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Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

muskrat89 said:
??? Ummmm..... ok.....

Someone told me what it's like to fly a helicopter once, I don't think that qualifies me to post comparisons of driving my own car vs flying a helicopter, on the internet. I think that is the gist of what people are trying to tell you.

Army.ca Staff

My god you guys are taking it out of context .. Read what I'm trying to say I'll captialize my point I'm putting out for the person who asked. ONES LONGER AND MORE INDEPTH IN TRAINING (REGFORCE) THE OTHER IS SHORTER AND SHOWS YOU THE BASICS (RESERVE FORCE) Where in that do I say I'm qualified and know everything. I think you guys are looking way to much into whats being said. Does this make it any easier for you guys? Are you following me?
Crisco said:
My god you guys are taking it out of context .. Read what I'm trying to say I'll captialize my point I'm putting out for the person who asked. ONES LONGER AND MORE INDEPTH IN TRAINING (REGFORCE) THE OTHER IS SHORTER AND SHOWS YOU THE BASICS (RESERVE FORCE) Where in that do I say I'm qualified and know everything. I think you guys are looking way to much into whats being said. Does this make it any easier for you guys? Are you following me?

I just didnt understand your first post...............

Want me to capitalize that ? Are you following me ?

Heck some of use teach at the damn schools.
*sigh*  Look, I'm not trying to get in your face. When you type something on this board in an authoritative tone, people are going to scrutinize your experience. You didn't really qualify your statements as opinion, I read them as you stating facts. I was sensing your frustration and was trying to explain to you what people were getting at.

If this sums up all of your posts, you don't think that your point is kind of obvious?

Anyway, enough. Let's get this back on topic, please.

Army.ca Staff
muskrat89 said:
*sigh*  Look, I'm not trying to get in your face. When you type something on this board in an authoritative tone, people are going to scrutinize your experience. You didn't really qualify your statements as opinion, I read them as you stating facts. I was sensing your frustration and was trying to explain to you what people were getting at.
If this sums up all of your posts, you don't think that your point is kind of obvious?

Anyway, enough. Let's get this back on topic, please.

Army.ca Staff

Your right and I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it sound like an expert just stating to the man who asked the differences between reg and res thats all.  Now that my point has been clarified , I thought it would be easier to compare it to the highschool Academic/Applied system but I guess not. I also didn't mean to offend reg force I just had friends tell me  that so much could be thrown at you you may forget little stuff. But I tried to reinforce this statement by saying its not always the training its the soldier. But again I'm sorry and thats the end of everything I gotta say. P.s For my grammar my first language was French, I try my best. I was born in Buckingham Quebec.
No harm, no foul.

I could sense you were getting frustrated, and i could sense a dogpile looming.

Everything is cool.

Army.ca Staff
I found it short, i did it as a co-op so it was 8 weeks but still it was only 4 days a week.  I fould that there was a lot less material on it compared to BMQ or DP 1, I think maybe bring back some of the things on the old reg force course, like M72, 84, maybe even put the 9mm on the SQ instead of DP 2A.  I would have liked more time to practice section attacks before the FTX.  Just my thoughts
I have a few questions, and please don't be too in my face if its been asked before (its a big forum and im a tad "mehhh" sometimes)

Is there a maximum weight for the army ?

Is there any kit/personnel belongings I can bring with me to BMQ  and if so, do you recommend any that I should bring ?

When is BMQ, usually ? is there generally a time or does it very ? (im trying out for the reg force)

If I applied in late august/early september when would I probably go to BMQ (if you can state the fact or give an educated guess, also minding I pass the preceeding tests)

IHow formal should an interview be ? Like I dont have any formal clothes, really

How should I act during an interview ? and would short, neat hair and clean shaven or nicely groomed mustache make some form of significant impression ?

What punishment/humiliation can I expect from training team upon screwing up ? If indeed that happens. Is there confinement to barracks, push-ups, and punishing team mates ?

Ok first off I wont be in your face, I know youre new to both the army and this website, but there are many, many threads that already address the questions you are asking.  This site has a search function, I would strongly advise that you use this function because I guarantee you will find many many answers to the questions you are asking.

And I assure they have been asked many times before.

Best of luck to you!

I just graduated from BMQ July 4th so I'll try and answer a few of your questions

1.  As far as I know there is not a weight limit for the army, as long as your healthy and can pass the physical and CF Express test you should be fine.

2.  If you are accepted they give you a list of things to bring and what is prohibited.  A lot of people bring electronics (i.e laptops, cell phones etc.) but don't expect to have access to them for the first five weeks at least.

3.  While I was there, March 28-July 4, there were almost two new platoons starting every week with the exception of a period of time when they didn't start any new recruit platoons to accomodate the officer cadets who were getting out of school for the summer and taking their BOTP course.

4.  No one can say how long it will take to go through the process.  Some people it takes a year or more, mine was about three and half weeks.  Depends on what trade you want and if it's available and any mitigating circumstances of your file i.e medical, background etc.

