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September 2009 BMQ

kking311 said:
Im leaving Sept 14th for Borden hope to see some of ya's there

You're leaving Sept 14th? According to the joining instructions, we should arrive prior to 2 p.m. on the 13th (Sunday).
Celticgirl said:
You're leaving Sept 14th? According to the joining instructions, we should arrive prior to 2 p.m. on the 13th (Sunday).

I'm not sure they told me i would be going Sept 14th and comming back Dec 18th..but im going Sept 4th to get Sworn in so maybe they will tell me that then.
Hrm that told me Sept. 8th till Dec. 11 at Borden. Do they have multiple BMQs starting at Borden at different dates so close together?
danteh said:
Hrm that told me Sept. 8th till Dec. 11 at Borden. Do they have multiple BMQs starting at Borden at different dates so close together?

Dunno they might ..we will know when we get there but ya that is close eh?
danteh said:
Hrm that told me Sept. 8th till Dec. 11 at Borden. Do they have multiple BMQs starting at Borden at different dates so close together?

They gave you dates....for YOU......i doesnt matter what dates they give to other people.
danteh said:
Hrm that told me Sept. 8th till Dec. 11 at Borden. Do they have multiple BMQs starting at Borden at different dates so close together?

There are two dates for Borden...8 Sep and 14 Sept. Regardless of the date, you should arrive the day before as per the instructions. Definitely ask CFRC staff for confirmation when you swear in, though. They should provide you with a copy of your joining instructions then, anyway.
Well Guys, I am starting BMQ Starting September 08, 2009 in Borden Ontario Very Nervous and excited both. Trade chosen is RMS CLerk Royal Canadian Navy. My Enrollment Date is September 02, 2009. Hope to see more people there.
danteh said:
Hey Hey! September BMQ in Borden for Infantry :D Leaving on the 7th. And it goes from Sept. 8 to Dec. 11. Hope to see you all there!

I am also leaving on September 7th for Borden starting BMQ from September 08 to December 11. RMS Clerk for Navy. Will see you there.
got  my call august 14th  swaering in on the 15th of september and then off to st jean september 27th  for comm research.... :)
Got my call today for Veh Tech...swearing in Sept.4, flying to Borden Sept.12, BMQ starts Sept.14.  ;D
I get sworn in on the 14th and heading to St.Jean on the 26th and BMQ starts on the 28th...

2 questions, 1) Why would I be deployed 2 days prior to my course starting? Time to get settled? That would be nice, but would also make me very anxious. Unless, im taking a bus... Im not taking a Bus from Calgary am I? heh. If so, oh well, but I sure hope not.

2nd question, anyone else on this course date?
I just got the call a few days ago for my second choice of combat engineer (no more infantry slots apparently) and I'll be going to St. Jean for the 28th. It's good to see a few other people on the same course, I was beginning to wonder.

prairiediver said:
Why would I be deployed 2 days prior to my course starting? Time to get settled? That would be nice, but would also make me very anxious. Unless, im taking a bus... Im not taking a Bus from Calgary am I? heh. If so, oh well, but I sure hope not.

One day is your travel day.  Unless you're flying out of Calgary at oh-dark-stupid (really early), it will be late when you arrive in St Jean.  The next day will give you a chance to get "settled in" and all the other course candidates will be arriving that day.
PMedMoe said:
One day is your travel day.  Unless you're flying out of Calgary at oh-dark-stupid (really early), it will be late when you arrive in St Jean.  The next day will give you a chance to get "settled in" and all the other course candidates will be arriving that day.

Thanks !
Hey, I'm getting sworn in on Sept 8th and leaving for BMQ in Saint-Jean on the 27th.
Lavitz said:
Hey, I'm getting sworn in on Sept 8th and leaving for BMQ in Saint-Jean on the 27th.

Looks like i'll see ya there! PM me your last name so we can chat when we get there.
prairiediver said:
Got my call !!! Im leaving Sept.26th to St.Jean, I start sept.28th! See you all there.

Prariediver, I leave and start the same date! see you there