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Sailors to Wear CADPAT?

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In Hoc, actually the big paycheck for AF guys pulling the pin applies to "seized-rotor" types...I might be able to get a job slinging elephant dung in Nigeria (or other equally nice job in the shark-infested commercial rotary market...)...hmmm, note to self, stay in CF and have fun at what you're doing.  ;D

Ready Aye  ( <- note the near-automatic deference now to Her Majesty's senior service? ;) )

Ex Sea Cadet seems to recall that "pusser" "tiddly" "shipshape" and "Bristol Fashion" were all used interchangeably.  Why they couldn't just say "neat" or "tidy" is beyond me... ???
Kirkhill said:

Ex Sea Cadet seems to recall that "pusser" "tiddly" "shipshape" and "Bristol Fashion" were all used interchangeably.  Why they couldn't just say "neat" or "tidy" is beyond me... ???

Because we're sailors...it's called Esprit de Corps! we have traditions that set us apart from others.
It's a damn good thing that I have ready aye ready in my favorites....
trying to translate some of this stuff is tough!

Kirkhill said:

Ex Sea Cadet seems to recall that "pusser" "tiddly" "shipshape" and "Bristol Fashion" were all used interchangeably.  Why they couldn't just say "neat" or "tidy" is beyond me... ???
But pusser and tiddly are different.  Pusser refers to something that is very proper and regulation, while tiddly refers to something that is very fancy.  Matelots in square rig often had their tiddly going ashore blues with various non-pusser modifications.
Thanks for clearing that up Gino.  So pusser, shipshape and Bristol Fashion all equal Regimental or dead Reg.  Tiddly is the odd man out. 

Cheers. :)
I have be assured by one of our Supply Techs on-board we will indeed be getting "Naval CADPATs" in the next couple of years as our walking out dress.  Think of them in hues of blue/navy blue vice the greens presently used by the Army/AF. 

Personally I am puking at the thought of having to appear in public dressed in that fashion.  My wife would pee her pants laughing if she saw me dressed in that.  Aliens must have control of the Dress Committee's minds to have come to this decision.  :-X
Funny isn't it?  How is it that this supply tech has this information?  Is this like the pay clerks talking about raises?  I really do find that funny though. 

Its all rumours until we are dressed like clowns walking in and out, do you think that this (if it happens) will coincide with the 2010 100th bday of the navy?  Why again are we walking in and out in one rig, changing onboard into another rig?    All I know is that I have my COTP in and hopefully I won't have to worry about the blue cadpat.............

You know Ex that would not suprise me in the least. 

I apologize in advance for this

I really didn't take this thread seriously I just thought "No way!  We'll never where CADPAT."  How much gas do you have to huff before the idea that sailors in CADPAT is a great cost saving measure???  Honestly how can plain old grey or blue material cost more than CADPAT a meterial not only designed to disrupt your silhouette but also to reduce IR signature.  Its just not possible!  Some guy at the factory must have calculated how much more material it would take to cover the entire CF and then told his buddy in NDHQ, AKA Fort Fumble.  "Hey I got crazy Canadian price for you!!!"  Just like the guys in Turkey trying to sell me a CK leather jacket made from goats.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!  To much talk of CADPAT makes Navy Blue go a little bonkers  :blotto:

Navy_Blue said:
You know Ex that would not suprise me in the least. 

I apologize in advance for this

I really didn't take this thread seriously I just thought "No way!  We'll never where CADPAT."  How much gas do you have to huff before the idea that sailors in CADPAT is a great cost saving measure???  Honestly how can plain old grey or blue material cost more than CADPAT a meterial not only designed to disrupt your silhouette but also to reduce IR signature.  Its just not possible!  Some guy at the factory must have calculated how much more material it would take to cover the entire CF and then told his buddy in NDHQ, AKA Fort Fumble.  "Hey I got crazy Canadian price for you!!!"  Just like the guys in Turkey trying to sell me a CK leather jacket made from goats.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!  To much talk of CADPAT makes Navy Blue go a little bonkers  :blotto:

Well as the guy that started this thread I must say that I didn't make it up. I heard it from a guy who sits on that committee. Admiral Buck saved us from it the first time it went around but you have to remember that the Army is in charge right now....read the Armour Corps is in charge. They think CADPAT is the cat's pajamas and can't really get their minds around why the rest of us think it's a bad idea...look what they did to the Air Force! And yes they are thinking bottom line and not really thinking about how ridiculous we will look coming alongside in a Foriegn Port.
I watched Athabaskan come alongside after a 6 month NATO this morning and thought....wouldn't this look funny if they were all in CADPAT! ::)
Like others have said...if they do this the CO will likely have them coming into port in DEU....the officers and POs were all in whites today anyway.....lots of fun eh?? ::)
.......but you have to remember that the Army is in charge right now....read the Armour Corps is in charge. They think CADPAT is the cat's pajamas and can't really get their minds around why the rest of us think it's a bad idea...look what they did to the Air Force! And yes they are thinking bottom line and not really thinking about how ridiculous we will look coming alongside in a Foriegn Port.....

