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Staring BMQ in July 2007?? Roll Call!!

Ugh. Everyone is going to Borden. I thought I was going to Borden too but a Cpl told us on parade night that we'd be going to Meaford. Nothing wrong with meaford [hell, my aunt is a medical instructor or something like that there this summer], but the thing is most of you are going to borden. I wish I was going there so I could get to know some of you. I know the guys in my unit that are going, but I'd like to get to know an outside face.
Hello all, I am from Winnipeg, as some of you are. Are there any reservists out there? I've been told that BMQ is either going to be in "the Peg" or in Wainwright. Can anyone verify this? Also the start date is July 2nd, as is my understanding. I will be training to be an Armoured Recce. Looking forward to it.
Kujo said:
Hello all, I am from Winnipeg, as some of you are. Are there any reservists out there? I've been told that BMQ is either going to be in "the Peg" or in Wainwright. Can anyone verify this? Also the start date is July 2nd, as is my understanding. I will be training to be an Armoured Recce. Looking forward to it.

Hi Kujo, if you're in Winnipeg and going armoured Recce, you'll actually be in my hubby's regiment.  Although he's pre-training right now to go to Afghanistan.  I believe you're right, you should either be going to Winnipeg or to Wainwright for BMQ.  I'm navy res, so I'm out east to Borden.  You will probably like it at the Garries, they're a pretty close knit group of people.  I've made many friends from there over the years.  My husband was actually an instructor in Winnipeg last summer for BMQ.  Good luck  :)
im going to st jean july 16th for my bmq. my trade is line tech for the army. im pretty excited to go. should be fun
I fly out on June 30th, it's now been confirmed.  I still don't know about my QL3 course right after BMQ, but if I don't know before I leave, I'll find out when I'm out in Borden. 

Only 6 more days of my civvy job, then I'm done! Is anyone else starting to get nervous? I know I am, and excited too.....

Just waiting to receive my itinerary, instructions, and my list now.

Good luck to everyone!  :)
Any sigs here going for BMQ/SQ in Shilo on July 1st? Give me a heads up! It'd be nice to know who I'm spending my summer with. :)
Hey All

I just wanted to see if there is anyone on here that is going to St. Jean for july 16th for the trade of Signal Operator. maybe there will be someone here that I will meet next month. Im really looking forward to it

Prairie Cowgirl said:
Is anyone else starting to get nervous?

hell yeah. i'm more excited right now, but i know that ride up there to meaford will be a KILLER. i'll probably attempt to jump out of the car in hopes i wouldnt have to go, haha, but i am extremely determined to stick with it even if i absolutely hate it and want to go home.
Got sworn in today and got all my flight arrangements etc... Starting at St. Jean on July 2nd.

12 days to go before I fly out!
I start July 3rd, less than 2 weeks at Connaught. I"m really nervous , but I will try my hardest.
Hussein every morning when I get up I'll think of you doing the same - that'll be my motivation

Brett said:
Hussein every morning when I get up I'll think of you doing the same - that'll be my motivation


haha ya, well feel the pain at the same time :D
we will.. because now im loaded on aug 2 course @ connaught.

but.. you start in 2 weeks.. i dont start for another 6 weeks now.

kind of sucks, but i have a slight injury, so i guess someone upstairs was thinking of that when they selected a few guys in my PL to cut out of the july 3rd course, lol.
Brett said:
we will.. because now im loaded on aug 2 course @ connaught.

but.. you start in 2 weeks.. i dont start for another 6 weeks now.

kind of sucks, but i have a slight injury, so i guess someone upstairs was thinking of that when they selected a few guys in my PL to cut out of the july 3rd course, lol.
Well then this is how it will work. I will transfer my pain over once i'm done if *hopefully I finish it*
I have yet to hear anything from my regiment regarding joining instructions and the course starts in just over a week. I guess I should have confirmed with the recruiting officer whether I was being loaded on the July 2nd course in Borden before he left on course for the summer.
Going to Shilo July 2nd Finally... I received my kit and everything.... ;D