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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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2010newbie said:
There is also a "Pilot Selection Board" of sorts that meets in the spring and reviews the applications. It is my understanding that even if you have successfully completed everything, you can still be rejected from the board.

For some reason I couldn't edit my post....

I might have the selection board confused with the ROTP selection board, but it was my impression from the RC that it was a separate board for pilot applicants only.
2010newbie said:
I might have the selection board confused with the ROTP selection board, but it was my impression from the RC that it was a separate board for pilot applicants only.
There wasn't two years ago (granted that may have changed, but I doubt it).  DEO pilots (after they passed ACS) were selected at the recruiting centre level.   
I have a few questions that i need some clarification on. But first i suppose i should preface those questions with some information about me. I am 21 years old and currently attend York University (enrolled in law and society). I have zero flight experience.

I went to a recruitment center hoping to answer some of my many questions. I had asked what the procedure was to become a pilot in the Canadian forces and he told me that a degree was required to do so. This was kind of disappointing to me because i had hoped that the CF would train you from scratch to become a pilot (I understand that i would be required to stay for a set term). A degree requirement isnt enough to deter me from this career path, i was wondering what school would be best for this. The program i enroll in is important because i dont want to waste time with schooling if it isnt going to put me into a job.

Im sorry if this isnt well written i have a great deal of thoughts running through my head at the same time, but i do know that i need clarity. What i am wondering what is the best way to get into the CF as a pilot? 
A degree is required to be an officer in the CF and a pilot is an officer in the CF.

Based on your post, did you misunderstand that you are required to earn a degree before becoming a pilot (which you are doing at York) or is the degree you are pursuing not acceptable for the pilot trade?

As for training pilots, the CF does do this from scratch and does not require you to obtain an aviation degree to do so.
Welcome to Milnet.ca - don't be shy about using the search function.

Lots of stuff already here - in fact, shortly, you'll see your post merged into a thread with all sorts of info there.

Read and learn.

Milnet.ca Staff
Hey guys and girls, I am very interested in becoming a pilot with the Canadian air force. Joining the air force is something I have dreamed of doing since I saw my first air show when I was nine years old. I am 25 now and I'm finally prepared to do it. Tomorrow I will be visiting my local recruitment station to apply. How do I approach the recruiter? Is there a cut off age to become a pilot in the CAF? Can I continue my studies at Concordia University or do I have to transfer to RCMC?

Go to the recruiting website and do some research first, so you know what you will be getting into and can ask them some intelligent questions.
alexdynamis said:
Hey guys and girls, I am very interested in becoming a pilot with the Canadian air force. Joining the air force is something I have dreamed of doing since I saw my first air show when I was nine years old. I am 25 now and I'm finally prepared to do it. Tomorrow I will be visiting my local recruitment station to apply. How do I approach the recruiter? Is there a cut off age to become a pilot in the CAF? Can I continue my studies at Concordia University or do I have to transfer to RCMC?


Ask those questions at the RC tomorrow. Likewise, heed to the advices given above.
Check out the Forces recruiting website for starters and then do some searches on this forum if you want to get a better sense of the entry, selection and training requirements. At 25, you wont have to worry about your age for entry into the pilot trade. The biggest factor will be your medical.

As for university, if you already have 2 or more years complete, they probably wont send you to RMC since they run a 4-year program that includes other yearly requirements beyond education alone. (bilingualism, leadership, physical fitness) You'd basically start back as a first year student, with maybe a few extra spares if they transfer your credits. Chances are they would pay for the remainder of your Concordia program as an ROTP student.

Not to discourage you or anything, but pilot is probably the most requested trade by newcomers to the forces. My non-scientific method would estimated 8-9 of every 10 applicants listing pilot as one of their top 3 entry choices, with only 1 in 10 selected, and as few as 1 in 10 of those 1 in 10 actually getting through the training. (and many times, those who are successful have previous flying experience through cadets or otherwise)

Do you have a passion for aviation in general? There are many trades, both officer and NCM, that can land you a position inside an aircraft. 

What makes you want to be a pilot? What have you done since that air show you attended at 9 years of age to bring you closer to that dream?

I hear Pilot is the most wanted trade in the Canadian Forces.
I was also told that the video on the website tells you the Canadian Forces will train you from scratch to become a pilot but the reality is that a lot of candidates already have flying experience. Things got competitive and it makes sense to hire someone with flying experience since it needs less resources to train that person to be a military pilot. One recruiter I spoke with told me as a joke that just about 1 in every 2 people walking into the recruiting office wants to be a pilot. Again these are just the things I heard but I wouldn't be surprised if this is very close to reality.
abejackson said:
Things got competitive and it makes sense to hire someone with flying experience since it needs less resources to train that person to be a military pilot.

Takes the same resources.
CDN Aviator said:
Takes the same resources.

Some might argue that it takes more...of which this topic has been thoroughly discussed from all angles in a multitude of other threads.
I have read a few posts on this website (can't remember which forum I saw it in) saying that the last round of hiring for DEO pilots was in July and they won't be hiring any more for a long time... Just wondering if anyone has information on this. I have my interview at the end of the month and it would suck if I just missed the last round.
the tickler said:
I have read a few posts on this website (can't remember which forum I saw it in) saying that the last round of hiring for DEO pilots was in July and they won't be hiring any more for a long time... Just wondering if anyone has information on this. I have my interview at the end of the month and it would suck if I just missed the last round.

There is another selection happening next week. They'll likely max out the quota then, but even if they don't, there won't be many spots left. There's still a long road from your interview (medical, Aircrew Selection, air factor assignment, merit listing) to them looking at your name in a selection, so just keep riding the process. You might be in good shape for the next fiscal year, but who knows?

Don't fret about it too much. Was 9 years from my first application until everything fell into place for me. I'm sure you'll do better than that :)
PWN said:
There is another selection happening next week. They'll likely max out the quota then, but even if they don't, there won't be many spots left. There's still a long road from your interview (medical, Aircrew Selection, air factor assignment, merit listing) to them looking at your name in a selection, so just keep riding the process. You might be in good shape for the next fiscal year, but who knows?

Don't fret about it too much. Was 9 years from my first application until everything fell into place for me. I'm sure you'll do better than that :)

Ok, ya I'll just go with the flow and worry about the stuff I can actually control 8)
the tickler said:
Ok, ya I'll just go with the flow and worry about the stuff I can actually control 8)

Sweet. You won't be worrying about very much then  ;D
Hello everyone,

My name is Joely and I turn 16 this november. I aspire to be a pilot and was wondering how you got into the air force. I am aiming at the ROTP  but I want to be prepared for being not accepted into the program. Therefore please tell me how you got into the air force and your general experience in the air force, what you did before you got into the air force (ie, university or highschool), and what you currently do. To be very honest, I want to be an airline pilot but gain the best experience and knowledge from the ROTP and serving in the RAF after. Now, I understand that this may bring criticism, and I respect it too as it may bring about honest and unfiltered opinions on what I can do to become a pilot. I appreciate all posts.

Joely Ho
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