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Staring BMQ in July 2007?? Roll Call!!

took mine about 4 weeks but it could take longer and it could take less time there is no standard time really
darn.. Well I will find out all that I can and repost as soon as I know what is going on thanks for your post :salute:
Hey all.

So I went to the recruiter today, everything checked out nicely, I have changed my job selection from weapons tech to Infantry. The recruiter told me that my medical information will be sent to ottawa and should be back in rougly 4 days! She told me during the interview that the army trys to keep people who speak the same language together ie: english / french. Seeing as there are a bunch of you'se coming from Alberta for BMQ on the 16th, I truly hope I get signed in for the for the 16th's of July's BMQ.

Anyhow, I will most likely be posted with the RCR (Royal Canadian Regiment) - Petawawa :'( but thats life, I will try to be transfered to somewhere else such as Valcartier or Alberta. For the moment I will take it one day at a time, I will let you all know when I get the good/bad news. Anyhow i'm staying possitive.

GOOD LUCK to ALL of you  :salute:
hey whats wrong with pet? there english there, valcartier is french mainly, plus ill eventually be station in pet
Nothing is wrong with pet, I would just prefer to be somewhere thats not so small.. Yes I know it is close to Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal.. But seeing as I live in MTL non of these places appeal to me. I am English, but I am also bilingual and would like to come out of the army speak fluent french so I do belive the transfer to Valcartier would be usefull.

Anyhow The only reasson I made a point about Pet was that I know a girl who grew up on the base there and said it was a hole. Personally Id rather be next to Quebec city because French girls are EASY o_O.. LOL okay enough said. no affence btw.  :salute:
i spent 7 years in pet nothing wrong with that place high school sucked my left nut... rapids are fun to swim in and beaches all around the point, black bear theres lots of places to skip school lol
Very good Librarian.


  I'm on a July 3 BMQ. Not sure if it's going to provoke anything, but thought I'd get that out there  ;)
This topic has jumped from many different bmq dates. But this is true, it should go back on topic.  :crybaby:
In the hopes of avoiding the start-up of another thread to discuss yet another date for BMQ course dates and attendance in Jul 07, I am going to edit the name of this one to read "Staring BMQ in July 2007?? Roll Call!!"

That way, all Jul BMQs can be kept together, saving precious bandwidth!!

The Librarian
Milnet.ca Staff
One of you guys from an earlier Start date ask for a delay  >:D

I'm going on Aug 27.....I don't wanna wait...... ;D

hehe All kidding aside, is there anyway for me to get into an earlier start date? You know like when you have a dentist appointment and someone who had an earlier appointment decides to drop out? :) Or is something like that not possible with our recruitment system? :)
Brett said:
   I'm on a July 3 BMQ. Not sure if it's going to provoke anything, but thought I'd get that out there  ;)

It's good to see that someone else heading out on this date (I was starting to think I was the only one on these forums who was slated for early July). I did my medical and interview back in late Feb and I'm supposed to get sworn in early next month.

You are one smart cookie, Librarian :P

Durinde I was thinking the exact same. Everybody was talking about late August & July start dates, I'm glad you're going early July, too. I did my medical, interview & cfat in mid to late March, and was already sworn in a week ago. It's fun. We got our C7 rifles lastnight, we took them apart, learned about the various parts, learned how to clean them, learned all the safety precautions, etc. I had a blast with them but I'm still a little rusty on how it works and stuff like that. It was really exciting, though.

Do you know where you're going Durinde?
Brett said:
You are one smart cookie, Librarian :P

Durinde I was thinking the exact same. Everybody was talking about late August & July start dates, I'm glad you're going early July, too. I did my medical, interview & cfat in mid to late March, and was already sworn in a week ago. It's fun. We got our C7 rifles lastnight, we took them apart, learned about the various parts, learned how to clean them, learned all the safety precautions, etc. I had a blast with them but I'm still a little rusty on how it works and stuff like that. It was really exciting, though.

Do you know where you're going Durinde?

I'm pretty sure I'm going to Quebec, but I'll get verification when they call me to get sworn in. In the meantime, I've been working like a dog on my cardio to make things easier on myself when I leave.

I'm going in for Navy NE TECH (Comm).

Oh I definately won't see you then. I'm staying in the Province [Ontario] for my bmq.

The navy?  :-\

Haha, only kidding. Have fun!
With both of us having the same BMQ start date, it makes me wonder if I might be going to Ont. It looks like the mid-July dates are for St. Jean. Like I said, I'll find out for sure when they call me to get sworn in. I'm pretty sure the recruiter said I'm headed for Quebec though.

I like the water... so leave me alone  ;)

you're not from ont?

Apparantly there is a lot of random commencement dates for bmq courses. It also depends if you're entering reg or res. I also heard that mainly reg people are sent to st. jean for their bmq, and then shipped to their next course immediatley *after  their bmq.

and there's nothing wrong with the navy...  ::)