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Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)


I'll be returning from PATA leave in a few weeks and before I can begin my training for my new trade I have to complete SQ. I was hoping that someone might have some insight into possible course dates and/or locations for SQ this summer. I am currently posted in Halifax so I am hoping for a Aldershot or Gagetown course.

Set to do BMQ-L in Valcartier in August and I have a few questions. The kit list I received seems like a generic kit list including a combination of both summer and winter kit. I have all of the winter whites but mukluks and snowshoes I do not. If supply can't/won't give them to me is it just as simple as me mentioning that if asked on course or do I need something in writing from supply?

I was also wondering what the following were that are also on my kit list;

- Complete Polar Kit CADPAT
- Passe Montagne (Vert)
- Bousolle Silva de votre quartuer maire (or maine. Page is smudged)

Also what are the chances of me getting jacked for having SWATs?

The last two don't have English translations. My entire kit list is French translated to English so its been a hassle to say the least.

danteh said:
Set to do BMQ-L in Valcartier in August and I have a few questions. The kit list I received seems like a generic kit list including a combination of both summer and winter kit. I have all of the winter whites but mukluks and snowshoes I do not. If supply can't/won't give them to me is it just as simple as me mentioning that if asked on course or do I need something in writing from supply?

I was also wondering what the following were that are also on my kit list;

- Complete Polar Kit CADPAT
- Passe Montagne (Vert)
- Bousolle Silva de votre quartuer maire (or maine. Page is smudged)

Also what are the chances of me getting jacked for having SWATs?

The last two don't have English translations. My entire kit list is French translated to English so its been a hassle to say the least.

The first one sounds like the Polar Fleece sweater and pants or it could also mean your ICE/IECS parka/wind pants/bib overalls, the last one is a compass and the second item doesn't seem to make sense "Mountain pass (green)"
Been a very long time since I've gone through an army ran course. Going to BMQ-L, what are the chances of me getting jacked up for wearing SWATs? The only other boots I have are the issued side zips.
danteh said:
Been a very long time since I've gone through an army ran course. Going to BMQ-L, what are the chances of me getting jacked up for wearing SWATs? The only other boots I have are the issued side zips.

Considering the gongshow boots are in the CAF are, they'll probably think they're issued.
7% chance you'll catch flak for it, 93% no one will care.

The CAF screwed up boots so bad most people don't care. 

Bring your issued pair just incase.
How does our FORCEs test work in terms of validity? I'm going on SQ and in the joining instructions it says I need a valid FORCEs test. Mine was due July 2018 however I am still yellow on my DAG and not red. Someone mentioned to me that it is good for all of 2018 but I don't really want to take their word for it because they tend to talk without knowing much generally. I am unable to get the test completed before I go on course (next week). Is this something that they are gonna RTU me for?
danteh said:
How does our FORCEs test work in terms of validity? I'm going on SQ and in the joining instructions it says I need a valid FORCEs test. Mine was due July 2018 however I am still yellow on my DAG and not red. Someone mentioned to me that it is good for all of 2018 but I don't really want to take their word for it because they tend to talk without knowing much generally. I am unable to get the test completed before I go on course (next week). Is this something that they are gonna RTU me for?

If your last FORCE test was completed in July 2017, it is expired now.  The test is only valid for 12 months.

Get your FORCE test done ASAP. 
Pickle Rick said:
If your last FORCE test was completed in July 2017, it is expired now.  The test is only valid for 12 months.

Get your FORCE test done ASAP.

That's what I thought. Guess my vacation is getting cut short :( Oh well.

Thanks a lot.

EDIT: Another question... With the new boot CANFORGEN getting activated on the 15th will this allow me to wear non-issued boots while on courses now without any hassle?

I finished BMQ-L in April. I did mine in Gage Town. To be honest, it really wasn't that bad until the field portion, at which point it really sucked due to weather.... and a pull pull on ice at 0400...

When I got back to PAT, I talked to some of the guys who did it in Edmonton, and it sounded like the cock knob was on 11 the whole time. Rucking 8k in any direction for meals/training/to the shacks, no off time, sprinting up hills covered in snow because "it's not that cold, take off the parka".

What I'm trying to get at here is that it sounds like there is no standardization between courses. Maybe one of the more experienced guys here can help it make sense to me.