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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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It also depends what you want to do in the long term future. Are you going to be in the military forever? What degree are you looking for? Do you plan on ever working in the civilian world after?

Also, would you be attending these other universities on your own time and dime or through ROTP?
Cookie89 said:
Hi, I'm new to this website, today.
I'm currently at the stage of waiting to hear back from RMC to see if I'll be accepted. I've also applied to a couple civi U's.. Recently I've been talking to people about RMC and have heard nothing but bad reports... Things like, "The people at RMC are super cocky", "RMC is like 4 years of BMQ" and "After RMC everyone is brainwashed and crazy". I've gone thorugh Reserves BMQ and SQ so I'm not completely oblivious to the ways of the military, but is RMC really as bad as everyone says? If Im offered Civi U should I take it, or go to RMC?

Comments from former RMC students would be appriciated...

Those who badmouth RMC are those who have had bad experiences with the College. I have been in the RMC ROTP program for 4 years now and while I do have some gripes about the program which I will not air here, I will say it has been an excellent experience. I am a third year cadet at the moment and I will say that the life I live now is nothing like BMQ or IAP/BOTP. I have the freedom to leave campus when I please, dress how I was outside of school hours. There are cocky people at RMC, but that is par for the course. I have dealt with ROTP civvy U pers and reservists who are just as bad. Be very careful with these generalizations, else you may end up convincing yourself not to take what may be one of the best opportunities that will come your way this early in life. For what its worth, those are my $0.02.
I have a family member in RMC at this time.  Here's my take on it from his observations.  Paid for.  Lots of time off, and you get paid for it. Summer deployment to some interesting places.  You get paid for it.  You make an obscene amount of money at graduation for no work experience. You get to be part of the RMC Business Club which means you will always find a good paying job, making an obscene amount of money.  The level of  quality of your degree is the same as the better universities.  It's free.  You are obligated to work for  the Military for X years and get paid, then you can leave, but why would you?  It's organized, unlike civil universities.  First year:Boo Hoo it's tough.  It's the military. Tough is what it's about.  If you have doubts and believe rumours, perhaps civil route is for you.
22B said:
The level of  quality of your degree is the same as the better universities.

I would be inclined to disagree with you on that one. Having been in quite a few engineering jobs and talking to all sorts of types it is their view that the value of the RMC engineering degree (I can't speak for other degrees) is not all that great. These are the people that are hiring so their opinion does matter to a certain extent.

That being said, RMC is still a good deal, you forgot to mention that on top of getting paid you are also getting a pension.
Welcome Cookie89

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Allow me to address the point of cockiness and RMC students.

That's total bullsh*t.  RMC students come from diverse backgrounds and from all across Canada.  For the most part, they are polite, articulate, and agreeable people.  Having attended three post-secondary academies and having visited countless more, I'd have to say RMC students are the most down to Earth of them. 

In regards to the quality of education, that's up to the student.  Some graduates may leave an academy prepared for the workforce, others may not.  As for the military, you will find your post-university career not influenced by the academy you attended, but rather by your attidude, bearing, and application of skill.
I just finished talking to my cousin who was in RMC and he was telling me how great it is to know all the people and be with them for 4 years... yes he was telling me that he first year sucked, but oh well its only a year right? Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it guys  :salute:
I did a search and missed it, IF SO, please delete my thread.

In Canadian Colleges/Universities you have
a 3 yr degree and a 4 yr degree. Im still trying to figure that
out. So my question in relation to ROTP is, Do you need the 4 yr degree
or will the 3 yr degree work as well?

See note #3 below the chart. 3 Year degrees are NOT NORMALLY open to RO/RETP's nor is the BMASc. We have UT's in 3 year programmes and in the BMASc programme, but I do not know of any RO/RE's in either.

That doesn't mean there aren't any (there are over 1000 or them here at RMC) here or Civy U, I just don't know any.
You can do CivU and 3 years program

And I'Ve seen 1 ROTP do a 3 years program at RMC (from Sept 2001 to May 2004).  It's a VERY rare occurence and is not normal at all (the person had a good reason why).

