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Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

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PMedMoe said:
And that's justification for charging females an extra $45.00 per month??  I'd be moving out on the double!

It wouldn't be based on gender, it would be based on the rating of the room.  If Base Accn had it reversed where males/females were quartered, the room charges deducted would be reversed also.
combatbuddha said:
  They say those course critiques actually work.......doubtful. They haven't rebuilt the South Side Canex yet....

My 9r had attened a briefing there will be a new Canex built at a new location and the theatre will be upgraded during that construction. With the after hours shuttle around base and the coming changes, I can  not imagin the south side getting rebuilt.
Eye In The Sky said:
It wouldn't be based on gender, it would be based on the rating of the room.  If Base Accn had it reversed where males/females were quartered, the room charges deducted would be reversed also.

Okay, sorry.  Is having an extra two feet of space (and no free internet) justification for charging anyone an extra $45.00?
Great thanks, do any of you know the hours of the gym and the o and h club throughout the week and on  weekends?
combatbuddha said:
  They say those course critiques actually work.......doubtful.

They in fact do work. They work even better when students put down something more thoughtful than "sucked" as comments. If the base controls the accomodations, the problem is not with inefectiveness of the course critiques.
Hi, I am RMC Officer Cadet. Today I just received an email stating that my rations are going up from 477 to 493(which was raised from 425 last year, 2008). Can any body explain to me who I should talk to about this? What are the guide lines for making the rates for officer cadets? I understand that this could be a forces-wide initiative, but it is mandatory for us, RMC cadets, to live in Quarters. To put things in perspective, I am getting pay 1413/month. After taxes and pension etc, Ration and Quarters will be consist more than half of my net income. This means I will get about $200 a pay check. My friend who is still doing BMQ, gets easily three times that amount. There are people here that can no longer pay for their car insurance. I just want to know why/how this happened, and what I can do about it. Thank you
Livingthedream_notreally said:
Hi, I am RMC Officer Cadet. Today I just received an email stating that my rations are going up from 477 to 493(which was raised from 425 last year, 2008). Can any body explain to me who I should talk to about this? What are the guide lines for making the rates for officer cadets? I understand that this could be a forces-wide initiative, but it is mandatory for us, RMC cadets, to live in Quarters. To put things in perspective, I am getting pay 1413/month. After taxes and pension etc, Ration and Quarters will be consist more than half of my net income. This means I will get about $200 a pay check. My friend who is still doing BMQ, gets easily three times that amount. There are people here that can no longer pay for their car insurance. I just want to know why/how this happened, and what I can do about it. Thank you
Let's see now:

You are going to RMC.
You are getting your University Degree for free.
You are issued clothes to wear, at no expense to you.
You have all your books and materials provided for.
You didn't have to look for a place to stay, even though you still pay for quarters (which you would have to do anywhere else anyway.).
You have three squares a day and like everyone else have to pay for them.
You even get paid to go to University and have guaranteed employment when not in classes.

Do you really need a car?
Do you really need the extra expenses of car insurance?

I am sure many would love to have your problems.

As for your friend on BMQ making more than you; have you bothered to compare his/her expenses?

Have you even thought of what you will make after completing RMC and Trades Trg?

And I am even being nice in this post.
Livingthedream_notreally said:
After taxes and pension etc, Ration and Quarters will be consist more than half of my net income.

To put things into even further perspective, that makes you no different than most other CF members. Did you think you were special ?

My groceries also cost more than this time last year.......funny how we have the same problem eh ?

I hear the whaaaaaaaambulance coming.......

Livingthedream, I can sympathise with you, especially since the food sucks (provided it didn't change since 2006) at RMC.

To the others, I actually saved money when I moved out of the Shacks at RMC, going into a PMQ.  SQs and Rations are ridiculously expensive for the small room and crappy food they get.  To me, it doesn't make any sense to pay more for R&Q than you would living out.
SupersonicMax said:
Livingthedream, I can sympathise with you, especially since the food sucks (provided it didn't change since 2006) at RMC.

To the others, I actually saved money when I moved out of the Shacks at RMC, going into a PMQ.  SQs and Rations are ridiculously expensive for the small room and crappy food they get.  To me, it doesn't make any sense to pay more for R&Q than you would living out.


Living in the PMQ patch is not "Living Out".  Even if rent is relative to other rents in the Kingston area, the accomondations in the PMQs are far better than the dive you may find in town for the same expense.

Back to Rations:

493/30 =  16.43

Where can someone feed themselves three meals on $17 a day?
Living Out:

Rent =
Electricity =
Telephone =
Cable/Satellite =
Heat  =
Weekly food =
Purchase/rent of Fridge, Stove, Washer, Dryer =
Travel (to and from School/employment) Bus, car, etc. =
Entertainment =
Insurance (Car) =
Insurance (home/apartment)=
Misc Expenses (Repairs to Car, repairs to accomondations/renovations; vacation; Sports; Clubs; etc.)

GW, I pay around 230$ a month to feed myself and I consider I eat well.  Lots of vegies and fresh meat. If I was on a strict budget, I could probably cut it to 150-180$ a month range.

when I lived in the Qs in Kingston, I paid:
Rent: 25% of my salary, 325$/month
Electricity: 30$ a month on average
Telephone:  35$ a month (I paid the same at RMC)
Cable:  No Cable for me
Heat: Provided with the Rent
Food:  150$ a month
Travel:  Free.  I biked, ran and walked to work
Entertainment: Whatever I spent.  Wether you're in the shacks or in the Qs, you spend the same.
Insurance (Car):  No car
Insurance Home:  5$ a month
Misc:  Same as in the shacks.  Maintenance was provided by CFHA.

It comes to 510$ a month for EVERYTHING and you are in your own stuff, with a lot more space.  I paid over 600$ at RMC for R&Qs for a 10X8 room and crappy food.
Wow!! Kingston Qs are going for 325 per month heat included??

Somehow ... something seems a wee bit off with your figuring or folks in the Qs in Kingston have it pretty jammy.
Yeah I got a friend posted out of Kingston and their Q costs alot more than what max has stated.