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Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

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When I would get a cramp I would just gouge into it with my hands and keep at it. After a few minutes it would always go away.
University life was not kind to my body, and now that I'm done I've been losing a lot of weight.  I've lost enough now that I can start to run again without fear of my heart exploding.  I need to get some new gear, however.  I'll mainly be running on nature trails and access roads.  The things I want to get are as follows:

Good Trail Running shoes.  Old nikes aren't going to cut it anymore.
Good socks (polypropylene?).  Cold sweaty feet aren't pleasant.
Some sort of backpack hydration system with a >1L capacity and some room for a bit of gear (cellphone, knife/saw, extra laces, granola bar).

I'm largely clueless when it comes to trail running shoes.  Most of my previous running was on a treadmill or on sidewalks, and I realize that trail running is a different proposition altogether.  There's a lot of "The North Face" gear being sold locally, and their shoes seem OK but I don't really know what special features I should be looking for.  As for socks, I've had polypropylene socks recommended to me, but I can't really find any.  Most that I've seen are mixtures of various fabrics, or are CoolMax (wtf is that?).  Socks are important kit, so I don't want to make the wrong choice.

As far as hydration systems, I've been looking at the Camelbak brand, as I'm not familiar with the quality of the other brands.  The models that seem in line with what I want are the M.U.L.E., the Mini M.U.L.E., and the Lobo.  "The North Face" also offers two models (the "Dogfish" and the "Thresher"), but I don't know how reliable they are.  I'm mainly concerned with minimizing bounce, and having the weight being distributed properly between the hips and shoulders.  Camelbak offers fanny-pack models for runners, but I'm concerned that they don't have a large enough capacity (both in water and storage). 

Also on the subject of gear, I'd also like to pick up some extra wide insoles for my Danner Arcadia Boots.  I've got a set of Matterhorn Dryz that came with my old boots, but they aren't wide enough to be comfortable for long distances.  I end up with blisters where my feet rub against the edges.

Any suggestions or advice would be great.  Also, if you could post websites from Canada where I can buy gear, it would save me a lot of time and trouble wading through the crap that comes up on Google.  If you need any extra info to help give advice, just ask.

Try Runner's World which rates trail shoes and if you dig into their web site - hydration systems too.  Me I run with a Louis Garneau (Canadian) system which has worked for a while.  I never liked fanny packs as I found they bounced to much and chaffed considerably - plus my CD always skipped - might not be a problem with my MP3 player now ;D. What kind of trail you running on?  Unless you are talking some serious rocks and bush-whacking most shoes can take the wear and tear of prepared gravel trails.  Another alternative site to get some good deals on new shoes (although I have not personally bought shoes yet) is EBAY.
Dominus; I Highly recommend you go with camelback, although they are slightly more expensive than the other brands, you pay for what you get. I have my own camelbakc and I love it. I've tried other brands such as the M.U.L.E and there is no comparison. I can carry 1.5 litres in mine and I don't even feel the extra weight, also, I have plenty of extra room for other items without having any bulk. My specific model offers the main water pouch, as well as an added pouch for other items, also it small sidepockets some with zippers and others with simple mesh. The weight is very well dispersed with the aid of the regular shoulder straps, but also with a cross-chest clip as well as a waisclip making the system feel virtually weightless. The pack is tinght enough to eliminate water slopping around and creating an annoyance. If there is one thing I would recommend is getting a "bladder" (the water compartment) with a twist-on cap as opposed to the ones with a folding closing  mechanism. I have the latter of the two and although I have not run in to any leaking I would feel safer with a twist-on cap. I have even word my camelback between my back and my heavy ruck, and i have never run into any problems. GO CAMELBACK!
some of the threads I pulled up using search and the term "running BMQ"


Before you start asking anymore questions that have already been answered before, immediately go to this thread


and this one

my rugby coach told me cramps and pains like that, are "just weakness leaving the body".... wether or not that's right, I'm not sure lol
Adrian_888 said:
my rugby coach told me cramps and pains like that, are "just weakness leaving the body".... wether or not that's right, I'm not sure lol

And that is exactly the kind of thinking that over a course of five years seriously messed up my legs to the point of requiring surgery to fix the problem.  Pain is not weakness leaving the body.  Pain is pain. Like it says in one of the links I posted above, sharp stabbing pain is indicative of a problem requiring immediate medical attention.  It is a very thin line between hard and stupid.
When I run, I feel good, I can breathe fine and everything, but after a minute or two my legs star to hrt like crazy. My lungs feel like they can run all day, but I can only run for 10 mins becuase of my legs. Does anyone know what that is, it isn't shin splints, becuase its my thighs, do I need to work on my legs when i work out, or what.

Any advice

hurt how? Cramping? Stabbing sensations? Pins and needles? Burning?

If it's just cramps, you're probably not hydrating. If that's all it is, drink more water, and eat a 'nanner a day.

