needed to rest for my medical. I got home around 0500 in the morning but since my girlfriend was getting up for school I decided to visit her in the shower after not seeing much of her in the last 9 days.

Anyways, after the short while in the shower I drove her to school and came home to sleep. I slept from about 0930 to about 1230... My medical was at 1300...

I got to the medical and was hardly awake during most of it. The medical history, hearing, and vision tests were nothing... I'm a V1/V2 in vision and a B1 in hearing. It came down to the physical portion... I was dreading it. Some of the balance tests are pretty ridiculous, Standing on tip toes, and heels AND walking... then in a walking squat position, and then the push-ups. I passed it all surprisingly and was on my way.

I'm so thankful this part is - for the most part - over, I just need to bring a paper to my doctor and have it signed off regarding my lower than normal blood pressure vs. previous marijuana use.

So that's that, I hope to get word on an interview soon but who knows. I was told they have no spots available for interviews until the new year but I'm ok with that.

Thanks everyone!
Dude, if you like heavy equipment, why didn't you apply for combat engineer?
PanaEng said:
Dude, if you like heavy equipment, why didn't you apply for combat engineer?

Trust me, I did. I was told that it was closed and they wouldnt likely be taking in applicants for it for a while.

Sounded like a load of bs if you ask me, since a lot of people in the application process - on here at least - have my three top pics; CBT ENG, ARTY, ARMOURED... for some reason I was deemed "less competative" for those three... Funny since I'm sure my civi cridentials more than likely out weigh 80% of those applying for the same trades on here.

Went through conestoga college for H.E.O... graduated with a 3.64 G.P.A. (honours) and top in class. Have 3 years experience in the field. Passed the CFAT with eligibility for all trades, and have been deemed medically fit.

Your guess is as good as mine as to why I have been disregarded as a CBT ENG or ARMOURED soldier..

I'll be calling my recruiter soon to ask him to inform me when any of my three top pics become open since I personally don't want to work on engines, I want to break engines if you catch my drift.
Sounds like your recruiter tried to fill a gap in the Veh tech recruiting, with your H.E.O background hoping you'd be happy working on the machines. I agree with you your qualifications civi wise are greater then mine, I've only worked as a labourer on a construction site for a few summers. I passed the CFAT with flying colours but am now waiting for background checks to finish so I can proceed further.

An aside, you mentioned you did push ups for your medical was their any particular reason? I thought push ups were set aside for the reserve PT, and Reg Force did it at week 0 at BMQ

Good luck with your application, Combat Eng and Armoured will hopefully be opened in April for us.
steiner0400 said:
Trust me, I did. I was told that it was closed and they wouldnt likely be taking in applicants for it for a while.

Sounded like a load of bs if you ask me, since a lot of people in the application process - on here at least - have my three top pics; CBT ENG, ARTY, ARMOURED... for some reason I was deemed "less competative" for those three... Funny since I'm sure my civi cridentials more than likely out weigh 80% of those applying for the same trades on here.

Went through conestoga college for H.E.O... graduated with a 3.64 G.P.A. (honours) and top in class. Have 3 years experience in the field. Passed the CFAT with eligibility for all trades, and have been deemed medically fit.

Your guess is as good as mine as to why I have been disregarded as a CBT ENG or ARMOURED soldier..

I'll be calling my recruiter soon to ask him to inform me when any of my three top pics become open since I personally don't want to work on engines, I want to break engines if you catch my drift.

Being that you have no idea what others are bringing to the table....saying you are more qualified than 80% of applicants is a pretty broad statement.

Hate to burst your bubble...but at least for the Armoured Corps.....your HEO is of absolutely no bearing or use.
RCDcpl said:
Being that you have no idea what others are bringing to the table....saying you are more qualified than 80% of applicants is a pretty broad statement.

Hate to burst your bubble...but at least for the Armoured Corps.....your HEO is of absolutely no bearing or use.

Your observation is correct and I did make a blunt and broad statement. However, I do stand by it seeing as not many - if any- indicate any such education in their stories. a 3.64 G.P.A. is the equivelant of 91%. Thats honours/high honours (depending on school function).

Now my main machine of choice is bulldozer, ergo a track type vehicle to a tank and/or LAVIII is comparable in menouverability to some degree.

Its like going from riding a bike to a motorcycle... not everyone who walked will be able to ride a chopper. BUT most who ride peddle bikes will be more apt to operating a motorcycle... Understand where I'm coming from a little bit now?
KerryBlue said:
Sounds like your recruiter tried to fill a gap in the Veh tech recruiting, with your H.E.O background hoping you'd be happy working on the machines. I agree with you your qualifications civi wise are greater then mine, I've only worked as a labourer on a construction site for a few summers. I passed the CFAT with flying colours but am now waiting for background checks to finish so I can proceed further.

An aside, you mentioned you did push ups for your medical was their any particular reason? I thought push ups were set aside for the reserve PT, and Reg Force did it at week 0 at BMQ

Good luck with your application, Combat Eng and Armoured will hopefully be opened in April for us.

The push ups were to prove physical fitness. It was only 10, Dont get me wrong, you want to be able to do more, but 10 will pass you. Its a manditory part.

