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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Gunshark said:
The aircrew selection sessions are still running, however. Perhaps the Force is creating a merit list for the next wave of openings. I was told a spot has been requested for me for one of this December's aircrew selections and I was told I'll be contacted with the exact date. It might end up being January. I don't have expectations. I am just waiting.

Anyone else here in the same spot?

I am exactly in the same spot. I am waiting for a confirmation date between December 10th or January 7th / 14th for Aircrew Selection. Personally, I would prefer to attend ACS on December and spend some quality time during Christmas holidays if everything went well!
OYR_Pilot said:
I am exactly in the same spot. I am waiting for a confirmation date between December 10th or January 7th / 14th for Aircrew Selection. Personally, I would prefer to attend ACS on December and spend some quality time during Christmas holidays if everything went well!

The same here. I'm waiting to go back to ASC. Good luck to all and keep us informed of your progress!
I am exactly in the same spot. I am waiting for a confirmation date between December 10th or January 7th / 14th for Aircrew Selection. Personally, I would prefer to attend ACS on December and spend some quality time during Christmas holidays if everything went well!

The same here. I'm waiting to go back to ASC. Good luck to all and keep us informed of your progress!

Alright let's keep each other informed. Good luck everyone.
Any news, anyone? Called the CFRC today looking for a quick update but couldn't get through to speak to my man. Left him a voicemail.
I just finished up at ASC and DRDC in November. DEO candidate here and as far as I know they are still processing pilot's and running selection courses. I believe there was a group this week Dec 3-7.

I have heard from some that there are still a few select DEO positions available this year (7 was the number I heard from someone who talked to their file manager), but when I went to my recruiting center today they said they were not aware and to the best of their knowledge that DEO was closed for the year. Anyone else heard anything at all?

I heard that they hired about 80 DEO pilots this year and I am assuming that the number next year would probably be fairly similar since they apparently need to train roughly 150+ pilots a year to keep up with attrition (according to a pilot at ASC). I was wondering if anyone would have any idea as to how many DEO pilots are already merit listed? Or what specifically attributes to your spot on the merit list? It seems like a lot of the candidates that were successful at ASC this year were given offers. Any insight would be helpful!   
pa471856 said:
I just finished up at ASC and DRDC in November. DEO candidate here and as far as I know they are still processing pilot's and running selection courses. I believe there was a group this week Dec 3-7.

I have heard from some that there are still a few select DEO positions available this year (7 was the number I heard from someone who talked to their file manager), but when I went to my recruiting center today they said they were not aware and to the best of their knowledge that DEO was closed for the year. Anyone else heard anything at all?

I heard that they hired about 80 DEO pilots this year and I am assuming that the number next year would probably be fairly similar since they apparently need to train roughly 150+ pilots a year to keep up with attrition (according to a pilot at ASC). I was wondering if anyone would have any idea as to how many DEO pilots are already merit listed? Or what specifically attributes to your spot on the merit list? It seems like a lot of the candidates that were successful at ASC this year were given offers. Any insight would be helpful! 

So the info I'm giving you is info I've gotten from my recruiters and from various people in the system here and there, just so you know I don't have the official answers. In terms of the 80 number, that was what they originally planned to take under DEO pilot but it may not be the official number because recruiting centers have been getting information on last minute changes for the past couple months. For example in October, the selection that was supposed to occur was supposed to be the last. It got changed last minute and became a selection for foreign qualified pilots (other militaries) and then selection was supposed to be done for the year. Nov.15 had another selection that came down with very short notice so it's really impossible to say what the actual number this year was. In terms of what your merit list spot is made up of, I have heard 2 answers from reputable sources:

1) My interviewing captain said the merit list position was made up of your aptitude test score, your GPA, and your interview score which was calculated and turned into a military potential score, which determines your spot on the merit list.
2) Captain Larose at the ASC who said that the scores from the aptitude test you do at the ASC are also included and help determine your MP score for the merit list.

In terms of positions still open for this year, it's impossible to say because things keep changing all the time. One day I'll call and hear there are no spots, a week later they'll say there's a selection. Hold fast hope I guess.
Yeah, the most sure thing about position openings seems to be that nothing is for sure! Things can change any time. Last I heard at CFRC Toronto was that pilot positions were gone for this year, not sure if that was for DEO or in general. Heard this just about a week ago. I'll try to get an update soon.
Thanks Reaper and Gunshark. That's about the same as I was told as well. I guess I will just have to learn to hold my breath a little longer! Best of luck to everyone.
The CFRC Toronto contacted me this morning. I've been scheduled for Jan 14 aircrew selection. Looks like the CFRC Det. Toronto might be scheduling folks around this time. Hopefully most of you got a date as well or are about to get one. Any updates?
Hi, I'm new to the forums, and recently I've looked into becoming a pilot. I think it's something I really want to do with my life. However, I am a little confused on where to start. I have a couple of questions I hope someone here can answer. First of all, when would I apply? I'm currently half way through Grade 12, so should I wait until June when I graduate? Secondly, What is the best entry plan, ROTP, DEO, or CEOPT. The latter looks the most appealing, since it's the quickest way to get flying, but after looking through some forums some say it's not the most well designed plan. Lastly, What kind of degree would be most desirable when becoming a pilot? Or does it matter? I want to take computer science, but it doesn't seem relevant to the pilot occupation. Sorry for the long post, I really appreciate it if you read all of it.   
Bioman said:
Hi, I'm new to the forums, and recently I've looked into becoming a pilot. I think it's something I really want to do with my life. However, I am a little confused on where to start. I have a couple of questions I hope someone here can answer. First of all, when would I apply? I'm currently half way through Grade 12, so should I wait until June when I graduate? Secondly, What is the best entry plan, ROTP, DEO, or CEOPT. The latter looks the most appealing, since it's the quickest way to get flying, but after looking through some forums some say it's not the most well designed plan. Lastly, What kind of degree would be most desirable when becoming a pilot? Or does it matter? I want to take computer science, but it doesn't seem relevant to the pilot occupation. Sorry for the long post, I really appreciate it if you read all of it.   

