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So should all us army folk have CadPat now?

I'm with Earl and Willy on this.

I'm SICK AND TIRED of newbies whining and crying about not having their gucci kit yet and everyone else does. :crybaby: :crybaby:

As they said clothes do not the soldier make. You'll get it when it's issued and make do with the old OD Cbts until then, end of story. There are serious concerns facing the CF and the fact that little timmie hasn't got his Kewl camo clothes yet is not number one on the priority list is it.

You're soldiers or supposed to be right?

Suck it up and do the damn job  or hand in your papers and go check out career options in the exciting world of the fast food industry. If the powers that be say wear pink thongs ( and I'm not sure some numpty at NDHQ isn't right now doing a memo on that option) then guess what we BLOODY WELL wear them until ordered to do otherwise.

One of the other mods please lock this one. I'm too ticked off to bother.

I agree 100%.. i am being kitted Thurs. night and regardless of whether I get OD or CADPAT I am just grateful to be able to wear the uniform shortly!  :salute:
either way i love the button flaps. No more getting caught on cam net...
I just want it because everyone else has it, and it's more useful in the field than OD...