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Speeding / Traffic tickets during application [Merged]

Hey thanks for the quick responses. So should I modify my application or leave as having a convciction under another act.
Occam said:
You do not require a pardon for a Provincial Summary Offence Ticket, which is what you got.

Only Criminal Code of Canada convictions are of concern to the recruiting process.

What Maelstrom said.  ;D

You've got to pay attention to the answers you're given - during BMQ, if you ask a question that just finished getting answered, you're going to be very good at pushups.

I'm pretty sure the question on the application specifically mentions criminal convictions.
The fine I got wasn't for anything dangerous, but was for no insurance ( screw up on my part)

I currently owe about 2800 and have been having a significantly difficult time trying to find work the last couple months, the small amount I can get only covers my bills and barely allows much to be put on the fine.

I've read that you can't join while you have a fine but I can't seem to remember where I read that, and if it pertained to vehicle fines or only fines that are from vandalism, or charges.

i'll be looking up how to call the nearest recruiter to me tomorrow but an answer hear might be sooner.

I'm only asking because if I can go before finishing this fine that would be awesome, a fair few of my friends are leaving for college or university shortly to start the rest of their lives and I'm not yet, kinda frustrating. ( Not whining, I know i've got nobody to blame, but if I don't HAVE to wait, I'd rather not for obvious reasons)

I think fines that deal with driving/vehicles depend on province (like in Ontario if you have a speeding ticket they look into that, where Manitoba they don't - personally dealt with this and is due to Ontario having speeding tickets as criminal or something along the lines). As long as you have a licence still and it is not being suspended you should be fine (correct if I am wrong!)

I got an fine for "Drinking in an unauthorized place." 2 weekends ago (171 dollars, sigh.) and I asked the Cop if it would screw anything up for me, and he said no. Then again, his knowledge most likely is limited but I am from Manitoba, everyone here drinks haha :p (not that it makes any difference!)

I did not give any real information other then having to have a licence - which I am unsure if this is true for all trades (I joined Armoured Crewman and need a licence to drive the vehicles so..)?
First off your civil status must be up-to-date and you must have the proper documentation to prove it prior to being sworn in. But that aside - put yourself in the shoes of the employer: you have hundreds of applicants who have no unpaid fines, and you have a few applicants who have unpaid fines. Which applicants would you hire?
As far as getting work goes - there are countless unfilled civilian jobs in your community. Need extra cash? Work at McDonald's or Tim Hortons on the weekend. You'll have no time to spend your cash and you'll have the extra funds to pay that fine.
Part of you starting the rest of your life includes taking responsibility for your actions and paying the fines you have. Just be thankful that you weren't involved in an accident where someone was hurt while you were driving without insurance - the legal bills you could have would make that $2800 look like the interest on chequing account.
fischer10 said:
I think fines that deal with driving/vehicles depend on province (like in Ontario if you have a speeding ticket they look into that, where Manitoba they don't - personally dealt with this and is due to Ontario having speeding tickets as criminal or something along the lines). As long as you have a licence still and it is not being suspended you should be fine (correct if I am wrong!)

I got an fine for "Drinking in an unauthorized place." 2 weekends ago (171 dollars, sigh.) and I asked the Cop if it would screw anything up for me, and he said no. Then again, his knowledge most likely is limited but I am from Manitoba, everyone here drinks haha :p (not that it makes any difference!)

I did not give any real information other then having to have a licence - which I am unsure if this is true for all trades (I joined Armoured Crewman and need a licence to drive the vehicles so..)?
Are you in yet? Because you do not need a civilian driver's license to drive military vehicles, as you will earn a special military driver's license called a DND 404. Although having a civilian driver's license and skill driving a motor vehicle is definitely a benefit before taking the driving courses in the military, it isn't a requirement.
fischer10 said:
I think fines that deal with driving/vehicles depend on province (like in Ontario if you have a speeding ticket they look into that, where Manitoba they don't - personally dealt with this and is due to Ontario having speeding tickets as criminal or something along the lines). As long as you have a licence still and it is not being suspended you should be fine (correct if I am wrong!)
Speeding in Ontario is a provincial offence, and dealt with as such. Unless you were charged with dangerous driving, for example, as a result of the speed you were driving then that would be a criminal charge and the speeding would be considered an included offence.
Nauticus said:
Are you in yet? Because you do not need a civilian driver's license to drive military vehicles, as you will earn a special military driver's license called a DND 404. Although having a civilian driver's license and skill driving a motor vehicle is definitely a benefit before taking the driving courses in the military, it isn't a requirement.

