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September 5th Selection Board

Uhhh mE!!! im having some sever anxiety!!! cant sleep..and I have a fitness test to do on the 1st!! and im going mad!!
I am. I'm so nervous and excited! The captain doing my interview says I should be picked up on this board, but you never know what to expect, and this is my first selection. Good Luck to all!!  :D
I hoped to make it by September 5th...but I still have to do my fitness and interview. I'm still not sure if my medical has come back from borden yet  ???
I hope to make it for the 5th, and i still have my fitness, interview, aptitude and medical !! Hopefully they'll call me this week.

no not nervous.  Impatient maybe, but not nervous. 

Hey Semper, I don't know

that picture looks alot like Elizabeth Hurley.

you related?
if not, then, you're welcome.

Hate to bring anyone down, but I was of the understanding that your name wouldn't even make it to selection at all until all your papers were in order.  CFAT, PT, Medical from Borden, etc.....

Could anyone with any insight/experience give us a run down of the steps to selection, from application onward?

Also, what's the difference between being merit listed (what does it mean?) and being selected on a selection board?


Those waiting on the Sept. 5th selection may want to read thishttp://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33812.0.html and then ask your recruiter about it... I am 99% sure that it is accurate information but maybe someone else can get the confirmation from another recruiter... If this is the case then there could be phonecalls in a week or so from that board!
I would prolably of made it for the September 5th selection...but my recruited told me not to book my fitness test until my medical came back...then I just got a phone call yesterday asking me why I didn't do my fitness yet :crybaby: Oh well I got it on monday :)

Don, you are correct... you only get selected/meritted...when your fully processed. CFAT,Medical,Fitness test, Interview..and all the paperwork is done^_^

I heard this from kinscanucks a while ago.. so its correct :P
Well my file is completed and i am waiting the call for bmq so i called the army today and they said that my file is still in Ottawa and to call them back after september 5th during the week of september 12th they might have an answer for me....well i am impatient i want to go in the army so bad.

Cheers  :salute: :cdn: :salute:
Im excited too and well motivated. I missed july 18th because I wasn't on the merit list.
Its worth the wait though. Extra wait always means extra preperation especially physically. I dont know if we will be getting a call right away as some people havn't for weeks after being selected. Also, I hope that I dont get the call a week or 2 before BMQ; a few weeks or more will get me better equipped. I still have a job, so I also have some explaining and notice to give if im selected... and a car to sell to say the least. It's almost crunch time. I hope you get merit listed soon Scotty and Wolfe.
I'm also merit listed for September 5th board. I hope I'm selected, I'm tired of being a reservist :P

:salute: :cdn:
Hi Again,

Search and you will find answers.....

Check out this thread...


All the best guys...

darlingdon76 said:

Hate to bring anyone down, but I was of the understanding that your name wouldn't even make it to selection at all until all your papers were in order.   CFAT, PT, Medical from Borden, etc.....

Hey all,  As of a week and a half ago my Recruiter said all I was waiting on was to be merit listed, so I hope I'm selected with this board.

I'm nervous as all heck, but mostly I just want to get it over with and move on to BMQ.

I hope to be selected. I am also tired of being a reservist. I talked to a recruiter and he said I was almost guaranteed to be called so I hope to be on BMQ soon. Good luck to everyone else.
There seem to be numerous threads with the same content!! :) :)

My husband will also be on the Sept.5 board for 031.  Crossing fingers over here too!
Mojo Magnum said:

no not nervous.   Impatient maybe, but not nervous.  

Hey Semper, I don't know

that picture looks alot like Elizabeth Hurley.

you related?
if not, then, you're welcome.

AHAH thanks...Not related...but Im originally from Europe, maybe there's something in the water there??

Oh yes...so I did my fitness test on the first and passed! I had such anxiety because of it...I was never more nervous in my life.  I felt like I was going to mess up BIG time on the pushups.   But, I passed and it's ALL dandy.   4/4 (CFAT, Interview, Medical, Fitness)   Hoping to get selected on the 5th!!! Not nervous or anxious anymore...just SUPER EXCITED

If it turns out we are selected, when will we find out? Good Luck to everyone listed