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Running cadences, on the ipod!


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Might sound wierd.. But a couple weeks ago i just got off BIQ, and figured that it would have been nice to have my mind fixed on something else on those 10km runs. So i found a cd of American army/ranger running cadences. None of that violent/overly graphic stuff from full metal jacket(oh i wish i could find some of that!  ;D) but it was decent and had nice beats to most of the tracks.

So just tonight i went out to the local track with my ipod and listened to the whole cd, and found that i ran way better to it. I always wanted a good way to pace myself, and not being a runner i found it hard to keep a good pace! But this was a simple(and fun) way to do it... Hell, you even get some interesting looks from civvies  >:D

Just want to know everyone elses thoughts on this kind of thing.
I like listening to some heavy metal, and the occasional cadence when I go running. Keeps me focused I find and I seem to keep a pretty good pace.
If you look in the Itunes Music store (ITMS) and make a search with Nike, you will find a few running program for different needs.

I have bought  on ITMS a ruining when I was...well...fatter then now (still and fat but that an other story) and the program was good...different tunes and different beat...I think its worth to look over.

Not that much expensive (more or less 12-14$) if i remember correctly.
What work for me is :

Sound track "THE ROCK"
Sound track "ROCKY 1 to 5 "
Sound track "Gladiator"


Happy running :)
If you look on iTunes (or any other music store) you'll find "Running with the USMC", "Running with the US Navy SEALs" and other such titles. They're basically (obviously) compilations of cadences.

I also find it easier to pace myself--or in my case, to kick my own behind--with cadences blaring in my ears; I just try to keep the same pace as I hear (the sound at least, maybe not the length of the steps) and I run a lot faster than I would just following my own speed.
If you one the best tool, get the Nike+ Kit... You press the center button of the iPod and they tells you your time on the run and your pace !

At the end you'll get a graphical view of your training and time for every kilometer !

Want to see a graphs: http://triathlonben.blogspot.com it's in french but the graphic a language free.
I run to cadence as well and find the same thing.  Keeps me motivated to go farther and sometimes faster
When jogging/running I listen to cadence. I haven't found anything better to help me keep a regular pace and motivate me to keep going. For intervals, sprints. and other forms of training I use a custom soundtrack made up various metal and hip hop.

podfitness.com has a bunch of running cadences set to different paces - the music is not bad all club stuff so there is quite a bit of techno