5/6.  Your selection interview is a job interview.  You should treat it as such and take it seriously.  You're trying to convince the CF that you're a desireable candidate so you should dress for the occassion and be prepared.  Your recruiter will give you some tips to prepare for the inerview.  As for your hair, I would say just be neat and presentable  You don't need a buzz cut but don't look like you jut rolled out of bed.  I've saw a guy show up to BMQ with a pink mohawk so don't worry about it too much.

7.  I wouldn't say there is humiliation but there's yelling and lots of push-ups, dead cockroaches, squats etc.  They need to turn you into an effective team members and they do this by making all of you work together and when neccessary suffer together.  Basically if you screw up or your buddy does, you're all getting jacked up.  There is individual punishment for those who just don't get it but you'll always be doing someone elses push-ups.  Don't sweat it because sooner or later the platoon will be doing yours.

8.  For the first five weeks you are confined to barracks but after that you get your weekends off but they can be taken away.  My course never lost a weekend as a platoon but there were individuals who spent a weekend or two in the mega for something they did during the week.  That being said every staff is differant so your platoon could lose a weekend or more.  All depends on your performance.

Hope that answers some of your questions
Double-R said:

I just graduated from BMQ July 4th so I'll try and answer a few of your questions

1.  As far as I know there is not a weight limit for the army, as long as your healthy and can pass the physical and CF Express test you should be fine.

2.  If you are accepted they give you a list of things to bring and what is prohibited.  A lot of people bring electronics (i.e laptops, cell phones etc.) but don't expect to have access to them for the first five weeks at least.

3.  While I was there, March 28-July 4, there were almost two new platoons starting every week with the exception of a period of time when they didn't start any new recruit platoons to accomodate the officer cadets who were getting out of school for the summer and taking their BOTP course.

4.  No one can say how long it will take to go through the process.  Some people it takes a year or more, mine was about three and half weeks.  Depends on what trade you want and if it's available and any mitigating circumstances of your file i.e medical, background etc.

5/6.  Your selection interview is a job interview.  You should treat it as such and take it seriously.  You're trying to convince the CF that you're a desireable candidate so you should dress for the occassion and be prepared.  Your recruiter will give you some tips to prepare for the inerview.  As for your hair, I would say just be neat and presentable  You don't need a buzz cut but don't look like you jut rolled out of bed.  I've saw a guy show up to BMQ with a pink mohawk so don't worry about it too much.

7.  I wouldn't say there is humiliation but there's yelling and lots of push-ups, dead cockroaches, squats etc.   They need to turn you into an effective team members and they do this by making all of you work together and when neccessary suffer together.  Basically if you screw up or your buddy does, you're all getting jacked up.  There is individual punishment for those who just don't get it but you'll always be doing someone elses push-ups.  Don't sweat it because sooner or later the platoon will be doing yours.

8.  For the first five weeks you are confined to barracks but after that you get your weekends off but they can be taken away.  My course never lost a weekend as a platoon but there were individuals who spent a weekend or two in the mega for something they did during the week.  That being said every staff is differant so your platoon could lose a weekend or more.  All depends on your performance.

Hope that answers some of your questions

Yup, thanks :D
Usually 2-3 weeks, sometimes 4 at the most.  There are also many occasions of troops doing their SQ AFTER they've finished their QL3's, simply because the 3s course starts before the next available SQ course, and the 3s course also have priority over SQ courses.  So you could be looking at anywhere from 2-4 weeks after BMQ OR 2-4 weeks after your Trades course, after youve been sent to your unit.

All depends on the trade, space available, list of people waiting, course start dates, etc.  I started DP1 (SQ and BIQ combined) right after BMQ.  5 people that were with me from BMQ had to wait on PAT for 2 and 1/2 months.
stealthylizard said:
All depends on the trade, space available, list of people waiting, course start dates, etc.  I started DP1 (SQ and BIQ combined) right after BMQ.  5 people that were with me from BMQ had to wait on PAT for 2 and 1/2 months.

So SQ+BIQ=DP1 now, DP1 is 17 weeks long from what i gathered? I just wanted to confirm because i have my interview coming up and was told i needed to know these things, just want to make sure i have it right since the forces.ca website seems to be outdated. Thanks in advance.
I leave for BMQ June 27th in St. Jean (nervous as hell...you bet).  I was told that BMQ was 14 weeks long however my recruiter failed to mention that SQ is no longer a part of BMQ and that I am required to complete a course called BMQ-L after I graduate (supposed to be the equivalent of SQ?)  I have no idea why they didn't they tell me this!!?? (my recruiters failed to tell me A LOT of things I should have known...its just luck that I have two parents in the army)  Out of curiosity, why did they decide to make it separate?? 
Also, how much of a gap is there in between BMQ and BMQ-L? I looked through some of this thread for my answers but it goes off topic a lot so I decided just asking was easier. :)

