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I take weight gainer because my metabolism is so high, it's hard for me to gain weight with regular or huge meals for that matter.  I need that extra protein intake to repair torn muscles.
ARMYboi69 said:
I don't have the problem, but you've got to do it more.   Every other night isn't enough time for your muscles to get stronger, and you also have to TEST yourself.   If you can do 15 one night, then next morning try to do 20.   That night do another 20, and so on.   Try to "raise" the bar every week or so.   Do 20 push-ups in the morning, 20 at night for a week.   And then try 25 twcie a day :) And so on and so on...
What part of Boot Camp is true and what part of it is just stuff to try and scare you?   I've heard a lot of things like bed at 3:00, up at 4:00 for weeks at a time, but then again it could be a way to scare away the wimps.

The thing I'm really worried about is what do they do when you have to fall out of doing 50 push-ups, or can't keep up with them?   Are you kicked out of the course?   Yelled at?   What do they do?


I believe that it is not called boot camp but rather Basic Training! :)
ok so i got one for ya then,

if they ask for (90' elbow's out) push up's during basic , why the heck do they make you do (elbow close to your body) tricep style push ups at your physical test then ????
When I did my test they didn't care how I did it.....I just had to do 19 of em'
thats weird!

the guy giving my test was saying , elbows in, elbows in, elbows in, and he measured the distance betwen my hands and all
That really sucks as they are way harder to do in my opinion......but hey as long as you passed. I have done the test twice  :crybaby:  (I was only doing 17 at a time and on the test thats all I could get but now I do 3 sets of 16 reps and I can do about 25 max) Both times they didn't seem to care

  Just out of curiosity what did you guys get for the hand grip. I got 127lbs total and the tester seemed to think it was unusssual. I haven't really started working out untill about and hour ago (literally), the only thing I really do is farm work and push-ups.  Anyway I hope to have a total of 200lbs after I get my new hand gripper thingy.
they might tell you to do 'em with your elbows in because doing them elbows out is (supposedly) bad for your joints.
Gorf said:
That really sucks as they are way harder to do in my opinion......but hey as long as you passed. I have done the test twice   :crybaby:   (I was only doing 17 at a time and on the test thats all I could get but now I do 3 sets of 16 reps and I can do about 25 max) Both times they didn't seem to care

   Just out of curiosity what did you guys get for the hand grip. I got 127lbs total and the tester seemed to think it was unusssual. I haven't really started working out untill about and hour ago (literally), the only thing I really do is farm work and push-ups.    Anyway I hope to have a total of 200lbs after I get my new hand gripper thingy.


I am hoping for some pushups advice please. :)
I can do the  CF standard pushups except for a problem.
When I start out, my hands are under my shoulders but while
doing the pushups, my hands move and are then wider than
my shoulders.

Any advice please? ???
Good day!

I noticed that my push up advice helped people. However, I also realize that there are people who have troubles with sit ups.

The Method

Sit ups aren't really a high strength exercise. It's a core endurance exercise. And there is really an easy compound way to get those sit up numbers up.

The first part of the compound method is to do sit ups. Kind of obvious, right? There are a few points that you should consider in your routine though:

* Flex those abs. Constant contraction will help build up the endurance.
* Do sit ups very slowly and with a full range of motion. Sit up as far as possible and never use your arms as a way to boost your way up.
* Keep a straight back.

It should also be noted that it's probably a good idea to set up a routine and stick with it. Such as doing 60 sit ups about 3 times a week. This can be broken up into sets(such as 6 sets of 10) if you cannot do 60 straight sit ups.

The second part of the compund method is to flex your abs and hold them there when you are just sitting around and such. Doing this will help build up your endurance and allow you to get up the volume of sit ups you can do in 60 seconds.

The Routine

60 sit ups 3 times a week. The goal is to be able to do 60 sit ups with the points in The Method followed(see above). If you can do this, you should be able to get about 55-63 sit ups in 60 seconds, and a routine is a good way to get there.

To set up a good sit up routine is easy. First, you see how many sit ups you can do in 60 seconds(use the normal CF way). Take that number and divide it by 2 or 3 or 4(depending on how hard you want to push). Now, you take that number and find how many times it goes into 60(round up always), this number is sets and the other is reps. Now, you do the number of sets and reps you got out of this 3 times a week. At the beginning of each week, try again. If you do more sit ups in 60 seconds, raise the bar. If not, keep it where it's at.