Thank you for the clarification on that Nauticus! I am accepted, I fly down to St. Jean in 12 days.
MGB that little lecture on  driving without insurance was pretty unfounded. Want to know what I did? I pulled a truck out of my driveway, did a 3 point turn, and backed it back in because I needed it facing the other way, this was at 3am.

Also, how can you say there are tons of jobs within my community? You don't even know where my community is, but here is some insight for you. I live in a factory city, where half the factories have left. The unemployment rate here is crap. A job posting goes up, and the same day 50-60 people have applied for it, Places like timmies will not even take your resume here.

The temp agencies are not able to find you anything more than a single day job here or there. Thats what I meant by only being able to find enough to pay bills, not that I'm working full time and blowing my money and not wanting to pay the fine.

You judge-mental tone is far from helpful
schlutzer said:
MGB that little lecture on  driving without insurance was pretty unfounded. Want to know what I did? I pulled a truck out of my driveway, did a 3 point turn, and backed it back in because I needed it facing the other way, this was at 3am.

Also, how can you say there are tons of jobs within my community? You don't even know where my community is, but here is some insight for you. I live in a factory city, where half the factories have left. The unemployment rate here is crap. A job posting goes up, and the same day 50-60 people have applied for it, Places like timmies will not even take your resume here.

The temp agencies are not able to find you anything more than a single day job here or there. Thats what I meant by only being able to find enough to pay bills, not that I'm working full time and blowing my money and not wanting to pay the fine.

You judge-mental tone is far from helpful

It wasn't a lecture - but I certainly feel for you as I too have an urgent need to have my uninsured truck facing the other way in my driveway at 3 am.

Good luck with your application to the CF.
Good day all,

Just wondering, if I am in the application process (just completed cfat, awaiting medical/interview) and I have traffic fines owing, does this present a problem with enrolment?
Will they still let me join, or would I have to pay all my fines first, or would it completely disqualify me altogether?
I don't suppose you did a search for the other 85 times this question has been asked, have you?

Use "site:army.ca traffic ticket" as a search term in Google.  Replace "traffic ticket" with a phrase of your choice to do custom searches.
Trishababyxo said:
Good day all,

Just wondering, if I am in the application process (just completed cfat, awaiting medical/interview) and I have traffic fines owing, does this present a problem with enrolment?
Will they still let me join, or would I have to pay all my fines first, or would it completely disqualify me altogether?

I congratulate you for not starting a new thread, however, it would be helpful to actually READ said threads.  Your question has been asked and answered.

Hatchet Man
Army.ca Staff
I have been looking into joining the Army after just recently finishing college but the start of college I received a fine in Nova Scotia for driving past curfew only about 10 minutes after 12 its a 250 dollar fine but I havnt been able to pay it back due to lack of job and lack of money because I was a college student with no job would they allow me to join or would they hold off my application?
JLockyer1 said:
I have been looking into joining the Army after just recently finishing college but the start of college I received a fine in Nova Scotia for driving past curfew only about 10 minutes after 12 its a 250 dollar fine but I havnt been able to pay it back due to lack of job and lack of money because I was a college student with no job would they allow me to join or would they hold off my application?

Your credit will be reviewed as part of the process, unpaid fines don't tend to be positive things in this regard.

Your personal character will be assessed.  Failing to address a matter, that is pretty easy to address, shows lack of responsibilty and maturity.

People who don't have these problems tend to be more competitive applicants, and you WILL be compared to these applicants. 
Commas and periods, however, are rather cheap. Please use them.
Hatchet Man said:
Your credit will be reviewed as part of the process, unpaid fines don't tend to be positive things in this regard.

Your personal character will be assessed.  Failing to address a matter, that is pretty easy to address, shows lack of responsibilty and maturity.

People who don't have these problems tend to be more competitive applicants, and you WILL be compared to these applicants.

I'd be more worried about knowing if a bench warrant can be issued for that!
Hatchet Man said:
Your credit will be reviewed as part of the process, unpaid fines don't tend to be positive things in this regard.

Your personal character will be assessed.  Failing to address a matter, that is pretty easy to address, shows lack of responsibilty and maturity.

People who don't have these problems tend to be more competitive applicants, and you WILL be compared to these applicants.

May I ask a follow-up question on this?

If your credit is reviewed in the application, and they do see unpaid fines (In my case, parking and one speeding), is this a bar to entry at all, in any way? And if you, for example, can't pay for them at the present moment, would they ask you to pay it BEFORE being able to apply/join and if so, would your application be put on hold? I understand why it wouldn't be positive but I think it would be quite silly to, say, disqualify you from joining the military. Since credit will be reviewed, what about bankruptcy? Is that a bar to entry as well?

Would appreciate some answers.
