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Smoking in General

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I know with my corps there are a few smokers. My CO actually gave a huge lecture a couple of weeks ago due to the fact that some cadets were caught smoking during a cadet activity. He basically said that if you are on cadet time then you aren't smoking, and that means when your wearing any kind of uniform (uniform, PT gear, combats, etc) and are involved in an activity, whether it be a regular parade night, weekend, or summer training. And if you are wearing your uniform, no matter if your at home or whatever, you are not permitted to smoke.
Rad said:
Why the argument? ???   Almost everyone knows how bad smoking is for you, and some people choose to do it anyways.  Instead of yelling at them, or smacking them around it would probably be better to take them aside and talk to them if you feel like giving your input.  I'm sure you'll find you'll get far better results. 

The fact is, at 16, if you so choose to smoke, you may.  It is illegal to buy them and to give them to minors, but if they "find some" then they can smoke them.  This is part of our freedoms as Canadians.  If I choose to smoke a cigar and you come and yell at me or "smack" me for it, then what would you expect me to do?  "Sorry Sir, I'll stop this right away!"   I don't think so.   Some people think drinking is just as bad, and I choose to do it anyways.  Does this make me stupid?  I don't think so.

In my oppinion, and it is just that, I don't think that the violent approach is the right one, nor should you force an appology out of someone for their own oppinions.  This is a discussion board and I think that people's oppinions should be respected even if not agreed with, no matter what the reason for disagreement (excluding racism, sexism and those sorts of things).

because, we are talking about cadets. Children. Playing with substances that kill them. I will not, nor will any other moderator, tolerate anything that portrays smoking in anything but a negative light. From anyone. That is Standard across the board.

This is a private site, discussion board or not, and there is a hierachy established by the site owner. Any deviation from the guidelines related to smoking will face repercussions. Period.

If it bothers you enough, take it up with the site owner.

As for physical violence, what are you babbling about? There was no reference to violence anywhere.

You'll come to realize that some of these kids will just not take no for an answer. They'll argue night is day simply because your an adult. Walk away, it's not worth it. They have no life experience and can't argue from a position of merit. May as well go argue with a tree.

For the rest. This is not a pro smoking or condone smoking thread. It's a quit smoking or don't start thread. We don't care about your charter rights or the legalities of smoking. Simply put. If you smoke (or dip) - quit. If you don't smoke (or use dip) - don't start. We'll not entertain any thing else in this thread. Try it, and your post gets wiped.
Now I didn't say "physical" violence, so what are you babbling about?  I did, however, say violence and...

Scott said:
I do not hate anyone. But if I were CIC or a CI and saw Cadets smoking I'd probably be leaving that job for smacking the smokers around.

There's your reference. 

Now it doesn't bother me at all, so I have no need to take it up with anyone.  Also, cadets are not children, they are young adults learning how to make their own decisions.

Let me also say that I'm not trying to argue with anyone or be hard to get along with, that's the opposite of what I want. You kind of put me on the spot though, and that's not why I posted my original post.  I wrote my opinion and I thought that would be the end of it. I apologize if I have offended anyone or if it came across as I condone smoking because I do not.

R.                                               *edited for spelling*
I am not trying to argue with anybody or anything.  I am not encouraging anyone to smoke, I never said smoking was ok.  I have never talked about smoking to my troops or anything like that because it is not a problem in my corps.  I agree with everyone 100% that smoking is bad thats why I quit.  And I never ever encouraged it or said it was ok.

To put it simply, smoking has no place in cadets.

I am not trying to argue with anybody or get anyone angry, I was simply stating how I felt about the issue, I am sorry if I offended or made anyone angry this was not my intention.  I was simply stating how I felt about the issue.

I had no intention of making anyone angry or offending anyone, and I apologize if this was the case. 

Vision and Objectives
The three aims of the Cadet Program are to:

    * Develop leadership and good citizenship
    * Promote physical fitness
    * Stimulate an interest in the three elements of the Canadian Forces

If you are not making an effort to convince your Cadets that smoking is a poor lifestyle choice that will ultimately affect their health, or to help them quit if they've decided to start, then you are not upholding one of the three principle aims of the cadet program.

ryanmann356 said:
I am not trying to argue with anybody or anything.  I am not encouraging anyone to smoke, I never said smoking was ok.  I have never talked about smoking to my troops or anything like that because it is not a problem in my corps.  I agree with everyone 100% that smoking is bad thats why I quit.  And I never ever encouraged it or said it was ok.

To put it simply, smoking has no place in cadets.

Up until this point you had me.

I am not trying to argue with anybody or get anyone angry, I was simply stating how I felt about the issue, I am sorry if I offended or made anyone angry this was not my intention.  I was simply stating how I felt about the issue.

I had no intention of making anyone angry or offending anyone, and I apologize if this was the case. 

You made me angry by saying that we shouldn't "hate" those who smoke and should allow them to make a decision that will kill them when they are probably not old enough to know any better!

I don't hate smokers, I don't hate anyone, quit bleating about it. As Michael pointed out, one of the aims is of Cadets is to promote physical fitness and that you, as a leader, should be encouraging your charges not to start smoking and to quit if they already have.


Guess it was hard to detect sarcasm, eh? Read my other posts and try to find references to violence. I am sorry but anyone who thinks that was a comment made other than in jest needs their head examined. Cadets are young adults learning to make their own decisions, you're right, so when they wish to play in traffic or peer down the working end of a 12 gauge I guess we should just let them, right?

No matter, I can see you're going to make this thread your one great stand.

If you're a Cadet and you smoke - QUIT PLEASE.

If you're a Cadet and you think you should start - go hold your head underwater until the urge passes.

If you guys could listen to just one piece of advice that we could give you this would be it.

In Hoc Signo Vinces  ;D
Plain and simple, smoking is bad. Nothing else, I am starting to think that that this is turning into a fight, so no more arguments.
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