Have you read through this thread, and my thread on Blisters, Shin Splints, and PT without finding a solution? Actually, I know you haven't read this one, from the thread I deleted in the Recruiting forum.
I guess I need more water, but the "nanners" isnt going to happen, I live in a remote community in the NWT, fresh fruit just aint gonna happen, anything else for pottasium.
well, potassium is found in beef, fish, milk, but mostly in fruits and vegetables, like potatoes (baked is best). But it's mostly in fruits like avocado, bananas, melons, raisins, grapefruit, oranges, most of which, you stated, is not an option. Can you buy potassium supplements at the drug/grocery store?

As for hydration, if you read my thread, you'll see that I talk about keeping a water bottle nearby, and drinking some throughout the day.

Now, what kind of shape are your shoes in? If they're old and worn, replace them. It could be contributing to your pain.

Finally, there just comes a time when you gotta say "screw it" and push through the pain and discomfort. Just learn to differentiate between Hurtin' and Hurt.
ReadyandWilling said:
I guess I need more water, but the "nanners" isnt going to happen, I live in a remote community in the NWT, fresh fruit just aint gonna happen, anything else for pottasium.

Yes, but they sell Centrum and potassium supplements at Northern, and both will help you replenish supplies of potassium. Pears are also a better source of Potassium than bananas.

If you plan ahead a bit, you can get fresh fruits and veggies brought in on the flights from Inuvik, both NorthWright and Arctic Wings have a service that will do it (for a fee).
Yah, this is a hurtin thing, so am gonna continue to run, but maybe it is the hsoes, I do have flat feet, and bad shows, maybe not the best combination. I am gonna work on the Hydration thing. I think that is a big problem, I drink tto much milk and not enough water.

GO!!! said:
Yes, but they sell Centrum and potassium supplements at Northern, and both will help you replenish supplies of potassium. Pears are also a better source of Potassium than bananas.

If you plan ahead a bit, you can get fresh fruits and veggies brought in on the flights from Inuvik, both NorthWright and Arctic Wings have a service that will do it (for a fee).

yah but I also have a strict budget to work with,  and Northwright charges by weight for all food shipped in, i do a food mail order when I can, but thats only when i can. And still the fruit and veggies still arnt great but i do get them.
I was just browsing the internet for running tips when I came across this website www.coolrunning.com I found it very informative, and here is a link to a training program designed to get beginners from 0-5km runs in 2 months http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml.
i should be starting my BMQ just after christmas i believe, so I have some time still to get my cardio up. However I've been noticing as of late that my times are increasing on the 2.4km run even though I believe im running at the same pace. I'm doing 2.4km in about 13 minutes. So i was curious if it would be wise to try to sprint a lap (400m) take a small walking break to catch my breath and then go at it again until i do 6 laps? Or should i just stick with doing the 6 laps at the same pace and hope it will pick up?

hopefully that wasnt to confusing  :-\

Pte. Kingsberry said:
I was just browsing the internet for running tips when I came across this website www.coolrunning.com I found it very informative, and here is a link to a training program designed to get beginners from 0-5km runs in 2 months http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml.

Hi Red storm, you should try the technique shown in the website that Pte. Kingsberry posted, I found this website months ago and followed the program, YES, it really works well I had to stop in between because of my ankle injury, but I shall start again as soon as this stupid ankle heels, good luck with your training.

cheers snowy ;D
RedStorm said:
i should be starting my BMQ just after christmas i believe, so I have some time still to get my cardio up. However I've been noticing as of late that my times are increasing on the 2.4km run even though I believe im running at the same pace. I'm doing 2.4km in about 13 minutes. So i was curious if it would be wise to try to sprint a lap (400m) take a small walking break to catch my breath and then go at it again until i do 6 laps? Or should i just stick with doing the 6 laps at the same pace and hope it will pick up?

hopefully that wasnt to confusing  :-\

well. Congratulations on showing us that you chose not to actually READ any of the threads on running, since EVERY ONE of them has advocated sprints.
RedStorm said:
i should be starting my BMQ just after christmas i believe, so I have some time still to get my cardio up. However I've been noticing as of late that my times are increasing on the 2.4km run even though I believe im running at the same pace. I'm doing 2.4km in about 13 minutes. So i was curious if it would be wise to try to sprint a lap (400m) take a small walking break to catch my breath and then go at it again until i do 6 laps? Or should i just stick with doing the 6 laps at the same pace and hope it will pick up?

hopefully that wasnt to confusing  :-\


You're referring to High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and it is an excellent way to improve your conditioning and body composition. I've incorporated 400m sprints into my regular training regiment and man, is it brutal!

Paracowboy has written some good info related to this.

Check http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=459414 for some programs to try out.
Well i had blood work done 2 weeks ago to find out i had low blood sugar i was a bit freaked out thought maybe diabetes! But that's not the case! My doctor told me that because i am training so hard and not eating enough protein my blood sugar is low! So I was reading up on all the whey products out there and was wondering if its a good idea?