For Pres they must exhibit a set number in a set time of pushups, sit ups, and steps. along with 2.4km in under 11:56 for those under 30yo.

my fitness regime was based off of the Pres physical test so I was a little more well off... However, due to work and personal issues/events the gym has been on the backburner lately.
Hmm, someone currently in the RCD says this...

RCDcpl said:
Hate to burst your bubble...but at least for the Armoured Corps.....your HEO is of absolutely no bearing or use.

Which is countered by the applicant saying this:

steiner0400 said:
Now my main machine of choice is bulldozer, ergo a track type vehicle to a tank and/or LAVIII is comparable in menouverability to some degree.

And people wonder why potential recruits get a rough ride from time to time. There's being eager and hopeful that your background will give you something to contribute, then there's ramming multiple feet in your gob because you just don't want to listen what the people already doing the job you want have to tell you about it.
Scott said:
And people wonder why potential recruits get a rough ride from time to time. There's being eager and hopeful that your background will give you something to contribute, then there's ramming multiple feet in your gob because you just don't want to listen what the people already doing the job you want have to tell you about it.


steiner0400 said:
I do stand by it seeing as not many - if any- indicate any such education in their stories. a 3.64 G.P.A.

And you do realize not every CF applicant is on this website, right?  ::)
steiner0400 said:
Your observation is correct and I did make a blunt and broad statement. However, I do stand by it seeing as not many - if any- indicate any such education in their stories. a 3.64 G.P.A. is the equivelant of 91%. Thats honours/high honours (depending on school function).

Now my main machine of choice is bulldozer, ergo a track type vehicle to a tank and/or LAVIII is comparable in menouverability to some degree.

Its like going from riding a bike to a motorcycle... not everyone who walked will be able to ride a chopper. BUT most who ride peddle bikes will be more apt to operating a motorcycle... Understand where I'm coming from a little bit now?

LAV's aren't tracked....so your comparison is incorrect.

Further, driving a bulldozer at like 15km/h is not like driving an armoured vehicle at 60 cross country.  Coupled with the fact that HEO teaches nothing of reading the ground for tactical advantages etc, and has absolutely nothing to do with gunning, loading, commanding, and dismounted ops.....as I stated....your HEO experience is of little use.  Not once on exercise, or in Afghanistan have we ever had a problem and thought to ourselves "if only we had someone with a heavy equipment background."

And the riding a bike makes you more ready for a motorcycle is the dumbest analogy I've ever heard.

Best of luck in your applications.
RCDcpl said:
...but at least for the Armoured Corps.....your HEO is of absolutely no bearing or use.

I have no dog in this fight, but it does say,

Related Civilian Occupations
• Heavy equipment operator
• Computer operator
• Firefighter
• Guard
It also says firefighter......my 6 years in the trade.....I don't know the slightest thing about fighting fires.....nor do I know anything about computers....so computer operator really isn't that similar either.
steiner0400 said:
Your observation is correct and I did make a blunt and broad statement. However, I do stand by it seeing as not many - if any- indicate any such education in their stories. a 3.64 G.P.A. is the equivelant of 91%. Thats honours/high honours (depending on school function).

EDIT:Too much personal info for poster's liking.

There's plenty more on my resume with regards to leadership,sports and the likes, you have a unique diploma as an H.E.O but that doesn't make you better then 80% of the applicants. Everyone applying is different and comes from a different background. We all bring unique experiences which the CF recruiting system will look at and decide how competitive it makes us.

(I am in no way trying to sound like I am better then anyone here, just giving steiner something to compare his application to) 
KerryBlue said:
EDIT: See above.

There's plenty more on my resume with regards to leadership,sports and the likes, you have a unique diploma as an H.E.O but that doesn't make you better then 80% of the applicants. Everyone applying is different and comes from a different background. We all bring unique experiences which the CF recruiting system will look at and decide how competitive it makes us.

(I am in no way trying to sound like I am better then anyone here, just giving steiner something to compare his application to)

I stand fairly speechless at the background you display. good on you for all of your sports education and volunteer history.

I would have loved to participate in organized sport, but due to the fact that I came from a low income family, the ones with more equipment than a pair of cleats and shinguards were out of the question. And since I am no soccer fan, soccer was out of the question for me.

Makes me go back to the days of my childhood always being the kid borrowing someones stick to play road hockey.
I was a lucky one. God graced me with one thing that will never be taught to anyone. Size. I currently stand a 6'5, 290lbs. Back in my football days before my injury I was able to bench press 305 3-4 times on a good day and 225 14-16 times. Now I'm trying to slim and trim down from my football playing days. I was just lucky to be born big and have parents who had some money to pay for all of us(3 boys and 1 girl of which I am the oldest at 19) to play sports, go to private school, go to good universities. My parents, both of a Ukrainian background also pushed all of us to be active within our community, and with regards to jobs. Just because we had money didn't mean they were going to pay for everything, and we learnt the importance of earning our own money. 

I wish you luck with the rest of your application, hopefully in a few years time we bump into each other wearing CADPAT.