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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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I agree, what's the worst they can say right now? ....no, right. If they do then just reapply another time too.
Hello im 16 years old i droped out of school grade 10 but im going back to redo grade 10 and go from there.. Im going to go to RMC and try to become a CF-18 Pilot. Im just wondering if i still have a chance with that on the record? How hard is it go get to a CF-18 Pilot? I still have couple years is it going to be more easy in couple years with the "new aircraft" coming in lol if that ever happens? or should i just go infantry
Why don't you get through highschool before worrying about being a pilot.  Make sure you stufy your sciences (physics, chem, math).

If your career as Top Gun doesn't work out, you should have no problem getting dirty with us guys who are just in the infantry - especially considering your email address says you are an Airborne Ranger already....
Infanteer said:
If your career as Top Gun doesn't work out, you should have no problem getting dirty with us guys who are just in the infantry - especially considering your email address says you are an Airborne Ranger already....

wow...that was funny !!
Howdy everybody!

  After doing a thorough scan of much of the info relating to pilots etc I figured I'd join and ask anybody 'in the know's opinion about my situation. I have an absolute passion for military aviation! That being said I am currently at a position in my life where I'd like to take some steps towards my goal of becoming a military aviator (of any type.. they could stick me on Cf-18s or Griffons and I'd be as happy as a pig in... well you know). I am currently coming off a 2yr hiatus from school, took it off to finish playing my Jr. Hockey career... I am now 21 and going into my first year this fall at one of canada's "better" civy U's... I am also playing on the hockey team there... Now I am going to be working towards a degree in physics most likely... I've read all over the air force website that they are accepting apps for people 'working towards a degree'... is that only in terms of those appyling for ROTP? I'd love to get my foot in the door in terms of grabbing a pilot slot! I'm in excellent shape, intelligent and enjoy challenges.. what are my realistic options? Plan on going into the recruiting center monday morning.... any info would be appreciated!!
Astrodog said:
Howdy everybody!

  After doing a thorough scan of much of the info relating to pilots etc I figured I'd join and ask anybody 'in the know's opinion about my situation. I have an absolute passion for military aviation! That being said I am currently at a position in my life where I'd like to take some steps towards my goal of becoming a military aviator (of any type.. they could stick me on Cf-18s or Griffons and I'd be as happy as a pig in... well you know). I am currently coming off a 2yr hiatus from school, took it off to finish playing my Jr. Hockey career... I am now 21 and going into my first year this fall at one of canada's "better" civy U's... I am also playing on the hockey team there... Now I am going to be working towards a degree in physics most likely... I've read all over the air force website that they are accepting apps for people 'working towards a degree'... is that only in terms of those appyling for ROTP? I'd love to get my foot in the door in terms of grabbing a pilot slot! I'm in excellent shape, intelligent and enjoy challenges.. what are my realistic options? Plan on going into the recruiting center monday morning.... any info would be appreciated!!

When you see the recruiter on Monday tell him/her that you are interested in the ROTP/Undergrad entry plan and would like to be a pilot.  If all goes well you can be enrolled and receiving subsidization for university in Sept 2006.  Selection will depend a lot on your high school marks and your first year of university marks.
Thanks for the info fellas... now could anybody add info or point to a link about what basic officer training is comprised of??
anybody have any personal accounts/tales?

  sorry bout all the Qs, I'm just trying to gather as much info as i can from a non-recruiter perspective...
Hey Astrodog,

To make a long story short, I finished school 2 years ago (worked in software industry since then), applied for pilot in the CF 7 months ago, and will be going to St.Jean Sept 12. I'm 24.

To increase your chances of getting in, I'd say keep those grades up, get Microsoft Flight Simulator, learn as much as you can about the CF (you've already discovered this forum, good stuff), and just be patient and calm during the whole process. Having a physics backround should be useful. As Kincanucks said, use the search and you'll find all your answers.

I have a question regarding the educational requirements for DEO applicants (specifically DEO Pilot). I know they need an undergraduate degree, but is there any specific GPA requirements or cutoff GPA?

I recently completed a B.Eng (Aerospace Engineering) and have a 6.8 (C+) cumulative GPA, and a 7.8 (B-) during my last two years of study. Also, throughout highschool I consistently got 80s and 90s in all my courses.

I've already tried the Search function and checked the Recruiting FAQ but wasn't able to find anything regarding DEO Pilot GPA requirements. If someone could offer any insight on this it would be appreciated.

Thank you!

I'm also interested to know how the CF looks at GPA for DEO Pilot Candidates. I graduated university with 60% but did relatively well on my CFAT (2nd highest mark). (Waiting now for security check) There was many reasons why my GPA is so low, but mostly because I went to university not really being motivated by any one field. My highschool marks were always over 85 and many are 95+. Not making any excuses for myself but I am fairly confident in my abilities but I am afraid that the selection board will think I'm a complete moron when looking at my GPA and disregard my file completely. BTW I was told my P3 file was a 5/5. Relatively speaking, how easy is it to obtain a 5/5 file?
Welcome to the forums Meesh,

I don't know if there is a GPA requirement for pilot, but your tanscripts are reviewed  for job competitiveness from what I'm told. Those grades sound pretty good, but the degree in that Field sounds even better. It is encouraging to hear that the CF is attracting some highly educated applicants. Good luck with your enrolment, and welcome to the forums.

Your GPA is considered during the suitability process and a score is assigned to you for having a degree and for what your average was.  So the higher your average the higher a score you get and the higher your score the more competitive you are.

I made a post a long time ago that said just because you have the basic requirements that doesn't mean you have a job.
kincanucks said:
Your GPA is considered during the suitability process and a score is assigned to you for having a degree and for what your average was.   So the higher your average the higher a score you get and the higher your score the more competitive you are.

I made a post a long time ago that said just because you have the basic requirements that doesn't mean you have a job.

Thats a good point, but here is a question- some post grad studies and most professional studies do not evaluate on the basis of a GPA model. It could be, for example, a ranking relative to the class performance. So for example, a person with a 75% average could actually be within the top 10% of a class of 150 or so. So I guess my question is- if a score is based on average, but the "average" is low by design, how is the score tabulated- or is that just way too complicated to determine? 

There is a table and there is a score assigned to grade bands such as 60-65% or C = X.
How much is each letter grade worth on this table? I have just under a C+ and would take some courses to improve that but I have SO many courses already because I went after two degrees, and each new one affects my GPA so little that it doesn't seem worth it.
cuteboots said:
How much is each letter grade worth on this table? I have just under a C+ and would take some courses to improve that but I have SO many courses already because I went after two degrees, and each new one affects my GPA so little that it doesn't seem worth it.

The higher your average then the higher the score assigned.
Ok but what are the numbers involved? I have something like 2.24 on a 4 point scale, and my university considers 2.3 a C+. Depending on how the CF interprets the numbers, it may or may not be worth it to take more classes to gain that extra 0.06. (classes are expensive!!!)
For a DEO applicant the total score that is available for education as a component of the cognitive ability score is 15 with 4.5 to 7.5 starting at an undergrad 3 degree and ending at PhD 3.  In addition, there is another 7.5 points available for overall academic achievement with 0.5 to 7.5 starting at 0-44% and ending at 97-100% (A+).  There is no consdieration given to class size or institution attended.  Also for cognitive ability you can be assigned up to 15 points for your CFAT score.  The difference between a C+and a B- is 0.5 points.
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