1. Apply whenever you feel comfortable applying. If you think you're competitive enough for CEOTP or ROTP, give it a shot. You will never know if you don't try that. You may be able to get in and study at RMC or through another civilian university, or even the Seneca Flight program. I don't know how the timing works if you wanted to make it in for September 2013... it may be too late for that - I think? Even if you don't get in now, you can pursue a degree of some sort if you plan to apply as an ROTP or DEO candidate in the future.

2. I can't speak for anyone that has gone through the Seneca Flight Program, but if you want to get flying quickly, it sounds like the most viable option.

3. Any degree is acceptable if you're applying for a pilot. What is more important is the dedication you put into getting your degree (e.g. Marks). You basically want to show them you can learn and succeed. I've met pilots who have engineering degrees, but I've also met pilots who have degrees in History and Music. Whatever you pursue, just do it well.

[quote author=Gunshark]The CFRC Toronto contacted me this morning. I've been scheduled for Jan 14 aircrew selection. Looks like the CFRC Det. Toronto might be scheduling folks around this time. Hopefully most of you got a date as well or are about to get one. Any updates?[/quote]

ASC has been scheduling people for January. They're also running one on 7 Jan 2013. Good luck!
From what I understand of the CEOTP it's only used when the other 2, ROTP and DEO, are not bringing in enough candidates, so I wouldn't bank on that one. You should try and apply for ROTP and if you don't get in, do the degree you want to do and apply for DEO when you finish.
Reaper-1 said:
From what I understand of the CEOTP it's only used when the other 2, ROTP and DEO, are not bringing in enough candidates, so I wouldn't bank on that one. You should try and apply for ROTP and if you don't get in, do the degree you want to do and apply for DEO when you finish.

Historically, yes this has been the case.  However, there is now a new CEOTP-AEADS (Air Environmental Affiliated Degree) Program that rolled out this year.  It is a partnership between the RCAF and Seneca College.  Visit a recruiting center or check the Forces.ca website for more information.  There is also a forum running over in Aircrew Trades discussing this new entry plan.

See the below links for more information: 





Bioman said:
What kind of degree would be most desirable when becoming a pilot? Or does it matter? I want to take computer science, but it doesn't seem relevant to the pilot occupation.

If you think you would enjoy computer science, then take computer science.
I chose a degree that I thought would be relevant to the pilot occupation (atmospheric physics, AKA meteorology) and I hated almost every hour I spent in class. Turns out it's not that relevant, and I would have been much better off had I chosen something I really like (psychology, economics, philosphy or politics).

Good luck!
dr.phil said:
ASC has been scheduling people for January. They're also running one on 7 Jan 2013. Good luck!

I should correct my last statement. I think the CFRC nominates candidates for Aircrew Selection, but it's the Selection Center in Trenton that actually confirms the dates. (I think.) In any case, yes, there are several sessions running, including those beginning on Jan 7 and Jan 14. Thank you for the kind wishes. Cheers.
I have a bachelor's in Computer Science. PM me if you have any questions.
Bioman said:
...Lastly, What kind of degree would be most desirable when becoming a pilot? Or does it matter? I want to take computer science, but it doesn't seem relevant to the pilot occupation. Sorry for the long post, I really appreciate it if you read all of it. 

My bachelor's is Physics and Computer Science and it's done me well for a quarter century of flying.  You'll find the logical flow that is fundamental to software design is quite applicable to flight operations...particularly modern AMS (avionics management systems) in many of the RCAF's fleets.

That said, the best answer is whatever you enjoy most...I've seen pilots with degrees ranging from Engineering Physics to History.  As well, many excellent pilots who only had a high school diploma (bot those are getting few and far between).

Reaper-1 said:
From what I understand of the CEOTP it's only used when the other 2, ROTP and DEO, are not bringing in enough candidates, so I wouldn't bank on that one. You should try and apply for ROTP and if you don't get in, do the degree you want to do and apply for DEO when you finish.

CEOTP, ROTP and DEO are all individual entry programs and "each" are assigned positions.  So your best to apply for which ever program applies to you or best fits and or interests you.
Thank you for all the replies. I've decided that my best bet is to take computer science at a normal university, then in four years time, if I still want to be a pilot, I can enter through the DEO program. Right now, I'm not near fit enough to go through basic training, and my application kind of... sucks. No extra curricular activities, no sports... It's really quite bare. I figure I can make this up during my university years.
Looks like there might be good news for us pilot hopefuls - I was looking at forces.ca today and noticed they had pilot as the "featured job" both under that tab and on the front page. Maybe recruiting will be good in the coming FY. Also, it looks like they updated their jobs list with new in demand jobs and have a section that says "jobs currently available in the following occupations" but still haven't put the "accepting applications" checkmark beside anything. Wierd.
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