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Spike retires...


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
MCpl "Spike" McGuire retired yesterday after 27 years of service in the CF. He is an RCD tanker and has had quite q career. For those of you who were not there, we did a parade for him at Meaford including a roll past by a Cougar with Spike crew commanding a Tango callsign one last time before remustering to civie life.
Come on guys, show your support for a brother in amrs who has left the service...
(he gets a big hu-ah from me and by the way he was at the '78 CAT in germany in a winning leopard...Hu-ah!)
Best wishes Spike (geez thats a person I remember well but not thought of for a long time).
Pass on to Spike, in his Bachalor Pad, way down there in Mudford all my best and good luck in his new Civie job.

I don't know how long it's been seen I've seen Spike. Where has he been?  Not Meaford all this time, I've visited there a few times...

So, wha's he going to do now that he actually has to start working for a living?  Or is he getting a job on Base, so he doesn't have to change his style? :D

As we all eventually find out, there is indeed life after the military.  I was scared of the thought of ever getting out, the military is the only life many of us knew.  Civilians were, well, civilians for crying out loud!

Good luck to ya Spike!  Hope you had a hangover from a few too many beers at the party!
Did they stuff him and put him in the mess? HAHA
Spike!! I can't believe it, I thought he was staying in forever ;D I had the priveledge of serving with Spike in Pet and in Germany...we attended lots of "functions" together. Lots of fond memories for sure!


Bob V
  Well it happens to us all. Spike, you held out a year longer than I did. All the best to Greg in everything he does in the future.
  I got on the service flight with Spike in Ottawa on that cold January evening in '78 and headed off to Cornwallis. We never looked back did we Spike >:D. I still chuckle remembering the times in Germany and then Pet....... I will never forget the batchelor pad with Gary, Paul, Rudy and Spike in Meissenheim!
  Not many of our era left. If anyone knows Spikes' civvy e-mail could they pass it on to me?
I've got to congratulate him and wish him well. ( is he working as a civvie in Meaford?)

  Mr McGuire, well done! :salute:


Old soldiers never die ......they just smell that way
Hi all,

Pass on the word that if anyone wishes to send well wishes to Spike that they can email myself direct pwpetrie@sympatico.ca as I am putting together a cd-rom for him. I will include all emails as well as all posts here in this forum.

Much appreciated!