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Slaw's Story

well its been awhile since my last update. Was in contact with the CFRC in Febuaury and tthey told me somewheres after April they should have my Background check done. A little later then what I thought but oh well...I am not giving up. I am calling for updates this week as well. But on a good note I am now able to do well over the required for situps, push ups...just working on the running part still. All this exercising has also got me to lose 30+lbs in the last few months. Have never felt better.

well. was in contact with the recruiting centre today and some good news came about, I am now merit listed as of today!! yipee...was told I shouldn't be merit listed long.
Well Today was a very good day. Received my offer for AVN TECH and I glady accepted. Swear in June 17th, BMQ in St.jean on the 7th of july. YAY jesus its been a long time waiting but the wait is offer!! Let the fun begin!
Ah I see, I see, well here's to swearing in on the same day  :cheers:  won't see you though, I'm over in Ontario :D
goodluck at yours though...its going to be a proud moment for sure.
If you ask nicely at your attestation (enrolment ceremony) and are using the Bible you can bring your own. Some bring the family bible from home. Makes a nice touch. The ceremony isn't long but you will remember it forever. Take lots of pictures and invite your local newspaper if you want. Local boy does good! 
well I am back at square one once again..except this time is guarnteed to be alot faster. Did my application today and tomorrow giving them my release papers I got from CFLRS then in for my medical next week and interview then bookings. As far as I believe I do not have to go through with another long version of realiabilty check as I just had one at CFLRS and through the recruiting centre. Anyway not giving up on my career with the forces.
well...bout time I update this process again since its been quite some time.
I went to BMQ in 08 and left for personal reasons(switching trades) I went back in 09 and did 4 weeks when my hip was dislocated. The docs at MIR did a xray and somehow got something mixed up and thought my back was screwed. They put me in PAT for another 2 months where they had then informed me that I was going to have to stay there for another 6months or more to get better and if at that time I was not better they were going to medically release me.
I chose to VR and seek civilian opinion on the matter which I have and just got results back from 2 CT scans and a MRI all of them proving nothing is wrong with any vertibrae in my back and I am good to go. My hip is fully healed and PT is still up to par so I am going in tomorrow to re-apply! I have a medical certificate from my doctor ready and the forms in hand.
I am not giving up on my dreams. Its been 8 years since I first applied to the CF.
Wow! Quite the adveture you've been going through!

Good luck wit your next application! Hopefully it will be your last :P