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Showers - Nudity

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Middle of a Puckpunyal winter a MLBU showed up. Two weeks bush without a shower. A Bty of us peeled off, naked as j-birds, enetrered the tent and what was worse there was about 15 secs of ice cold water, before it got just tepid. Temp outside was about 5C, cloudy and rainy.

We all exited, and dressed back into our dirty cams again. No females in that Bty

Nakedness in the military, get used to it.


   I would hazard a guess as to say that most people are not "frequently" nude in front of others save for the few minutes in a locker room it takes to get undressed. (Unless you are one of the few that likes to show off...) You will have average 5 minutes some days to get undressed, showered, and dressed again. There really is no time to peek at your neighbour. In the BMQ shacks in Borden, there were 6 shower stalls with curtains but there were 10 other guys waiting on the other side of those curtains already undressed ready to jump in as you are jumping out. Plus you will have issues with your 3 roommates if you ask them to leave while you change. It won't happen. (Unless you are like the roommate I had before he released who re-created "scenes" from that movie "Puppetry of the p****"  with his junk and actually had several male spectators for it. (not me)

   And most of the gyms in the CF I have utilized for one course or another had completely open communal showers and you will undoubtedly end up at the gym for course PT at some point, so I wouldn't worry about it much more.
If you end up in meaford expect many times you'll be in the shower with other people on a regular basis. And not to be the one to make your fears worse, but the showers are very very small, 50 guys (to start) in an area of about 12x6 feet  :-* .  So if you are doing a land course in Ontario you may end up there for SQ. Mind you, the easiest way to avoid all this is to wear a bathing suit if it is a huge issue.
Kabul, June 2005.

My buddy thought It would be funny to steal my towel as I was taking a shower.  I had a feeling something was up before I stepped in, and as he snuck up and grabbed it I was peering out the curtain.

He takes off as I leap out of the shower, thinking that I dared not follow him butt ass nekkid through Camp Julien.  

He was wrong.... my muscles, well defined from months of weight lifting, glistened as the water steamed off under the warm Afghan sun... my little willy flapping in the wind as I navigated through the Hesco...
I don't think its going to be quite that be of a deal, I'm sure its going to be the last thing on my mind.

Thanks for the answers though.
Wonderbread said:
Kabul, June 2005.

My buddy thought It would be funny to steal my towel as I was taking a shower.  I had a feeling something was up before I stepped in, and as he snuck up and grabbed it I was peering out the curtain.

He takes off as I leap out of the shower, thinking that I dared not follow him butt *** nekkid through Camp Julien.  

He was wrong.... my muscles, well defined from months of weight lifting, glistened as the water steamed off under the warm Afghan sun... my little willy flapping in the wind as I navigated through the Hesco...

::) Too much.
Sounds like the start of a Penthouse forum letter......though "little willy" might have to be redone........."my studly hungwell".
DANG.... the song "the Streak" by Ray Stevens won't leave my head now!


...And I hollered over at Ethel... I said don't look Ethel
It was too late, she'd already been incensed...
"It was centered around the fact that I can't say that I'm frequently nude in front of large groups of people. Guess I'm just strange for having that concern."

You are not, say again, not strange for having this concern.  And you wont be the only person on course who has this kind of concern.  You will, however, get over it, simply because you will be left with no choice and as others have said, you will be so bloody busy gettin' clean that you wont have time to be embarrassed or concerned.

But don't ever think you are strange - if anyone ever tells you you are - give 'em a boot to the head...or let me know and I will do it for you.  I have been dealing with a lot of intolerance in the CF of late, so I am on the warpath looking for somebody to ruin.
I've been in for 10 years, and I still feel a little weird and awkward about group showers.... but like everyone says, you get over it... besides... you really will be too busy trying to get clean in record time to worry about it.

I gotta admit though... wonderbread you take the cake on that story....  I can see myself looking a lot more like something from a rejected baywatch episode.... things jiggling everywhere, all pasty and white.... blinding old people and scareing children...  ;D

to sum up,  you feel weird, but you get over it, and realize that you would rather feel weird and be clean, then avoid the situation and be a dirty billy...

- Tommy
Tommy said:
I've been in for 10 years, and I still feel a little weird and awkward about group showers.... but like everyone says, you get over it... besides... you really will be too busy trying to get clean in record time to worry about it.