Wow!  Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist at it's best.
Don't worry. Ya'll will be in good company since the US Navy for all intents & purposes is doing the same thing with a blu/grey/black digital uniform. You'll get used to it. Fortunately, when they switch uniforms, a pay raise almost always goes with it :P
George Wallace said:
Wow!  Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist at it's best.

Not at all. I'm not one who believes in conspiracies. I'm observing what's going on. Check out the number of senior Navy officers pulling the pin up in Ottawa right now. There are a lot of disgruntled folks...why do you think that is? It's not over CADPAT. The current administration believes that the Navy and the Air Force are the means to transport the Army into theatre to do the real work. The CADPAT issue is a symptom of the overall plan...one big happy JARMY.
What colour is going to outline the rank and name badges on the Navy CADPAT?  I guess we can use the blue of the AF, since our CADPAT will be a different colour anyway.  Should save some money there what with not having to make new epaulets.  ::)  Oh, and we'd better change the colour of the ship's ballcaps again, just to make sure that they really match....

The Jordanians appear to be ahead of the game
...... I'm observing what's going on. Check out the number of senior Navy officers pulling the pin up in Ottawa right now. There are a lot of disgruntled folks...why do you think that is? It's not over CADPAT. The current administration believes that the Navy and the Air Force are the means to transport the Army into theatre to do the real work. The CADPAT issue is a symptom of the overall plan...one big happy JARMY.
Lots of disgruntled Army personnel are pulling the plug also.  No points for you there.

I suppose you have another means in mind to transport the Army into Theatre, something other than the Air Force or Navy?  I guess you are still lost in some other happy place, that never existed at any time.  Wasn't it the Navy and Merchant Marine who moved the Army to Europe in both World Wars?  I don't think we had a Navy capable of moving the Little Army to the Boer War, so they had to do the 'Rental' thing.....but that was then, this is now.  Time to open up to the fact that you are in the CF.
Sure we may just be nothing but transports, but you can't transport anyone without a good escort, so there will always be a need for a CPF/Air support.....  Personally I would love to give my army brothers a lift to an operational area, just don't look for me to give up my 3 hot meals a day, showers, clean sheets, duff, beer, movies, internet, steak night, runny scrambled eggs, banyans, fat chicks who think they are hot because they are the only ones around.  Call me a taxi driver, I don't care.

Ok maybe that was a bit much. 
Admiral Buck saved us from it the first time it went around but you have to remember that the Army is in charge right now....read the Armour Corps is in charge. They think CADPAT is the cat's pajamas and can't really get their minds around why the rest of us think it's a bad idea...look what they did to the Air Force!

Total BS - CF dress is decided by the CF Dress Committee, which includes representatives from all services.  The Air Force decided on CADPAT when we had an AIR FORCE CDS.  Artificial interservice rivalry does no one any good - especially with the operational tempo the way it is right now.  The fact of the matter is that if the Navy decides to wear CADPAT, it is almost entirely a NAVY decision.  Check the minutes of the CF Dress Committee if you don't believe me.

Not at all. I'm not one who believes in conspiracies. I'm observing what's going on. Check out the number of senior Navy officers pulling the pin up in Ottawa right now. There are a lot of disgruntled folks...why do you think that is? It's not over CADPAT. The current administration believes that the Navy and the Air Force are the means to transport the Army into theatre to do the real work. The CADPAT issue is a symptom of the overall plan...one big happy JARMY.

Like who?  Like officers within their retirement zone?  Give your head a shake.  The Army happens to be carrying the bulk of the current operational tempo.  Moreover, we're dealing with a completely different operational paradigm than in previous decades - I suggest you learn to live with it.  The Navy can hardly complain with JSS and BHS projects underway and with new shipboard helicopters about to be delivered.

I loathe interservice crap like this.  It does none of us any good and we have much bigger fish to fry; guys are getting killed on operations right now FFS.


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