Good day all... I also posted this in the 'Training' forum but I figured I'd try here as well.
I'm an infantry Officer Cadet at Civy U, and I'm doing BOTP from 7 May-22 Jun.  I miss CAP by 5 days... so I have over 2 months to find EWAT or something else to do.
One thing I would like to do at some point is my Basic Para course... so I figured why not this summer when I have lots of time to waste.
Because I'm at civy u however, I know the likelyhood of me getting on it is slim go none.  I know at RMC it's a lot easier to get on one... so I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions as to how I could.
Some people were suggesting just to show up in Trenton on the day of... as they do the PT test the first morning and if anybody fails then I could take their spot.  But I don't wanna show up and them be "OCdt who? get the fuck out of here"
Any suggestions?
LittleMagellan said:
Some people were suggesting just to show up in Trenton on the day of... as they do the PT test the first morning and if anybody fails then I could take their spot.  Thanks.

I don't think it works that way...  Talk to your ULO and see what he/she can do for you.  Tell why you want it and someone might be able to help you out!

Well it's kind of complicated because the ULOs only take care of the academic administration and it's the SEM advisor that takes care of the military training... I asked my SEM guy in the fall and he just flat out said no without even trying anything... I think he was just too lazy to figure out the options.  The reason why I say this is that the CO of the SEM group of CFRG had said during the summer that it was a possibility...
LittleMagellan said:
The reason why I say this is that the CO of the SEM group of CFRG had said during the summer that it was a possibility...

Did you say that to your SEM?

I'm going to write him a memo.  I just didn't want to piss him off because he was already so adamant.  I was also afraid that if he did say no and I managed to get on it another way he would not be happy about me going behind his back.
LittleMagellan said:
Good day all... I also posted this in the 'Training' forum but I figured I'd try here as well.
I'm an infantry Officer Cadet at Civy U, and I'm doing BOTP from 7 May-22 Jun.  I miss CAP by 5 days... so I have over 2 months to find EWAT or something else to do.
One thing I would like to do at some point is my Basic Para course... so I figured why not this summer when I have lots of time to waste.
Because I'm at civy u however, I know the likelyhood of me getting on it is slim go none.  I know at RMC it's a lot easier to get on one... so I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions as to how I could.
Some people were suggesting just to show up in Trenton on the day of... as they do the PT test the first morning and if anybody fails then I could take their spot.  But I don't wanna show up and them be "OCdt who? get the frig out of here"
Any suggestions?

Not sure who you're talking to, but the only people I know with wings around are either got them before they joined (with the reserves) or there took a jump course in the states when they did the exchange with USAFA.

Good luck though! I've got a whole summer of OJE somewhere... 2IC Coffee Maker here I come :S
FWIW, a friend of mine who is a Reg Frce Infantry Sgt who is posted to a Light Bn this summer was on stand-by for the last Basic Para, and he was down in Trenton for the day of the PT test in case someone failed.  Him and 7 other guys that are all "require" the course now.  Tuesday of the course, he was back in our Div at CFLRS, teaching BMQ again, cause he wasn't high enough on the stand-by list.  There was only 1 spot, and 8 people for it IIRC.

From what he was telling me, there is a "waiting list" of guys for the course, so you may find yourself hard-pressed to get on a course now, when there are guys posted to Light Bn's who need the course.

Also... dont you need some BASIC courses before you can even be considered for Basic Para? I mean... completing your MOC may be a good way to go? I've been waiting for years to get on a Para course. The chances for PRes MedTechs were slim then, and it's even slimmer now, that I'm an HCA.
Yeah... well I knew the chance was slim to none... but that wasn't really my question.  I was asking what should I do to even attempt to get on some waiting list or give myself the even slightest possibility to get on it...
the only requirement for Officers is to have BOTP done, which I will have by the start of the basic para course date.
My trade is infantry, so it will be relevant to me in the future.  And like I said, I will otherwise be picking my nose for two months and would like to make use of my time as best as possible if I am given the opportunity
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