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Starting basic training with certain injuries?


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I haven't seen a post like this so I figured I'd ask. I've searched around on certain topics and pretty well concluded that if you're going combat arms (like me!), you better not be hurting when you start your training. I've been cleared medically for my sore lower back (doctors don't think I have a herniated disc which is great) although the other day I went for a nice 40min run and I got a pain under the arch of my foot, in front of the heel, to the right of my right foot. I haven't had a chance to get is diagnosed but from I'm reading it sounds like 'plantar fasciitis'. It hurts if I plant my right foot on a downslope on the road (edge of sidewalk...etc.). Now mind you, I have proper shoes and proper insoles. I first felt it last summer and it went away once I changed insoles. I just started feeling that pain other night to the point where I had to actually stop running until I was on more flat ground. Question is, has anyone ever said "forget it, I'll just tough out my little aches and pains and see what happens during training?"

Just coming off a bout of plantar fascittis myself currently and one thing my doc said was to make sure it heals properly the first time, if you dont take the necessary work to let it heal etc. It will give you alot of trouble in the future. I wouldnt risk just pushing through the pain for long term thats for sure. There are stretches and exercises you can do to try to keep it from recurring as well get REALLY GOOD insoles every few months or have orthotics made specifically for your feet.
Theres a couple of good threads on physical preparation for BMQ on the forum.

A common problem applicants have once they start the CF application process is
they start doing too much too soon.  They look at the fitness requirements and
yell "OH GOD" and start running for miles, pumping iron, push-ups, and marches,
and end up hurting themselves way before BMQ.  Many applicants live a sedimentary
lifestyle or one with limited physical activity.  Jumping into a massive fitness
program without preparation will likely lead to pulled/torn muscles, foot pain, joint
pain... all in the process of pushing the body but theres a balance between the
soreness of muscle recovery and the pain of pushing the body too far too soon.

The CFRC has alot of info on starting and maintaining fitness programs.  If you're
going to start a program, start SLOW, research, ask questions, seek
guidance of knowledgable fitness trainers, and train smart.

If you have a hurt, get it looked after.
You would be foolish to tough it out.... risking a permanent injury 9self imflicted) and a permanent medical category that will see you "out the door"
