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Soldiers Banned From Military/Veterans Themed Motorcycle Groups or Events?

Alternatively, the CAF could stick to the rules that already exist and go after people for drunkeness when required, and leave the rest of us alone.

All a rule like this does is make life a bit less enjoyable for everyone, while solving nothing. The loud drunken asshole that caused problems in CADPAT will do the same in a regiment/ship/squadron t-shirt, and cause the same amount of negative impressions(very few).
Heretic! Did you learn nothing from Operation HONOUR?
With some legitimate veteran biker groups apparently wanting to mimic the appearance of OMGs, I can see how OMG intermingling and infiltration can happen. It's apparently 'all about freedom', but I don't get it. I've been riding for 50 years and never had the urge to look like either a pirate or OMG.
An astonishing number of the "group of buddies" riders on Vancouver Island seem to really enjoy LARPing as OMGs. I don't ride, but the big tells for not OMG seem to be flashier bikes, sometimes female riders, and riding poorly or obnoxiously: otherwise, it's wondering if that patch is Sons of Anarchy cosplay or actually criminal.

It's like cutting about in the Caribbean in the 1600s with your ship flagged and equipped, and your crew dressed as, particularly successful pirates for fun.
This is why I don't ride with any of the veteran groups either. I barely tolerate the non-veteran groups for the very same reasons. Too many "wannabies" for my taste.
That's part of my reasoning as well with Blue Knights et al. Some of the people I didn't like when I worked with them; why would I want to socialize with them? Plus the ones that bought their first bike the day after they retired and are now bad-ass life-long riders.

One big safety reason is most people don't know how to organize or ride in a group. I was briefly a Blue Knights member years ago but bailed in the middle of a group ride and never went back.
An astonishing number of the "group of buddies" riders on Vancouver Island seem to really enjoy LARPing as OMGs. I don't ride, but the big tells for not OMG seem to be flashier bikes, sometimes female riders, and riding poorly or obnoxiously: otherwise, it's wondering if that patch is Sons of Anarchy cosplay or actually criminal.

It's like cutting about in the Caribbean in the 1600s with your ship flagged and equipped, and your crew dressed as, particularly successful pirates for fun.

Hard AF in the Timmies parking lot.

We all have our hobbies, I LARP'd as a scrum half for 15 years before I was called out and went back to propping.
When my daughter was three or four, we saw some motorcycles go by on the street.

She then said to me “Why do old men drive motorbikes?”

I had to pull over I was laughing so hard! :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, 3rd Div has produced one as well. Honestly the entire direction from higher is very adhoc. So each Division makes its own policy, in theory there could be numerous differences in each policy. The Division policies don’t apply to other L1s nor to units that report to a different L2 but reside next to units from another Div.
Gagetown is a great example — Army units from two different divisions, as well as the Army Doctrine and Training Centre, plus units from tge RCAF and Int Command. Plus of course representatives from various L1s, MPs, Health Services, etc… Not sure what use a division policy is there.
Gagetown is a great example — Army units from two different divisions, as well as the Army Doctrine and Training Centre, plus units from tge RCAF and Int Command. Plus of course representatives from various L1s, MPs, Health Services, etc… Not sure what use a division policy is there.
It's of no use. All it does is sow seeds of discontent.
Gagetown is a great example — Army units from two different divisions, as well as the Army Doctrine and Training Centre, plus units from tge RCAF and Int Command. Plus of course representatives from various L1s, MPs, Health Services, etc… Not sure what use a division policy is there.
The NCR is even worse.

However, my guess would be for places like Gagetown and Pet the policy will be applies to every CAF member in location (posted, TD, IR, CFTPO etc.) regardless of the DEU they wear until challenged in the courts.
The NCR is even worse.