For example:

On Monday, I did 30 sit ups in 60 seconds, and I want to push myself. So I divide 30 by 2, which is 15. 15 goes into 60 4 times. So, I will do 4 sets of 15 on Tuesday, Thurday, and Saturday. On the following Monday, I got 40 sit ups in 60 seconds, so I now have to do 3 sets of 20  on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. And so on.

If you combine routine and flexing your abs when you aren't doing anything else, it shouldn't take long to see some gains, and any gain is a good gain.

Anyone have any other ideas and suggestions on increasing sit up numbers in 60 seconds? 

Another great post, BMS! Thanks.



Just thought that I would also say that you should not strain yourself when doing situps (like any other exercise, for that matter), and to stretch before doing a bunch of PT.

Plus, take breaks every week. i.e. you do pushups one day, situps another, so the different muscles you use have time to rest and grow.

You know, the basic stuff you all should already know ;)
During the physical examination they hold down your feet correct?

When i do this at home and pin my legs down or against something i feel like im pulling my weight up more with my leg strength then anything. It may just be how it feels but i dunno, is this normal to do or should i TRY not to use my legs bracings to help pull me up?
On both the Army Cadet Fitness Test and the Canadian Forces Express Test:

* Lie flat on your back
* The angle between your calves and your thighs must be 90 degrees
* Legs and feet are together
* Place your hands on the side of your head, so that your ears are covered
* Sit up and touch your elbows to your knees

Your feet are held to the ground.

Any way for you to get up during your test is okay, as long as you don't swing your arms or lift your ass off the ground. However, it's more beneficial to try not to use anything but your abdominals while training.
I find it's easier to do sit-ups (and I can thus do more of them and do them more quickly) when my trainer is holding my feet. When I am doing them without anyone holding my feet, they are harder to do and I struggle to do 30.

So I am wondering why someone holds your feet during the test(s)?
Marshall said:
During the physical examination they hold down your feet correct?

When i do this at home and pin my legs down or against something i feel like im pulling my weight up more with my leg strength then anything. It may just be how it feels but i dunno, is this normal to do or should i TRY not to use my legs bracings to help pull me up?
Put your feet under a couch, thats what I do. I don't feel it in my legs that way.

  Your feet are held because it is a much more accurate depiction of strictly your core strength and endurance.

  However, for training, the most difficult way is the best  :pushup:
Celticgirl said:
I find it's easier to do sit-ups (and I can thus do more of them and do them more quickly) when my trainer is holding my feet. When I am doing them without anyone holding my feet, they are harder to do and I struggle to do 30.

So I am wondering why someone holds your feet during the test(s)?

This is the question am hoping the experts on here can answer regarding the CF test. At home, when I put my feet under our platform bed, I can do a lot of situps, but when no one is holding my feet, I can't go as far as my elbows touching my knees.

So the question again, how is it done at St Jean?

jacksparrow said:
This is the question am hoping the experts on here can answer regarding the CF test. At home, when I put my feet under our platform bed, I can do a lot of situps, but when no one is holding my feet, I can't go as far as my elbows touching my knees.

So the question again, how is it done at St Jean?


bms already stated how they are done in St Jean:

* Lie flat on your back
* The angle between your calves and your thighs must be 90 degrees
* Legs and feet are together
* Place your hands on the side of your head, so that your ears are covered
* Sit up and touch your elbows to your knees

Your feet are held to the ground.
No need to spring out of control. It was the last bit of your post that I needed clearance on, as there are conflicting posts out there.

Springroll said:
bms already stated how they are done in St Jean:

* Lie flat on your back
* The angle between your calves and your thighs must be 90 degrees
* Legs and feet are together
* Place your hands on the side of your head, so that your ears are covered
* Sit up and touch your elbows to your knees

Your feet are held to the ground.
jacksparrow said:
No need to spring out of control. It was the last bit of your post that I needed clearance on, as there are conflicting posts out there.

Not sure what conflicting posts your talking about, but if you had taken the time to read the posts in this particular thread, you would have seen bms's post stating exactly what is expected for the CF Express test . His post was dated April 27, 2008....only the 4th posts from the top of the thread.

Time for you to settle down and take a deep breath in...I was far from "springing" out of control....hehehe