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September 12th to December 9th Basic

Atticus, I asked that as well, but apparantely it is still a go. Seven weeks or so in lenght. It seems like all those courses are in shambles, nobody knows how long each course is or where it will be. This is what I got from my recruiter, 13 weeks BMQ, 7 week SQ (Gagetown), 12 - 13 week Armoured DP1 or whatever the hell it's called now, again in Gagetown. Sigh, I guess the best thing to do is the same thing soldiers have been doing for centuries. "On the bus, off the bus"  ;D

    I was told that my Basic starts on the 12th of september to the 9th of december, so odviously its changed to 13 weeks.  Its been changed to 13 weeks because they want to have more focus on pt.  So for those who are going on the 12th, I'll see you over there.
More focus on PT? Thats great, I remember reserve BMQ where I came off the course lazier and fatter than when I went on :P.
Island Ryhno said:
Also about the BMQ in Borden, again from the recruiter, sometimes they put overflow "purple" trades (i.e. supp techs, cooks etc) in Borden to do the BMQ.   8)

I'm going to Borden on Sept 26 BMQ and I'm going for NAV COMM.
Alright so one more time, a little more clearly; if you are combat arms you will [glow=red,2,300]most likely not be going to Borden[glow=red,2,300] everyone else is apparantely fair game.
Island Ryhno said:
Alright so one more time, a little more clearly; if you are combat arms you will [glow=red,2,300]most likely not be going to Borden[glow=red,2,300] everyone else is apparently fair game.

Actually, i just did an update interview and pt test this morning, and I asked where I was going for BMQ, and it turns out I am going to Borden from Sept 26th to Dec 9th, a 10 week course.  I'm going to be infantry with the PPCLI.  Another guy who was there is going to be on the same course as me, also for infantry, also PPCLI.
I hope i don't end up having to go to Borden.

Just because i live so close to Borden as it is and would much rather go away for a few months to another province.

But i was also told that since i live so close to Borden don't expect to be placed there.

So i dunno...
Hello Everyone

I just got "The Call" and am heading off to basic on the 10 September with the course starting on 12 September in St Jean. I was selected on the 18 July board for Cbt Engineer. My course number is 0216 and I thought that I would just say Hi to anyone on here that I will be on course with.



PS Whatever happened to hurry up and wait. From these dates it seems to be lots of hurry not so much wait.
Superrampie said:
PS Whatever happened to hurry up and wait. From these dates it seems to be lots of hurry not so much wait.

I have been selected for a few weeks now or so i have been told.  But have still not recived any official call or a start date. so on and so forth.

not much hurry lots of wait over here
  I was also selected on the July 18 selection board for 031 Infantry. Still haven't got a phone call yet but I don't expect one until at least until the end of this month. What were you selected for Newell?
Received the call the day of my graduation in June and I'm off to St.Jeans for BMQ on Sept.12th  :salute:

...days are going soooo slow now :(
We're in the same boat Bradboy. Kincanucks told me I was selected for infantry from the July 18th selection board but I haven't received a call yet. When I did get ahold of someone at the recruiting center I was told there is no job offer on my application. But talking to a buddy of mine who just did their basic for infantry there is a lot to figure out as SQ is being phased out, or something like that. My buddy told me that there is a bunch of infantry recruits who finished their BMQ and are waiting on their SQ and the new recruits for infantry will have the new 14-week(I think 14 weeks, it's longer anyways) course.

So I'm hoping that it's just a matter of scheduling all the infantry recruits in and that I don't have to wait till January for basic. But, I'm just glad I made the selection board, so I know I'm "in" I just have to be patient and wait for my crack at it.
Hey everyone, I was told by my RC that BMQ's are starting about every 2-3 weeks. It sounds some what correct, as it seems that there is one on Sept 12 and one on Sept 26. I got the call today. I was offered 043-Combat Engineer. I go to BMQ September 26-December 9.

Good luck to all of you. Hope to see some of you at BMQ.
It seems that the engineers are going to be raiding St. Jean.  I was sworn in today, and 2 others are also going for engineers and have basic the sametime.  See you there.
Thats great, any idea on what the additional time at BMQ will be spent on???

I heard that they might be having more of an emphasis on physical fitness, but not 100% sure.
its all about the PT.  The guy at the recruiting centre in Toronto told me that its for the nintendo generation, or for the people who arn't in good shape.  So it should be fun!!