However, my guess would be for places like Gagetown and Pet the policy will be applies to every CAF member in location (posted, TD, IR, CFTPO etc.) regardless of the DEU they wear until challenged in the courts.
Nope, not unless the other elements and other L2s want to play nice.
There is almost zero mechanism for a 5 Div policy in Gagetown to affect 2 RCR, or the CTC let alone the THS or the MIR.
Lodger units generally play nice but they report to their own CoC.

Edited to add, if all the Div policies are basically the same, why are they Div policies vs a CA policy? Is the answer because the CA HQ has decided that due to their inability to get policies drafted and approved from the centre they will order their formations to do so as they have less red tape to get though to do so?
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The NCR is even worse.

However, my guess would be for places like Gagetown and Pet the policy will be applies to every CAF member in location (posted, TD, IR, CFTPO etc.) regardless of the DEU they wear until challenged in the courts.
General admin directions in the NCR are actually pretty easy; CFSU(O-G) CO issues them on behalf of basically the CDS, so things like the Xmas leave policy come out in a letter from a 4 ringer that goes out to everyone in the NCR, so pretty consistent.

Not that units don't do their own thing, just there is a mechanism to do something like that for consistency that is used regularly.

Haven't even heard of anything here related to the biker side of things, and there are a few veteran groups in the area (like the Commandos and a few others, with one of them having first responders as well). It's pretty tame though, and fairly obviously higher income folks that like riding on their toys, and do things like Xmas toy drives and other charity rides.

Would this prohibit people from going to events like the Friday the 13th rally in Port Dover etc? That seems like getting too much in people's off time, and is very different then hanging around an MC clubhouse or something.
I've seen a couple of posts on other social media sites stating that CAF soldiers have been ordered to not participate in military or veterans themed motorcycle events or groups. This appears to be 5 Div centric at this point. Any truth to this?
I'm guessing that this would include Canadian Army Veterans (CAV). I've met a few members. I remember there was a bit of a stink when they decided that they were no longer going to consider CIC Officers to be CAF members/veterans and were going to force them to join in the civilian category. After looking at their constitution it looks like this applies to Canadian Rangers as well.
I'm guessing that this would include Canadian Army Veterans (CAV). I've met a few members. I remember there was a bit of a stink when they decided that they were no longer going to consider CIC Officers to be CAF members/veterans and were going to force them to join in the civilian category. After looking at their constitution it looks like this applies to Canadian Rangers as well.

Of course, because it helps to perpetuate religious type schisms once you're out of the military as well ;)
I'm guessing that this would include Canadian Army Veterans (CAV). I've met a few members. I remember there was a bit of a stink when they decided that they were no longer going to consider CIC Officers to be CAF members/veterans and were going to force them to join in the civilian category. After looking at their constitution it looks like this applies to Canadian Rangers as well.
Locally our CAV chapter has split off from the mothership and become the Legion Riders.
I was in the CAV years ago when I was in. I left the group at the same time I was posted, but I would have left it if I wasn't posted anyway. I was almost involved in a serious accident because of the lead rider. Now I ride by myself or a very select group of friends. I have done the Rolling Barrage a couple of times but I'm not sure on that anymore.
Nope, not unless the other elements and other L2s want to play nice.
There is almost zero mechanism for a 5 Div policy in Gagetown to affect 2 RCR, or the CTC let alone the THS or the MIR.
Lodger units generally play nice but they report to their own CoC.

Edited to add, if all the Div policies are basically the same, why are they Div policies vs a CA policy? Is the answer because the CA HQ has decided that due to their inability to get policies drafted and approved from the centre they will order their formations to do so as they have less red tape to get though to do so?
One hundred percent. The CA doesn’t like to lead so much as they like to suggest.
I've seen a couple of posts on other social media sites stating that CAF soldiers have been ordered to not participate in military or veterans themed motorcycle events or groups. This appears to be 5 Div centric at this point. Any truth to this?

Would this prohibit people from going to events like the Friday the 13th rally in Port Dover etc? That seems like getting too much in people's off time, and is very different then hanging around an MC clubhouse or something.
Simply based on the OP statement above, it would seem not.