I didn't realize that, buddy! Now I almost feel bad about walking into your room in the weather haven ;D

I was a bit of a streaker before I joined....but now, I've found a career that embraces me for the nudist I am!
MARS said:
... give 'em a boot to the head...or let me know and I will do it for you.  I have been dealing with a lot of intolerance in the CF of late, so I am on the warpath looking for somebody to ruin.  

When you're done mainlining creatine, grab a dictionary and look up "tolerance"......it's almost a dozen letters after "irony"  ;)
MARS said:
  I have been dealing with a lot of intolerance in the CF of late, so I am on the warpath looking for somebody to ruin.

How would thinking hes strange be "intolerance" ?

Maybe somewhere along your warpath, you were dealt a few boots to the head yourself.
Beadwindow 7 said:
I didn't realize that, buddy! Now I almost feel bad about walking into your room in the weather haven ;D


oh man... that brings back memories....

and you only would have felt bad/awkward had you walked in about 2.5 minutes earlier  ;D

Ive also learned as one gets older, one cares less about who sees what... especially in the weatherhavens...
To: Mr. Bobbitt, members of army.ca, guests and anyone who ever reads this thread
From: MARS
Subject: Apology


I am posting this as an apology for the garbage that I posted earlier, specifically post # 18.

To explain: I am currently assisting two very junior CF members with a very delicate situation, specifically: gender reassignment surgery.  These members are both at the OS/Pte recruit level and needless to say, the process has been far from smooth.  The system has, as expected, stalled.  Calls and enquires go unreturned, which is disappointing because this is not the first time the CF has dealt with this, but apparently no one bothered to keep notes the last time.  The Divisional System in one of the cases is also being far less help than it should be.  But most troubling is the response/reaction from these individuals’ superiors.  Thankfully, it appears that members of the individuals’ messes have no issues.  Nor, from what I can tell, do the officers (most of the younger ones anyway) in each Unit.  The C&POs/WOs &Sgts messes are less…accepting and understanding of the situation.  Some have been shown the door and will take it.  Watching 100+ years of experience walk out your door is no fun, and it will certainly hurt the respective Units in the short term, perhaps the medium term, but that’s it.  I remain convinced that the CF will be better off with these people gone.  However, these individuals I am assisting are still going to have a long, hard road to travel as they get posted to other Units, go on course, deployment, etc.  At some point I will no longer be in a position to help clear the way for them and will have to accept and have faith in the fact that things will work out. 

The original poster in this thread asked about being nude and mentioned being a bit uncomfortable with it.  Unfortunately, immediately prior to posting this evening, I had just finished discussing this very issue with one of the members I am assisting.  I was emotional when I posted – which everyone knows not to do.  In addition, my inability to express myself clearly, succinctly and without bias showed a complete lack of the skills which are demanded of a LCdr.  I clouded and confused the issue for the original poster.  My post was unhelpful and served only to derail an individual’s brutally honest and valid question, and as Mr. Edward Campbell pointed out in the Gaza/Israel thread, I need to give myself a kick in my ass.  He gave me good advice when I joined which was to assist others wherever I can.  I did not do that in my last post.

To clarify, my comments about intolerance were not in any way directed at anyone posting on this topic nor were they in response to any of the replies.  I hadn’t even read most of the replies – I simply read the part about the poster feeling “strange” for having this concern – a concern shared by the individuals I am trying to assist and I reacted poorly and unprofessionally.  I am supposed to know better.  I am paid to know better.

I post this apology with a promise not to contribute emotional garbage to this board in the future and to provide the guidance and counsel that one should expect from a Senior Officer in the CF.



MARS said:
Subject: Apology

Nicely worded follow-up, and also a good point to make that not all discomfort can be solved with acclimation - there will always be individuals with personal issues related to this subject that arent so easily solved.

Members should also consider that working with persons from other countries and cultures can also have its consequences when those same foreign military members have issues with our lack of concern over nudity.  This can result in many humourous situations, but can also lead to personal conflict.  In one case I recall, the foreign member was a Muslim and was offended by one of our members walking around with only a towel, which almost got our member stabbed.  Others may have similiar stories...
Yrys said:
Not enough from my feminine side  :D (pictures, picture  ;) )

So have you been inundated with X-rated photo-laden PMs from every perv on the site yet?
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