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Running Self assessment.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gibson27
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Ahh.. sorry, I misunderstood.  I thought you did the treadmill thing for a CF-related reason.  Fireman... fire service... good job and good stuff!  :salute:
Cheers Casing and thank you. No, the Fire Service VO2 was never Military related but I am curious to know if Military Fire Fighters must do CPAT, thought I saw something that said that they do. I know that their QL3 is pretty demanding physically from talks with serving and former members. I applied 651 last year but was punted from the process for medical reasons, still waiting to hear back from Borden to see if there can be an appeal of the decision. I'd be interested to know if anyone has any info on this...appeals with the RMO, I mean.

Thanks Again!
My best time tonight for the 2.4K run was 11:49....... Damn i'm proud, not too shabby for a guy who started running outside 2 weeks ago. But then again i have been bodybuilding for a year and a half.

Striving for at least 10:45....... and bring my weight down to 200lbs before the basic training... I'm 218 now.... Good thing i know how to loose weight quick, but 18lbs in less than 6 months is a joke for someone in my sport.........

oh, I envy you. I've been trying to work on my running for a while now and I'm barely in the acceptable range. It's so hard to stay motivated. I'm not much of a runner sadly. How do you do it ??
Your not a runner, I'm 6'1  and 218........ i was 265 a year ago with over 30% body fat. i have been bodybuilding since april last year flat out,

5 days a week i do cardio for an hour, plus my 2.4 k jog 3 times a week, the other few days i go for distance at 5km aprox.

I know a good cardio interval training program that will benefit you alot if your intrested.
I'd be very interested.
I work out at the gym 3 times a week and I've been concentrating alot on upper body strength and working on the running when I can but I'm not too good at it.  I'm only 5'3 and there isn't a lot to me sadly. hehe.
But I would definatly be interested in your training program thing.
thanks :)
It's quite simply actually,

each interval on the treadmill consist of 30 seconds.

Start at 5mph of five minutes as a warm-up, then 6mph for 30seconds and then back to 5 after the 30 seconds are up. do the intervals for a total of 5 mins.

Then go from 5.5mph to 6.5 mph for 5

6mph to 7mph for 3

5mph for 5 as a cool down, then walk for an additional 5

try that for a few weeks with no cheat and then go higher, add in stepper and crosstrainer cardio as well.

It worked for me excellent and lowers your heartrate after a period of time.
Just a running update, my time tonight was 11:41....

not too bad considering i did an hour of cardio at the gym beforehand, gonna take my own advice and do my interval training, looking at 11 mins in two weeks....... ;D
Well it's true, here at the recruiting centre in St.John's NL you are required to do the aptitude test before they even give you an application. Crazy huh? Either way i did a little better than the average. I can apply for anything I wish.

However i send in the application a week after and it was returned because it wasn't completed correctly. They wanted certified highschool marks, and birth cert. Well that's a setback and I also needed to include 2 letters of reference. No problem there.

SO hopefully I'll be able to get everything together by the end of next week and re-send the completed application and do the waiting thing.

Will keep you posted.
I have heard that there is no fitness test anymore but despite that I'm training like there was. My 2.4 km times have progressed as follows (I've only run 3 times since I started training). I haven't run in a couple of years. Its not really my thing. I'm 37 by the way.

First time=14 minutes, 20 seconds (sat)
2nd time = 12 minutes 30 seconds (thursday)
3rd time = 11 minutes, 45 seconds (today, friday)

So I have cracked into the acceptable area I think. I am a hiker thus I have strong legs and pretty good endurance.

Now those damn pushups, I struggle to get 5 in!! That's what I need to work on! ;D
You have a long way to go. My advice: less time on computer..more time in working out.
dont even think about the 2.4 km, a word of advice, just run about 5-6km 3 times a week, dont worry about your times, once you can run that easily (without to much pain)then start to worry about time, even then in basic it was never really you run as fast as your slowest person, it was not like that at all in my platoon, we had several marathon runners that could do 9 or 10 km no problem at under 5 minute km, and people like me, that could run forever at their own pace, since joining i have been workin on time by using interval training, run one km hard and walk the one km then decrease the walk time, works great,  while in POET i learned that trick and i am running under 5 min km for 5 km or less, longer runs i hover around 5-6 minutes, which is ok, my build i am no way a mrathon runner, i run for rugby reasons
Wright said:
even then in basic it was never really you run as fast as your slowest person, it was not like that at all in my platoon,


What do you mean by the above statement?? Do you mean they just expect you to run as fast as you can, but not necessarily all at the same pace??
They want to seeu improve and push yourself, you may get grief along the way for being a bit slower, but if you pass your express test and push yourself you are all good
I always run a few 2.4kms a week, in addition to some 6-10kms. My time for tonight was 8:30, and sadly I think I'm approaching a threshold where I probably won't be able to do it in less then 8 minutes like I've heard some can.  :-[
popnfresh said:
I always run a few 2.4kms a week, in addition to some 6-10kms. My time for tonight was 8:30, and sadly I think I'm approaching a threshold where I probably won't be able to do it in less then 8 minutes like I've heard some can.  :-[

Man I wish I was 17 again.
And Im not old!
I always cringe when I look at Marathon times, guys running 42 km in 2 hours and 45.  Staying at a pace of under 10 minutes per 2.4 km for 42 kms is an absolutely amazing example of the human body in top performance!  Amazing what training can do.
8:30 is a great effin time.....i wish lol,

we do a PT500, i am sure some of you have heard it and to get 100 points on the run you need to run a 8:40 on the 2.4km
Support tradespeople like me need to make up for lost time sitting behind a console or desk. 

You should see the looks I get when I finish first in runs.  ;D